However, Lu Li took his punch so casually.

This man... is not simple!

But this was not enough to surprise Di Ni.

After a failed attack, Di Ni suddenly raised his right leg and slammed his knee into Lu Li's abdomen.

However, just as his leg was raised, Lu Li's foot had already stepped on his knee.

The powerful force made him unable to use his strength.


I thought my speed was fast enough, but I didn't expect that Lu Li could react in advance.

"Too slow."

A faint voice sounded.

The leg on Di Ni's knee exerted a little force, and Di Ni's just raised leg could only be forced to press down.

Just when Di Ni was about to take further action, Lu Li's other hand had already punched him in the chest.


Sparks burst out from the breastplate.


Suddenly feeling a pain in his chest, Di Ni couldn't help but groan, and his body suddenly exploded back.

After sliding out for more than ten meters, Di Ni stepped on the ground.

He released the force and stopped his retreating body.

Looking at Lu Li who was still punching, Di Ni was confused for a while.

The speed of the knee strike he used just now was definitely not slow.

However, the opponent was able to step on his knee in an instant and see through his attack.

This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do with their reaction speed.

This alone is enough to show that Lu Li is not simple.

Of course, it was just a tentative attack just now, and Di Ni has not used his real ability yet.

His body shook slightly, and the control devices on his shoulders and knees emitted a faint golden light.

Then they were automatically ejected.

Under his control, the four control devices rushed towards Lu Li at a high speed.

To be precise, the control device should be called a combat support unmanned aerial device, which is part of Di Ni's body armor.

When separated, it can be used as a powerful optical weapon and play the role of a combat support type unmanned aerial device.

The reason why it is called a control device is that it can control the actions of the Kamen Rider by wearing it on his head.

The four control devices hit Lu Li from different angles.

The most powerful ability of Di Ni is these control devices.

As an optical weapon, the control device has many wonderful uses.

Because it is controlled by thoughts, the attack of the control device is very fast.

And it can also attack from different tricky angles.

Facing the aggressive control device, Lu Li's mouth corners slightly raised

Since he is going to participate in the Desire Grand Prix, he can't act too outrageous with himself.

Otherwise, how could Niram agree to let him participate?

Pulling out the Wild Slasher from both sides of his thighs, Lu Li held a sickle in each hand and took the initiative to meet the four control devices.

Putting his hands behind his back again, Di Ni thought that he would never lose after taking out the control device.

This is high technology from the future, and there is no way he can lose to Lu Li.

He used his mind to control the control device to launch the attack, and he was not worried that the control device would be destroyed.

After all, the control device and the armor on his body were made of a special material, with super high hardness exceeding diamond.

"Ding ding ding!!"

A cold light flashed in his green eyes, and Lu Li quickly launched a slash.

In just a moment, all four control devices were blown away.

The most important thing is that the four control devices flew in different directions.

This proves that Lu Li launched more than one slash in the moment just now.

"So fast!!"

His pupils shrank suddenly.

Di Ni was in the transformed state, and the dimensional observer on his head could see things that were very fast.

However, even so, he still didn't see clearly what Lu Li had done just now.

After repelling the control, Lu Li directly threw the two awakening sickles in his hands as darts at Di Ni.


The two awakening sickles rotated at high speed under the terrifying power and rushed towards Di Ni at a terrifying speed.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

Di Ni did not dare to be careless, and quickly controlled the four control devices that were knocked out to quickly gather in front of him.

A burst of light was emitted from the four control devices, connecting the four control devices in series, and a special force appeared in the middle.

A strange optical barrier was produced.

The high-speed rotating sickle hit the optical barrier formed by the four control devices

It hit the optical barrier violently, creating waves, but the optical barrier did not break.

Di Ni thought that he could completely resist the sickle by relying on the optical barrier, but when he saw that the fast-spinning sickle did not stop, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.


After being hit by the force of the impact, it seemed to him that the sickle should stop soon.

But it didn't seem to be as he thought.

Suddenly, Di Ni's face changed suddenly.

Because he saw that the almost invincible optical barrier had cracks.

What? !

All along, Di Ni had been able to solve almost all problems with his powerful optical barrier.

But what happened now was beyond his imagination.

The optical barrier that should have been invincible actually cracked.

What kind of power is this? !

The optical barrier does have a very terrifying defensive ability, but there is always an upper limit.

No one has broken this optical barrier before, simply because their power could not exceed the upper limit of the optical barrier.

However, now, the power used by Lu Li has exceeded the upper limit of the optical barrier's defense.

Looking at Lu Li opposite with a solemn face, Di Ni saw for the first time that a knight could break the optical barrier.

Of course, Sier, the founder of the Desire Grand Prix, does not count.

Who is this guy...? !

He can be very sure that the power possessed by the other party is definitely very strong.

If such a guy can join the game, it can indeed add some unexpected fun to the game.

"Okay, let's end the test here. I recognize your power."

He is not sure how many means Lu Li has used, but just based on the fact that he broke the optical barrier, Di Ni must pay attention to Lu Li.

As long as the optical barrier can be broken, it means that the other party can pose a threat to himself.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that Di Ni suddenly stopped at this time.

After seeing his power, if this guy still doesn't stop, he will be the only one who suffers in the end.

Of course, Lu Li didn't think about embarrassing Di Ni now.

After all, he came here to participate in the Desire Grand Prix, not to find trouble.

If he directly embarrassed the operation and slapped the other party in the face, wouldn't it be very difficult to participate in the game?

Lu Li didn't want to create some trouble for himself, which is why he could have solved Di Ni in an instant, but he dragged it for so long.

With Lu Li's strong combat power, even if he didn't transform, he could have solved Di Ni in an instant.

With a light hook of his fingers, the rotating awakening sickle was controlled and automatically flew back and fell into Lu Li's hands.

Lu Li inserted it casually into the storage bag on both sides of his thighs and took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

He didn't worry that the other party would suddenly attack him.

There was no need to do this, and Niram didn't need to fight to the death with him.

At this time, a rash attack on himself would only put Di Ni in a passive position.

Seeing Lu Li take the initiative to cancel the transformation, Di Ni had the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to get rid of Lu Li directly.

After all, if such a dangerous guy joins the game, it is likely to destroy the balance of the game.

But he just thought about it for a while and discarded this idea directly.

One is that he can't grasp Lu Li's strength, which can be seen from the battle just now.

Another is that the current game has always been like this, and it feels a bit boring.

If such a strange guy joins in, it may stir up a different splash.

Lu Li is very strong, that's his own business.

Whether others can win from him depends on their abilities.

And some more powerful upgrade buckles can be opened later, and then other Kamen Riders may not lose.

PS: Thank you-

Eternity Fan Noodles 亻fen for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 671 Niram's recognition, new player! Just looking for fun

Combining the above two reasons, Di Ni has made a decision in his heart.

Then, he also canceled the transformation.

Niram tugged at his plaid suit to make it neat.

Putting his hands behind his back again, Niram had a faint smile on his face.

"The test is complete, Mr. Lu Li, I have seen your strength.

I can let you join the Desire Grand Prix and help you become a regular player of the Desire Grand Prix."

As a senior operation executive and a game producer, Niram is qualified to make such a decision.

Even if Si'er behind him knew, he would not say anything.

After all, adding some new elements to the Desire Grand Prix may attract more viewers.

This is a good thing, and Si'er will naturally not stop it.

Niram continued with a cool toss of his sharp hair.

"Then welcome to join the Desire Grand Prix, Mr. Lu Li."

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