The ghouls are sealed, and death is in the belly.

Seeing Konoha Maru's arrogant appearance, coupled with Konoha Maru's "grandfather" to Sarutobi Hidden. Xiao Chili suddenly became restless.

Emotions, for your own grandson, are delicious and delicious, and there is a special ninja teacher behind it. For our Naruto, just stock it up, and you don't care if the villagers treat him coldly and violently! ?

Also, now, it's time to register the files for graduation from Naruto Ninja School! ? It must be something very important! ? Your grandson just barged in like this and pointed at Naruto without saying anything?

You are still indifferent! ?

Suddenly, Little Pepper couldn't take it anymore.

[Whirlpool Kushina: That kid! Who is your finger! Put your hands down! ! 】

[Whirlpool Kushina: Abominable three-generation old monkey! If I am resurrected, I must ask him for an explanation! 】

The live screen continues:

[I saw Naruto in the picture, and saw Konoha Maru **** himself. 】

[Suddenly, Naruto picked it up with a displeased expression. 】

【"You fell yourself!" Naruto shouted to Konoha Maru】

[At this time, Ebisu on the side immediately said anxiously: "Hey, let's go!"]

["This is the grandson of the three generations of Hokage!"]

[Hearing Ebisu's words, the corners of Konoha Maru's mouth twitched, thinking:]

【“I got this attitude as soon as I heard that I was Hokage’s grandson, hum! This guy ended up being the same as the glasses teacher and others...”]

[Thinking in my heart, Konoha Maru said to Naruto:]

["What's the matter, bastard! Try it if you dare!"]

["Anyway, you don't dare to take action against Hokage's grandson, right!"]

[Hearing this, Naruto suddenly said angrily: "I don't care who you are! You idiot!"]

[With the unbelievable expression on Konoha Maru's face, Naruto punched him with a "Boom!"! 】

The ghouls are sealed, and death is in the belly.

[Vortex Kushina, Namikaze Minato: Naruto! Well played! Nice job! 】

[Whirlpool Kushina: That kind of uneducated little boy should be beaten! 】

But after the two finished speaking, they fell into silence and sorrow again.

It's not that the two of them have any prejudice against Konoha Maru, because this kind of child, what do you know, it's just spoiled. What really silenced the two of them was.

Konoha Maru had a fearless expression, even if he was bullied, there were still three generations behind him.

But what about Naruto?

If Konoha Maru bullied Naruto today and Naruto didn't fight back, what would happen to this matter?

Do you expect someone to stand up for Naruto?


Didn't you see that people in the village called him "Fox Demon" and avoided it?

It would be nice if it didn't go downhill by then.

And Naruto's parents, the two of them, couldn't accompany Naruto at the moment, watching Naruto grow up.

In contrast, the growth environment of Konoha Maru is the same as that of Naruto.

Let the two deeply feel another strong sense of guilt.

Remiss! !

The two couldn't help feeling deeply guilty.

At this time, the two deeply regretted, why did they both sacrificed and entrusted Naruto to Hiruzen Sarutobi? ! If I had known, Naruto received this kind of treatment.

No matter what, Naruto can't be left alone!

Pure Land.

[Uchiha Izuna: Hey, Senju Tobirama, now you have nothing to say! 】

[Uchiha Izuna: Looking at this little devil named Grandpa from the third generation in the picture, he seems to have grown up quite well. It seems that he has a personal teacher? 】

[Uchiha Izuna: So, your three-generation good apprentice, it's not that you have the ability to make Naruto live a little better, but you don't want to do it at all! 】

【Uchiha Madara: Hahahaha! What an excellent disciple of "I inherited the will of fire"! Unexpectedly, it would be so targeted at a child! ] At this time, hearing the taunting of the two of Uchiha, Qianshou Tobirama's face turned blue and white, but he couldn't refute it at all, and he couldn't refute it at all.

[Uchiha Madara: Haxi Hot Mom! Your brother is such a good teacher! In the past, there was a proud disciple Shimura Danzo, and then there was the successor of the will of fire, Sarutobi Rizao. 】

[Konoha, He De and He Neng, the two crouching dragons and phoenixes of Sarutobi Risho and Danzo appeared! 】

[Uchiha Madara: I admire Uchiha Madara for such teaching ability! I just don't know, what do you want to say? 】

【Thousands of Hands: Madara! Don't say it, if I am resurrected, the first thing is to hammer these two people! 】

Heroes orphans are excluded, rotten shadow grandsons hold stinky feet!

What's the point of this bitch! ?

(Have you Zhao) The world of ninjas in the present world.

Foggy Village.

Terumi Mei sighed softly and said:

"Oh? This is really doting on his own children. How come it's the fourth generation's turn, so he doesn't care at all, doesn't he even pretend?"

Sand Hidden Village.

"Oh, I can't stand it!"

Granny Chiyo shook her head.

This Sarutobi Hibiki is really too partial! Granny Chiyo thought so in her heart.

Cloudy Village.

"Okay, I've learned a lot today!"

"My grandson is well spoiled, and I specially hired a personal tutor. When I arrived at Naruto, the orphan of the fourth generation, I ignored it and just drank expired milk?" "No wonder Konoha is the largest ninja village, so it turns out that That's how military spending comes from!"

"Three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki, such a policy of governing the country, I will admire it!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai satirized Dao Yun.

Rock Hidden Village.

"Eat instant noodles and expired milk for the orphans of four generations, and the money saved will be used for tutoring by my grandson."

"Yes, yes, this wave of operations really shocked the old man!"

"Live until you are old and learn, today I have learned it, Sarutobi Hijen!"

Onogi blowing beard said with a stare.

Chapter 73 Temporarily added screen, the special treatment of Sarutobi Hijen, are you moved? (please order first~)


Chunin exam room.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiizhan's face on the stage turned blue and white.

The crowd gathered under the stage had already quarreled with each other in a mess.

"Oh my God! Naruto had such a miserable life before! Woohoo, I feel so sorry for him..."

"Yeah! As the great hero who saved our entire Konoha, the son of the fourth-generation Hokage Nami Feng Minato, this childhood was too miserable!"

"That's not right! Why didn't the third Hokage tell us the truth that Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage hero!?"

"Are you stupid? If you say that, you will reveal Naruto's identity! This is a secret, do you understand!?"

"If Naruto's identity is revealed, then there will be four generations of adults' enemies who will come to assassinate him. Naruto will be even more dangerous then!"

"You are stupid, okay! There is a barrier outside our village, who can get in!?"

"Besides, if it's to keep the identity secret, then why is Naruto always called the fox demon!? Wouldn't that be more revealing, and directly self-reported identity!?" "Yes! Before we all called it Naruto Fox Demon? But why no one came out to refute the rumor!?"

"That's right! Why didn't the three generations stand up directly and tell us the truth?"

"Or even without telling us the truth about the Son of Heroes...

Tell us directly that Naruto is not a fox demon, don't call Naruto 'the fox demon is no longer alienating and rejecting him! "

"That's it!"

"Three generations of adults don't do anything at all..."

Immediately, everyone in the audience who was full of admiration for Hiruzen Sarutobi started to criticize Hiruzen Sarutobi at this time.

On the stage, Sarutobi Hiizan, whose face was constantly changing from blue to white, now looks even more ugly after hearing these denunciations and questioning his words. "Everyone!"

Sarutobi Hizan said loudly at 150.

"Everyone, be quiet first!"

"I admit that Naruto has something wrong with me!"


"On the issue of dealing with Naruto, as Hokage, I need to think more, deeper and longer than you guys!"

"So, there are many things that are very unreasonable in your opinion."

"However, it is also a last resort, a necessary sacrifice to make!"

"It is the best choice we made after comprehensive consideration in all aspects!"

"Of course, in the future, we will also compensate Naruto to a certain extent!"

"I also ask for your understanding and understanding of my difficulties as a Hokage!"

After Sarutobi Hizan said, he looked affectionately at the crowd.

At this time, after hearing the words of Hiruzen Sarutobi, everyone was also shaken.

yes! As a Hokage-sama, Sarutobi Hizan must have more things to consider than us civilians!

So, although Naruto looks miserable now, it's better than being assassinated! Thinking of this, everyone calmed down.

"Yeah! Sarutobi Hizan-sama, as Hokage, must consider more things, and consider all aspects carefully!"

"Yes, yes! Naruto is treated like this, and Sarutobi Hizan must be very distressed! But this is a necessary sacrifice, and it is the best result!"

"Yeah! Everyone, don't be harsh on the three generations of adults!"

"It seems to be right! I support the three generations of Hokage-sama!"

"Well, the three generations of Hokage-sama are right, I really did not think properly, I also support the three-generation Hokage-sama!"

"I also support the three generations of Hokage-sama"

In the crowd, Anbu ninja disguised as civilian villagers took the rhythm, and the wind comment fishing (cbdb) wheel of the entire venue suddenly began to dump to Sarutobi Hizan. After seeing this scene, Hiruzen Sarutobi heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he secretly became proud.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, these ignorant commoners!"

"It just takes me to come up with excuses that seem right, and arrange some support."

"It's easy to control the reels and control their minds!"

"They are just a group of repeaters who have no brains, no thoughts of their own, no self-thinking, and only repeat what others say!"

"Only I, Sarutobi Hizan, is the most sober person! The greatest Hokage!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

- On the stand.

Su Yu looked at this drama-like scene and let out a disdainful sneer.

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