The two of them were still standing, and the two of them were still standing.

A few streets away.


Lu Zheng threw the three blood-toothed vampires on the ground with a flick of his hand.

After cleaning up the blood slaves in the corridor, Lu Zheng immediately chased in the direction where Zuo Chen and the others left.

Although he arrived later than others, Lu Zheng had the ability to fly and quickly caught up.

Originally, he planned to continue his style and be the sixth man again.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he got close, he found that Zuo Chen and the others had actually fought with the three blood-toothed vampires, the black bear, the flower snake and the wolf.

Seeing that the three blood-toothed vampires were in danger, Lu Zheng had to take action.

After all, these were his only men now!

And judging from the previous encounter, it would be a pity if these three guys died.

"Ouch, it hurts so much!"

After being thrown to the ground, the black bear fang vampire couldn't help but wail.

But then he seemed to realize something and suddenly raised his head.


The flower snake fang vampire and the blue wolf fang vampire also saw Lu Zheng, and their faces were immediately terrified, but more of them were the joy of surviving a disaster.

"Thank you, Wang, for saving our lives..."

The flower snake fang vampire bowed respectfully, but before he finished speaking, Lu Zheng waved his hand to interrupt him, and asked with a puzzled look: "Why are you three here? Where is Asi?"

As soon as these words came out, the three fang vampires immediately complained and talked about the inhuman treatment they had suffered these days.

Lu Zheng listened patiently and had a certain understanding of their experiences these days.

Although these three guys had a miserable life, their strength had indeed improved a lot.

Among the three before, only the Black Bear Fang Vampire barely reached the cadre level, but now the Flower Snake Fang Vampire and the Blue Wolf Fang Vampire have also reached the cadre level.

When Lu Zheng heard about the recent research of A Si, he immediately became interested.

"You mean, he has developed the Kamen Rider system?"

Lu Zheng's eyes lit up, and his tone was a little hurried.

You know, no matter which series, people who can develop the Kamen Rider system are rare talents!

And Lu Zheng was also very curious, in this chaotic knight world, what would the developed Kamen Rider look like?


Seeing Lu Zheng's excitement, the Flower Snake Fang Vampire hesitated for a moment, but still poured a basin of cold water and said: "Actually... it can't be said to be completely successful..."

A moment later, Lu Zheng followed the three Fang Vampires to their temporary base.

An abandoned underground space.

As soon as he stepped in here, Lu Zheng smelled the faint smell of mold in the air.

Although this place has been in disrepair for a long time and the environment is dark and damp, fortunately, no one would notice it on weekdays, which is just right for them to live.

Most importantly, there is no need to spend money here!

Needless to say, the three blood vampires have no money on them.

As for Asi, looking at the environment here, you can tell that he is not well-off.

Although Lu Zheng didn't recognize any of the various instruments on display, from the appearance, these are probably second-hand goods bought cheaply, and some may even be picked up from the garbage dump.

"Wang, this is us..."


Before the black bear blood vampire finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion, and the whole basement was shaken a few times.

The cracked cement wall also protested under the heavy load and fell off several large pieces.

"What's going on?"

Lu Zheng looked surprised, but the three blood vampires were already used to it.

At this moment, a young man's angry curse came.

"Damn, failed again!"

A Si came out with a thick smoke, a messy face, and even black smoke in his hair.

After coming out, he saw Lu Zheng at a glance, and just greeted him calmly: "Hey, you're here!"

Lu Zheng nodded and got straight to the point and asked: "I heard that your research on the transformation device was successful?"

"There is still a key technology that has not been broken through, but it is a preliminary success!"

As he said, he began to perform.

I saw that Si raised the device he had just held in his hand. At this time, Lu Zheng realized that it was a mechanical bat that looked and colored very similar to the clown bat.

However, this bat did not move, and it did not have intelligence like the kiva clan.

"Black Bear, come!"

The black bear fang vampire named by Si was caught in the face

With a bitter look on his face, he nodded reluctantly.

The next second, he turned into a beam of light and flew into the bat's mouth, turning into a black whistle, and cooperated with Asi to complete the transformation.

A burst of special effects flashed by.

(Special effects are self-imagined)

Asi had a set of armor that was not much different from that of Dark Fang, but there was no cloak behind him that symbolized a strong man, and the momentum he exuded was also very different from that of Dark Fang.

Judging from the momentum alone, this knight armor that relied on the black bear's tooth blood ghost to transform was not as strong as the black bear itself.

Without waiting for Lu Zheng to ask, Asi explained: "This device can only transform with the help of the tooth blood ghost, and the energy will be lost a lot during the transformation process, so the power that can be exerted is also greatly reduced."

After that, Asi canceled the transformation.

The black bear's tooth blood ghost also returned to its original form in a burst of white light, but it looked much weaker.

Asi continued, "I do have a solution to this. I have already made an energy extraction device that can extract the energy stored in the vampire, or add a device that can absorb energy to the armor."

At this point, Asi was inevitably a little proud.

Without financial support, he was able to research the knight device with only some data he collected and a pile of junk like garbage. He can definitely be called a genius!

But then he frowned and sighed, "Unfortunately, this is not a long-term solution. I have never known how to perfectly solve the energy problem!"

"It's amazing that you can do this!"

Even Lu Zheng gave a thumbs up at this time, and he admired him in his heart.

Although Asi's invention is still very simple, how many people can do this?

The power of the knight has come to this world for so long, and I haven't heard of anyone who developed their own transformation device!

Even the mass-produced knights in the official hands are directly obtained from the technology of the Kamen Rider world.

At this moment, Lu Zheng suddenly remembered the vampire hybrid he had recently encountered, and immediately raised his lips and said, "Have you ever considered integrating the power of other systems?"

The prototype of the fang vampire seems to be a vampire!

So the power of the two is connected, which seems to be very reasonable!

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