Foggy Village.

At this moment, Terumi Mei's beautiful eyes widened in shock, with an incredible expression on her face.

"That's how Sarutobi Hizen treats this kind of hero's son!?"

, \"Child abuse?\"]

"Fourth Hokage, is that the handsome guy named Namikaze Minato?"

"Namikaze Minato... Compared with this name, his famous nickname \'Golden Glitter of Konoha\' is even more shocking!"

"In the third ninja world war, he made great achievements and became famous in the whole ninja world. He even became the fourth generation of Hokage and sacrificed to save Konoha. How could his own children be treated like this!?\ "It is estimated that if Namikaze Minato is alive in the sky, I am afraid that he will not be angry and come back to life!!"

Sand Hidden Village.

Chiyo's mother-in-law couldn't help sighing when she saw this scene in the picture.

Grandmother Chiyo's own grandson, Scorpio, also lost both parents since childhood.

But he has at least one grandmother who loves him.

And Naruto in the picture, not only no one cares about him, but even the people around him are very disgusted and spurned by him.

It's almost exactly the same as what happened to me in Sain before.

As a person who also has grandsons, the mother-in-law Chiyo can't stand the behavior of Hiruzen Sarutobi at this moment.

"Hey... people are doing it, and the sky is watching. Sarutobi Hidden...

Don't you fear retribution for doing so? "

Granny Chiyo sighed silently.

Cloudy Village.

"The child of the fourth Hokage? Could it be that \'Golden Glitter of Konoha\'?"

Raikage Ai asked the fourth generation.

"Yes sir, Konoha's fourth Hokage is exactly the Namikaze Minato with the name of \'Golden Glitter\'.\"

Aside, Mabuyi replied.

Hearing this, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the fourth generation of Lei Ying.

--Thinking back then, he brought his younger brother Kirabi, and fought against that, the golden glitter!

However, even with the perfect Eight-Tailed People's Pillar Force, the initial battle was only a draw.

Of course, it is a tie rather than a lose-lose, and the more reason is the sympathy between the heroes.

Therefore, when thinking of this, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai couldn't help but suddenly have a prejudice against that Sarutobi Hizan.

"Even the children of such a great ninja hero are subjected to such abuse!?"

\"Hahaha! I can be said to know why the former senior Konoha called Danzo, why did he so unscrupulously experiment with babies and bully the director of the orphanage." Crooked, in the same line!!”

Rock Hidden Village.

"I can't even fulfill the last wish of a junior and descendant before he dies. How did Sarutobi Hizan become Hokage!"

"If I, Yanyin, have such heroes and heroes as Naikaze Minato, I will supply them directly!"

Onogi thought so in his heart.

"Zhonglie's orphans are treated like this!?"

"What a Konoha who respects the old and loves the young, and everyone is peaceful!"

The live screen continues:

[On Naruto's table, there are milk that has expired, and several cups of finished and unopened instant noodles. 】

[“Huh, today is the day of the genin exam!”]

【"Finally graduated from Ninja School!"】

[In the picture, Naruto said with an excited expression, and after devouring it, he hurried out the door. 】

[The screen flashes and I come to the gate of the ninja school. 】

[I saw all the children gathered in front of the Ninja School, all with happy expressions on their faces, sharing their joy with their parents. 】

["I've become a ninja!\""Good job, as expected of my son!\""Congratulations on your graduation! Mom will cook something delicious for you tonight."] [It's all very joyful. Except Naruto. 】

[At this time, Naruto looked lost and sat alone on the swing beside him. Away from the noisy and cheerful crowd. 】

[At this time, some parents noticed Naruto. 】

["That's the kid. It seems that he is the only one who failed."]

["Humph! That's what he deserves! If someone like him can become a ninja, that's bad!\"]

The ghouls are sealed, and death is in the belly.

[Whirlpool Kushina: Hey! Tell me clearly, what is "that kind of person"!? What happened to my Naruto, why can't I become a ninja, why is it bad!!! Woohoo...] said Then, the whirlpool Kushina couldn't help crying:

Why? why……

Why is Naruto being treated like that?

Oneself, didn't I have already entrusted the three generations of adults? Didn't the three generations of adults have already promised themselves? ?

147 But why? Why? ...

Why does Naruto still eat instant noodles and drink expired milk even when he is graduating from the ninja school? What the **** is going on...

The whirlpool Kushina collapsed, and burst into tears in Namikaze Minato's arms.

Namikaze Minato comforted his wife, and felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing his son, after he left, he actually lived such a life.

Namikaze Minato was very heartbroken.

At the same time, his heart was also full of anger towards Sarutobi Hizen.

At this moment, Minato Minato clenched his fist tightly.

If, if, he can be resurrected.

The first thing is to question Sarutobi Hizan, what is the situation of these things! ! !

And if the answer doesn't satisfy him...

The sound of 'Kahah Kahah' came from Minato Minato's clenched fist.

Pure Land.

After seeing Naruto drinking expired milk and eating instant noodles.

The crowd fell silent.

Back then, what was the purpose of establishing the Shinobi Village in Senju Hashirama?

Don't you just want children as old as them not to be eroded by war, so that children like their younger brother Senshou Banma can be spared from tragedy? But now that Shinobi Village has been established, why are the children still living? So miserable! ?

The baby was directly used as a test product by the senior officials of Konoha for human experiments; the director of the Konoha orphanage was forced out of the task and finally died;

The orphan of the fourth-generation Naruto hero, he has been rejected by everyone since he was a child, and he is mentally PUA.

The original intention of establishing the village was to protect the children. As a result, the Ninja Village was established, but the children lived in dire straits;

Hokage's mission is to protect the village and protect everyone.

The results of it?

The child of the four generations of Hokage, the orphan of the hero, was excluded and humiliated by everyone!

Come on, you translate for me, translate what? It's called "Peace"! ?

Now there is only one thought in Hashima Tobirama's mind, that is, resurrection, and then beat the three generations!

Chapter 72 Heroes orphans are excluded, rotten shadow grandson holds stinky feet! What's the point of this bitch? !

The question now is, how can we beat the dead monkey of the three generations of Sarutobi Hibiki!

[Swirl Mito: Since this list can wake us up, there will definitely be a way to master how to bring us back to life. 】

[Swirl Mito: There must be more than one insidious list on this list. When the time comes, if you are listed on other lists and get rewards, there may not be no chance of resurrection. 】 Hearing this, everyone agreed.

[Senju Hashima: I must be on the list, and after resurrection, I will hoist Sarutobi Hibiki with a hammer! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Big brother, add me! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Don't say Odoudou, I'll hit you now! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Ah, bro, don't! I didn't know that Hiruzen Sarutobi would become like this... Don't slap your face, big brother! 】

The world of ninja.

Rock Hidden Village.

"The orphan of Hokage, the son of a hero, eat instant noodles and drink expired milk? Sarutobi Rizou B666!"

Onogi couldn't help but sighed:

"It really doesn't work, I'll go to Yanyin to help bring this nine-tailed man back to raise him. If nothing else, at least our Yanyin Village, ramen, fresh milk, have enough!"

Sand Hidden Village.

"Although I am poor and lacking in materials, an eleven- or twelve-year-old kid can still afford it."

"Hisaburi Sarutobi, if you really don't want this nine-tailed man to help you, that's okay, bring Naruto to my sandy hidden village to raise him!" Granny Chiyo thought to herself.

Foggy Village.

Terumi Mei sneered and said:

"Oh, it's rude to meet people!"

"Poor Pidai Hokage has been conscientious all his life, and even died for the sake of the village, and in the end, his own children are treated like this?"

"I'm dying of laughter, is this Konoha's attitude towards heroes and orphans!? Is it to make the little girl look up to you\'Ah!\"

Cloudy Village.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

"Golden glitter children are treated at this level!?\"

"When you are a teenager, you eat instant noodles and drink expired milk!?" "You stinky old man, Sarutobi, next time I see you, I will greet you with Lei Dun armor first!" angrily.

The screen continues.

[At this time, Naruto is in the process of registering for the graduation of the ninja school. 】

[Three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hizen is discussing with Naruto about the funny photo of Naruto with his painted face. 】

【At this time. ]

[A little boy suddenly broke in, interrupted Naruto's file registration, and shouted:]

[\"Grandpa! Let me have a showdown! The fifth Hokage is my Lord Konoha Maru!"]

[Speaking, this little boy charged towards Sarutobi Hiizan with a shuriken. 】

【\"Oops!" Suddenly, Konoha Maru tripped herself and fell to the ground. 】

["Damn! Is this a trap?々.!" Konoha Maru stood up and shouted. 】

[At this time, Ebisu, who was in charge of Konoha Maru's safety education, rushed in and glanced around and said:]

【"Ah! No, it's okay, young master! Besides, there are no traps here!?"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, Ebisu saw Naruto who was registering the information file in the room. 】

[Ebisu's black glasses flickered, and he secretly said in his heart: "Hmph, it's the nine-tailed fox demon kid, he is the tail of the crane that I hate the most!"]

[At this time, Konoha Maru also came to Naruto and pointed his finger at Naruto's nose imposingly:]

【\"It's you! It's you who did some tricks to bring me down!\"]

[On the side, the three generations of Hokage held their chin with both hands and watched this scene silently. 】

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