In the surveillance video, a group of black shadows suddenly appeared in the empty yard.

These black shadows moved at a strange speed. After entering the yard, they quickly rushed into the soldiers' rooms, and then the soldiers walked out of the rooms.

Everyone was carrying a gun.

Seeing this, everyone understood the general situation.

The fat man said,"It seems that you are possessed by evil spirits!"

"Evil spirits, what evil spirits?"

These soldiers didn't know much about the forbidden land of Miaojiang, so they didn't know the situation of the evil spirits.

Therefore... when they saw Jiang Chen, they didn't look too surprised.

And hearing their puzzled questions.

Hu Bayi explained to them:"These black shadows are evil spirits. Once you are possessed by them, you will act according to their ideas, and you will not have any memories!"


"Is there such a thing?"

"Isn't this a ghost? Do ghosts really exist?"

The soldiers were even more confused.

The audience in the live broadcast room also started a heated discussion at this moment.

"It seems that these soldiers did not watch Brother Jiang Chen’s previous live broadcast!"

"He must not have seen it, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to know about the evil spirits. It is even more impossible for 643 to doubt the existence of ghosts. Now even gods have appeared, so what else can't appear!"

"Yes, when we were in the ancient tomb, that strange man summoned millions of ghosts. I still remember that scene until now. I would have nightmares at night. It was so scary!"

"We can’t blame these soldiers. They must have been concentrating on guarding Kunlun Mountain, so they had no time to watch the live broadcast. However, it can be seen from this surveillance video that something strange did happen in Kunlun Mountain. These black shadows are similar to the black shadow on the strange man at that time!"

"Yes, they are obviously possessed by evil spirits. If it weren’t for Brother Jiang Chen’s magic, it would be difficult for them to wake up!"

Looking at the frowning brows of the soldiers, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to see themselves at the beginning.

Because at the beginning.

They didn't believe that there would be any evil spirits... and they didn't believe in the existence of magic.

But after watching the live broadcast of the exploration of the forbidden land, they couldn't help but believe it!

After all, these things appeared directly in front of them.

They couldn't help but believe it.

Xia Guoxing also took the opportunity to explain to these soldiers again, and at the same time turned around and looked at Jiang Chen and said:"Brother Jiang Chen, do you think this has something to do with the weird man in the Miaojiang forbidden land?"

Jiang Chen thought about it, then nodded.

To be precise- it is not related to the weird man, but to the black dragon.

Although the figure of the black dragon did not appear in the surveillance picture, Jiang Chen could sense the breath left by the black dragon in this yard.

This group of black shadows must have been released by the black dragon.

It was the same as the last time he dealt with the female corpse in the jade coffin.

He directly used the Qingxin spell to wake up these soldiers. Right now.

Seeing Jiang Chen nod, the fat man took a breath and said,"Brother, is it really related to the man in the Miaojiang Forbidden Land? Didn't you kill him at that time? Why is there still his figure here?"

Hu Bayi was also curious and asked,"Yes, brother, is that man not really dead?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips slightly.

It was difficult for him to explain this matter.

The strange man actually died a long time ago. It can even be said that he had died thousands of years ago when he was possessed by the black dragon's soul.

The strange man who appeared later had long lost his consciousness.

It was all controlled by the black dragon.

However, this black dragon only used part of its soul to possess the strange man. At that time, Jiang Chen didn't know where the rest of the black dragon's soul went.

Even if he saw it here now... he didn't dare to be sure that the black dragon's soul really existed here.

It is possible that the remaining soul of this black dragon has left the Hell Eater Valley Forbidden Land and went to other places.

So in order to figure out all this, they must enter the Hell Eater Valley Forbidden Land and explore the situation inside.

In addition... this forbidden area is not as simple as it seems on the surface.


Jiang Chen first arrived at Kunlun Mountain, in addition to sensing the soul breath of the black dragon, he also felt another very powerful breath.

This breath is more terrifying than the black dragon.

Moreover, it exists in the forbidden area of the Hell Cannibal Valley.

"It seems that there are still things I don't understand here, I must go in and take a look!"

Jiang Chen made up his mind.

He glanced at Hu Bayi, then shook his head and said:"All the answers are in there!"

Everyone followed Jiang Chen's line of sight and saw Jiang Chen staring at the forbidden area of Hell's Man-Eating Valley. They couldn't help but shudder.

Just after getting off the plane, they encountered such a weird thing.

Anyone can guess how dangerous this Hell's Man-Eating Valley is!

But Hu Bayi and the others had no choice, who let the fat guy's hands be naughty, so they could only follow into the forbidden area.

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and said:"Director Xia, please get us a few guns, we will follow Brother Jiang Chen directly into the Hell's Man-Eating Valley to check it out. The longer we delay, the more likely it is that something unexpected will happen!"Xia Guoxing listened to Hu Bayi's words.

He nodded.

Many soldiers on the side were stunned.

They were shocked and said:"You... Director Xia, they are going to enter the forbidden area of Hell's Man-Eating Valley?"

Xia Guoxing nodded and said,"Yes, this time they came to Kunlun to investigate the brothers who had disappeared before, and it is a good opportunity for them to explore this forbidden area together!"

"No, this is too dangerous!"

"Even if you have guns, you can't go in. It's really scary in there. You just saw what we encountered. This is at the gate of the forbidden area. If you go in, you will definitely encounter more bizarre things!"

These soldiers were still a little worried.

Their duty is to guard here to prevent anyone from entering the Hell Man-Eating Valley and dying.

After all, no one who has gone in... has ever been able to come out.

They didn't want Xia Guoxing to die with the others.

The fat man took the opportunity to say,"Comrades, don't worry, we won't die so easily!"

These soldiers wanted to say something else.

But they were interrupted directly by Xia Guoxing.

He didn't want to waste more time here, so he quickly asked these soldiers to take them to the warehouse to prepare to equip Hu Bayi and others with some weapons.

At the same time.

Jiang Chen did not follow. He stood outside the warehouse and directly opened the system, ready to take out the magic sword Jingzhe.

Just after turning on the system.

When the magic sword Jingzhe was about to be taken out, the system sent another prompt——


【It is detected that the host possesses the ancient black gold sword. The magic sword Jingzhe and the ancient black gold sword can be fused together. Does the host need the fusion?】



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