The sword was filled with huge energy, and the entire blade turned red.

Lu Zheng raised the sword, flashed in front of the Titan Longhorn Beetle, and drove the sword across his waist.


The Titan Longhorn Beetle widened his eyes and whimpered.

The huge body exploded.

After getting rid of the Titan Longhorn Beetle, Lu Zheng did not stop, but rushed towards the whitefly alien insect.

The other party saw Lu Zheng attacking and was about to turn around and run away, but Chen Mo beside her grabbed her.

The next second, the scarlet sword blade pierced through the abdomen of the whitefly alien insect.


This alien insect also turned into ashes with the footsteps of the Titan Longhorn Beetle.

Then, Lu Zheng turned his eyes to Xue Lianwu, the Ice Silkworm alien insect.

At this time, she turned back into a human due to excessive consumption. Even if she wanted to escape, she was powerless. She could only stare at Lu Zheng with her eyes, revealing a trace of despair that was difficult to conceal.

However, Lu Zheng did not make a move.


Kivat fell off from the waist and flew away, and the Dark Fang armor on her body also turned into pieces.

"What do you mean?"

Even in the desperate situation, Xue Lianwu's voice was still cold.

Lu Zheng's eyes were calm and said: "You go!"

At this moment, Xue Lianwu and Chen Mo looked at him in disbelief.

After staring at Lu Zheng quietly for a moment, Xue Lianwu finally confirmed that he was not joking.

Pursing her lips, Xue Lianwu turned around and left the warehouse with her remaining strength.

After she left, Chen Mo asked in confusion: "Why let her go?"

"She's a human!"

Lu Zheng took a deep breath and recalled the conversation between him and Zuo Chen when they parted.

"Detective, is this alien insect detector only effective against alien insects?"

"That's not the case. Although this thing is developed and manufactured for alien insects, because the hearing of monsters is more developed than that of humans, they will be affected to some extent."

"In other words, only humans can't hear the sound, right!"

Lu Zheng remembered that when he activated the detector, he obviously felt uncomfortable, but Yi Xiao and Xue Lianwu didn't feel anything.

Yi Xiao is a normal human, but what about Xue Lianwu?

If she is also a human, then there is a possibility...

"Don't worry about her business. What are you going to do next?"

Lu Zheng turned and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I still have to go back!"

"But if I go back like this, I will definitely be suspected..."

Lu Zheng nodded: "I understand!"


Immediately, screams rang out in the warehouse outside the effect.

"Wait, don't hit me in the face!"


On the other side, in the dark alley.

The girl in a light blue dress staggered into the alley.

But after entering, she fell forward weakly before she took a few steps.

Fortunately, she reached out to hold the wall to avoid hitting her head on the ground.

At this time, an ice-blue light flashed on her body, and her body also turned into an ice cicada alien insect in the light.

Unfortunately, before it lasted for a second, her body turned back to human form again.

"Is it exposed after all..."

Xue Lianwu almost lost all her strength at this time, and muttered to herself with her back against the wall.

By the moonlight, you can see that Xue Lianwu's appearance has changed a lot at this time.

The short hair and tall nose were wearing a pair of black glasses on her face. On the last day, many students had returned to school in advance. In the morning, Lu Yan tried to comfort him at first, but later gave up. Bah!

A scumbag still wants true love?

After plugging his ears, the world finally became much quieter.

Lu Zheng held his breath and concentrated, and his consciousness began to communicate


Since he inexplicably entered the altar at the train station last time, he found that his connection with the altar had deepened.

Now he can enter it even if he doesn't sleep.

The altar is still the same, and there is still endless fog around it, but with Lu Zheng's efforts, more and more places have appeared.

The nine round platforms in the middle now stand the forbidden mixed body, the magic tracker, the clown undead beast, the Aquarius star map, the bat tooth blood ghost, the phoenix phantom and the jaguar lord.

There are also several red light balls of different sizes floating in the sky, the largest of which is the Titan Longhorn Beetle alien insect left after its death.

To be honest, the strength of this alien insect is not much worse than the peacock tooth blood ghost encountered before, plus the alien insect's ability to super speed, if it encounters an ordinary king level, I am afraid it will be unable to do anything to him.

Unfortunately, he met Lu Zheng who can completely restrain him.

With a wave of his hand, the ball of light flew into the mist and burst into a dazzling red light.

When the light faded, a large area of ​​fog also dissipated.

The next second, Lu Zheng saw a dream figure in the group of statues.

Ghost Mantis!

So lucky?

Lu Zheng did not hesitate at all, and directly called the remaining light balls into the statue of the Ghost Mantis Undead Beast.

Then he used the attached card to seal it.

With this card, he has collected all the Undead Beast cards in the Red Heart series, and he can use the ultimate form of Calis, Wild Calis.

Although he now has a very powerful Dark Fang Armor, he doesn't want to reveal his identity after all.

With Wild Calis, at least he can have the strength of a king on the surface.

Looking at the remaining light ball, Lu Zheng also threw it into the mist very simply.

Taking advantage of today's good luck, come again!


The red light dissipated.

Although it was not as much as the fog dispelled by the light ball just now, it also revealed more than 30 statues.

Not to mention the miscellaneous soldiers, there was even a statue of an undead beast among them.

Lu Zheng did not recognize the insect monster covered with armor for a while, but saw a seal card of the same type under its feet.

Just as Lu Zheng was about to approach to see the pattern on the card, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of a door panel shaking from the outside.

"Brothers, I'm back!"

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