The moon was hanging high in the sky, and the silver light was pouring down and falling into the sparkling water.

On the road by the shore, three figures, stretched out by the moonlight, were walking stealthily.

The young Taoist priest patted the bald man's shoulder and asked cautiously: "Monk, is it really okay for us to run out like this?"

The monk glanced back at him: "What could be wrong? Haven't you had enough these days? Don't you want to come out for some fresh air?"

"That's right!"

At this time, the middle-aged teacher next to him also interrupted, gritting his teeth and said: "That guy is simply a lunatic, messing with us all day long! If it were you, I would just run away and not go back!"

As they spoke, colorful lines appeared on the three people's bodies from time to time, looking very unstable.

These three people are undoubtedly the three tooth blood vampires Black Bear, Flower Snake and Canglang.

Since they parted in Linghai City last time, they followed the young man named Asi to come here.

They thought they could get rid of the precarious life and live a stable life.

But the three people never expected that this weak-looking young man was actually an out-and-out lunatic behind the scenes.

It was fine at the beginning. They just drew their blood every now and then for research, or asked them to release some life energy. Although they would be weak for a few days after each draw, they could still bear it.

But not long after, the other party disliked their poor strength and said they wanted to improve their strength.

Next, the three blood vampires began to undergo inhumane electric current enhancement every day.

Just today, they finally couldn't stand it and escaped while the other party was doing experiments.

Canglang Blood Vampire hesitated and said, "This is not good, after all, it's the king's order..."

Mentioning the king, the three people's faces showed hesitation.

After all, they came here under the king's order.

But when it comes to loyalty, the three of them naturally don't have it, they are just worried that the king will settle accounts with them later.

However, thinking that he had not seen the king for so many days, the Flower Snake Fang Vampire became bolder: "What are you afraid of? We are just three small characters. Maybe the king has forgotten us!"


The Blue Wolf Fang Vampire still did not dare to make up his mind. When he was about to say something, a figure suddenly whizzed past in the sky.

"What is that?" The Blue Wolf Fang Vampire was surprised.

The other two also saw the figure in the sky.

The Black Bear Fang Vampire frowned and said in confusion: "This breath seems to be the same kind, but it is not quite the same!"

While thinking, the Flower Snake Fang Vampire patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry about this, we have to run quickly!"

It turned out that there were several motorcycle lights shining not far away.

With the moonlight, the light reflected from the knights' armor could be vaguely seen.

"Oh no, it's Kamen Rider! Run!"

The Blue Wolf Fang Vampire turned around and ran away.

The Black Bear Fang Vampire and the Flower Snake Fang Vampire followed closely behind.

However, how could they outrun two wheels with their two legs?

Here, Zuo Chen and the other two also spotted the figure in front of them.

Because the three vampires had unstable auras and colorful patterns on their bodies from time to time, their identities were easily recognized.

"It's a vampire! Do you want to chase them?" Zuo Chen asked.

Long Jing didn't speak for a while. Their primary target was the vampire hybrid, but now they had encountered a vampire monster, so they couldn't just leave it alone.

While he was hesitating, Luo Suchen suddenly twisted the accelerator, lifted the front wheel and leaped into the air.

In the blink of an eye, he smashed in front of the three vampires, blocking their way.

[SATURN READY! ] (Saturn Ready!)

While pushing the Saturn button, Luo Suchen had already turned over and got out of the car, and then pressed the fingerprint to confirm.

[OK SATURN! ] (Finished Saturn!)

The purple cyclone condensed in the right fist to form Saturn energy.

Then he swung his right arm, and the Saturn on his fist split into three and threw out with all his strength, instantly hitting the three vampires.

With a "bang", the three vampires fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

After being beaten, the black bear vampire was furious, and his body could not help but transform into a monster form.

Then he rushed towards Luo Suchen with a flying pounce.

Seeing that the escape route was blocked, the wolf vampire and the flower snake vampire also transformed and joined the battle.

The six people immediately fought in a group.

Originally, these three vampires, except for the black bear vampire's strength

The Flower Snake Fang Blood Ghost and the Gray Wolf Fang Blood Ghost are both at the level of miscellaneous soldiers.

I don’t know what method Ah Si used to improve their strength by a lot.

Facing Zuo Chen and the other two, although they were still at a disadvantage, they still fought back and forth.

At this time, Long Jing suddenly kicked the Flower Snake Fang Blood Ghost and took out the Judgment Memory.

[TRIAL! ] (Judgment!)

In the blink of an eye, the police riders transformed into the Judgment form.

A gust of wind swept past, and the three blood ghosts only felt a flash in front of their eyes. Before their brains could react, each of them suffered a heavy blow and flew out with a "bang".

Before they landed, the police riders in the Judgment form turned into a residual image and rushed up again.

There is no doubt that the three blood ghosts were knocked away again.

This time they directly crashed into the wall not far away, and for a while they were embedded in the wall without falling off.

But at this time, Long Jing had already launched a big move.

Because he had to chase the vampire, he didn't want to waste time here.

[TRIAL MAXIMUM RRIVE! ] (Trial Extreme Drive!)

At the same time, Zuo Chen and Luo Suchen also seized the opportunity and released their ultimate moves together.

[METOR LIMIT BREAK! ] (Meteor Limit Break!)

[JOKER MAXIMUM RRIVE! ] (Joker Extreme Drive!)

The three kicked at the three vampires on the wall and fell instantly.

It's over!

The black bear vampire closed his eyes in despair.

At the last moment of his life, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would not have left the temple. It would be good to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha every day.

Beside him, the wolf vampire and the flower snake vampire had the same expression.

The three of them met by chance and stayed together for so long. It's a good ending to die together!

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Then the figure waved his arm and easily resolved the three knights' ultimate moves.

At the same time, the recoil force made Zuo Chen and the others fly backwards.

When the three of them landed and looked again, the figure that they had not seen clearly disappeared without a trace along with the three vampires.

"They were rescued!"

Under the mask of the police rider, Long Jing's face was a little ugly.

Zuo Chen patted the dust on his buttocks indifferently, turned over and rode on the motorcycle and said: "Don't worry about the vampires, if you don't chase the mixed body, you will lose it!"

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