After a while, Lu Zheng left the basement.

But the two reached another deal.

He would help Ah Si bring the vampire memory, and in return, the other party would share the technology with him.

In fact, Lu Zheng valued Ah Si's ability more, and had some ideas of recruiting in his mind.

After discovering that there were so many weird organizations in this world, he already had the idea of ​​forming his own power.

After all, reality is not a movie, and personal heroism is not allowed. And even in the original book, those organizations have strong capabilities.

The most important thing is that after his own power develops, he will also be able to protect his family.

Of course, these are all later.

The most important thing at present is to catch up with Zuo Chen and the other three.

"It should be this direction, right?"

Looking at the thick moonlight, Lu Zheng chased in the direction where the three people left in his memory.


At midnight, the chill gradually deepened.

A dark cloud appeared in the sky, and the bright moon was also lightly covered, becoming more hazy and beautiful.

In a park, Li Qingyan, who had transformed into a vampire hybrid, folded his wings and landed in front of the grove.

Not long after, Zuo Chen and the other two also arrived at the same time.

Li Qingyan turned around and looked at the three people, and sneered calmly: "You really dare to chase me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I must catch you today!"

Long Jing took the lead and rushed forward before the car stopped, but was pulled back by Zuo Chen.

"Don't be impulsive, be careful of an ambush!"

As a detective, Zuo Chen is not stupid. The other party fled all the way here, and since he dared to stop and wait for them, there must be accomplices ambushing in the woods.

Luo Suchen stared at the woods, he had sensed several cold breaths, and said in a cold voice: "Come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a few strange laughs came from the woods.

"Oh hahaha..."

Six figures flew out, all of them looked like vampires like Li Qingyan, but their breaths were strong and weak.

Of course, even the weakest one was much stronger than Li Qingyan.

"Is this the Kamen Rider? It's really powerful!"

One of the vampire hybrids licked his lips, revealing his long fangs, and smiled: "I just don't know if the blood of the Kamen Rider is more delicious than that of ordinary people, hehehe..."

Li Qingyan snorted coldly when he heard this: "These guys are not easy to deal with!"

But his words immediately attracted a round of ridicule.

"Haha... Do you think we are as useless as you!"

"That's right, but a few Kamen Riders scared you to death!"

"We are now noble vampires, what are we afraid of Kamen Riders!"


Looking at the other people talking nonsense, Li Qingyan's face turned pale.

And the three people with the same bad face as him were Zuo Chen.

"There are seven of them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!" Zuo Chen said in a deep voice.

"We will know if it works after trying it!"

Long Jing directly took out the trial memory and pressed the start button.

[TRIAL! ] (Trial!)

Luo Suchen didn't waste any words and followed closely to push the Saturn button on the Meteor Galaxy.

[SATURN READY! ] (Saturn Ready!)

Then enter the fingerprint to confirm.

[OK SATURN! ] (End Saturn!)

The battle is about to start!

Although several vampire hybrids mocked and belittled Kamen Rider, they did not take it lightly during the battle.

Moreover, vampires have various abilities. Not only can they fly, but they can also split into countless bats to avoid damage, which made Zuo Chen and the other two miserable.

Especially one of the most powerful vampire hybrids, whose movement speed was amazingly fast. Although it was not as good as the police rider in the judgment form, combined with other abilities, it was difficult for Long Jing to gain any advantage in a short period of time.

And when his acceleration time was over, he was instantly counterattacked fiercely.


The police rider was severely injured and fell straight to the ground like a meteor.

The two vampire hybrids next to him rushed forward and wanted to go forward to finish off the knives and beat them to disintegration.

At this time, Zuo Chen appeared in time, blocked in front of Long Jing and punched each one, temporarily repelling the vampire hybrids.

"Hey! This won't work, think of a way!" Zuo Chen turned his head and shouted.

Long Jing stood up with difficulty and gritted his teeth and said, "Hold on a little longer. I just called

Call the headquarters for reinforcements!"

When Zuo Chen heard this, his heart sank: "Brother, this is the suburbs! By the time the reinforcements arrive, we will be dead!"

He turned around to avoid an enemy's pounce and continued: "Are there no other team members nearby? "

Long Jing glanced at him, without answering, but raised the engine sword and rushed towards the doped body on the other side.

Needless to say, Zuo Chen already knew the answer.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

You are a captain after all, can't you bring some people with you at ordinary times!

Among the three people, Luo Suchen is in the best situation.

The power of Kamen Rider Meteor is not bad, and he is proficient in martial arts. He can hold back four doped bodies by himself, and he is not at a disadvantage at all, which greatly relieves the pressure on Zuo Chen and Long Jing.

[OK SATURN!] (End Saturn!)

Luo Suchen saw the opportunity and used the Saturn skill to throw out three energies, instantly repelling the three people.

However, another vampire doped body took the opportunity to go around behind him, and held him in place with his arms around him.

Luo Suchen struggled hard twice, but before he could break free, his eyes suddenly went black and his abdomen was hit hard.

At the same time, an electronic sound effect sounded.

[JOKER MAXIMUM RRIVE! 】 (Ace Extreme Drive!)

It turned out that Long Jing dragged his injured body to exchange a chance for Zuo Chen to kill.

It must be said that the cooperation between the two was very tacit.

It was a pity that although a doped body was dealt with, Long Jing's body finally couldn't bear it and withdrew from the transformation.

"Are you okay!"

After Zuo Chen released the Knight Kick, he hurried to Long Jing and helped him up.

"I didn't... be careful!"

As Long Jing spoke, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow coming quickly.

Without time to think about it, he pushed Zuo Chen away and rolled to the other side.

I saw a vampire doped body spread its wings and pounced, and after a hit missed, it immediately turned back and pounced on Long Jing, who was no longer protected by armor.

"Get out of the way! "

Zuo Chen warned him in a lost voice, but he also knew it was futile.

How could Long Jing, who was already injured, dodge this attack?

However, it was too late for him to rescue him at this distance.

At this critical moment, a knight with a shadow rushed into the battlefield in an instant.

[MACH!] (Jaguar!)

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