"Report Hokage-sama! There are many suspicious people outside the village!"

"Report Naruto-sama! The reconnaissance ninja report found that there are ninjas in the forest outside Konoha Village in ambush in Kiriyin Village!"

"Report Naruto-sama! Investigating ninjas found that there are ninjas from Sandyin Village ambushing in the forest outside Konoha Village!"

"Report Naruto-sama! Investigating ninjas found that there was a ninja ambush in Iwayin Village in the forest outside Konoha Village!"

"Report Naruto-sama! Detective ninja found..." Hearing these reports, Tsunade suddenly felt that his head was huge. what happened? Why did everyone come to Konoha?

What is this for! ?

Do they want to start a war! ?

Tsunade only felt a dark cloud called Da Shi, which had already floated above Konoha.

"Sir, Konoha's reconnaissance ninjas seem to have discovered us." Azabuyi looked at the closed door and reported to the fourth Raikage. "Oh? As expected of the No. 1 Ninja Village!"

Fourth Raikage Ai smiled and said, "If that's the case, then there's no need to hide!" "Ninja from Yunyin Village, come with me into Konoha!"

\'Oh? Has the one from Yunyin Village already entered? \"

\'Really impatient! \"

\' But that's fine, since he's already the first one, let's go too. "

\'Sand Hidden Village Ninja! start to act! "

\'Iwahide Village Ninja! Set off! \" Onogi said.

Terumi Mei: "Ninjas from Kiriyin Village, act!"

Immediately, ninjas from all over the world surrounded Konoha Village from all directions.

Although there have been no discussions between countries, at this moment, they all stopped outside Konoha Village.

Although they are clamoring on their lips, they want to remove the scumbags such as Sarutobi Hijian and Shimura Danzo for the entire ninja world, and ask Konoha to hand over the two. Otherwise, it will be forced to enter, "doing the way for heaven\". The Fourth Ninja World War begins.

However, countries did not really force their way into Konoha Village.

-None of the nations are stupid, now. Requirements and attitudes have been met.

The rest is to see Konoha Fang's reaction.

There is no doubt that Konoha will definitely not hand over Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo.

Even if the two of them did such a cruel thing, they were still the high-level followers of Konoha.

If you want to deal with it, it should also be dealt with by the village.

If it is really handed over, it will be ridiculed by the world and cast aside by the people.

By then, Konoha will not be far from the real extermination of the village.

On the other hand, Konoha would definitely not dare to fight against the four major Ninja villages at the same time.

Therefore, as long as you wait quietly in place, you can get compensation and leave without a single soldier.

--The purpose of each country has never really been to kill Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo, but to co-operate and gain benefits.

This is also the reason why everyone did not wait and see after seeing the beginning of Yunyin Village, but "actively exposed" together.

- One does not need to be a first-timer, what is needed is to work together to exert pressure.

If you leave Yunyin Village alone, and just want to reap the benefits of a fisherman.

Konoha couldn't hold back and killed Yunyin's people, and the two villages forged a deadly feud.

So, I'm afraid it's not really about to start the fourth ninja war.

And this is definitely not what the villages want to see.

As for another reason, it was Bamen Kai in the previous picture.

Well, the existence that kicked Liudaoban half to death with one kick, even if you want to be this early bird, you have to measure whether you are enough to kick Kai? So, now the villages are just tacitly acting together pressure, outside Konoha Village. There was no real attack on the village.

If the village is attacked, the nature will be completely different.

At that time, Konoha will have a legitimate defense reason and let Kai kick you up.

Who to talk to? There is no place to cry.

On a big tree, Feiduan looked at the people from the Four Great Ninja Village and said:

"Hey, hey, now that the four major Ninja villages are pressing the palace, let's just wait quietly for a while?"

"Well, I agree.\" Deidara said.

"If Konoha chooses to keep things calm, then let's wait and see for a while; and if the situation becomes serious, we will act directly!" Jiao Du said. Scorpion: \"I agree!\"

Feiduan: "I agree too!\"

Chapter 104 The first place in the insidious list, amazing rewards! (Ask for flowers, fill up the facade~)

Outside Konoha Village.

"Shimura Danzo, a senior executive of Konoha, used babies to do human experiments, and he was angered by all the gods and gods, and he should be killed!"

"Konoha's third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki, abused children, indulged and sheltered Danzo, and watched Danzo do the most unconscionable things, he should be killed!!"

"Today, my fog (rock/cloud/sand) hidden village ninjas walk the way for the sky, crusade against such despicable, shameless, insidious villains!"

"I also persuaded Konoha to cover up the calamity, hand over Sarutobi Hijen and Shimura Danzo, and let the world of ninja be bright!"

At this time, the ninjas of the Four Ninja Village, all around Konoha Village, shouted with loudspeakers.

The sound echoed throughout the Konoha Village.

The shadows of the villages raised their mouths.

Hmph, how should you deal with Konoha now?!

Nara Shikakuho Naka O

At this time, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo heard these words from outside the village. They all turned pale with fright.

Nara Shikahisa on the side saw the reaction of the two, and his heart suddenly became more and more disdainful of the two. snort! How can such a person be a high-level Konoha and Hokage!

Naruto Office.

At this time, Tsunade summoned Kakashi, Kai, Asma, Yuhika and others.

Everyone is discussing countermeasures together.

"Lord Hokage, Danzo and Sarutobi Hizan must not be handed over! Otherwise, my name Konoha will be ruined!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, although the two have done all the bad things, they used to be my Konoha's face! If the punishment is to be executed, it should be handed over to my Konoha, not an outsider!"

"Yeah Hokage-sama! And the other party is not good, even if we hand over people, they will definitely not give up!"

"Lord Hokage, you can't make friends!\"

Hearing the discussion below, Tsunade looked solemn.

However, if they don't make friends, the other party's people have already come to the outside of the village and are eyeing Konoha.

At this time, Konoha, how should we deal with this crisis?

Just when Tsunade was at a loss, four shadows forced the palace, Orochimaru, Itachi, and Uchiha Madara sneaked into Konoha, and the situation was changing.

The list above Konoha trembled.

Then, along with the familiar white light, a line of writing appeared.

[First place on the insidious list: Black Jue. 】

[Deeds: Tricked, manipulated Madara Uchiha, tampered with the inscription, and indirectly launched the Ninja World War. Provoked a battle between Indra and Asura. Resurrection Kaguya. 】

[Reward: Obtain "Infinite Eye Power\", Obtain Eye Technique \"Izanagi\", "Izanami\"...Get \"The Power of Eye Technique Increases Ten Times\"]

[Obtain \'exclusive pupil technique\': "Shenwei", \"Bie Tianshen", "Yuedu", \"Amaterasu", \"Adding Earth Life", \"Susanoo Hu\"... ..]

Madara Uchiha was stunned for a moment after seeing the reward, and then laughed out loud. -- That Hei Jue didn't write the wheel eye, although the reward obtained at the moment seems to be very strong. But for Black Jue, it doesn't work at all!

Obito: "???"

what's the situation! ?

Why do you still bring rewards for exclusive pupil surgery?

You must know that each pair of writing wheels corresponds to a unique ability.

Just like his Uchiha's ability to write round eyes with soil, it is "Shenwei", and Uchiha Shisui's ability is "Bie Tianshen". Strictly speaking, this should be regarded as "exclusive ability" rather than "pupil technique", but these are not important.

The important thing is that even this kind of thing can be rewarded! ?

Hiss...how sacred is this list! ?

Obito was shocked.

Moreover, if Hei Jue gets these rewards, wouldn't his strength increase several times... [Wait, wait. Obito seemed to suddenly remember something: "Heijue this thing... It doesn't seem to have written a wheel eye!?" "Then it's useless to get this reward!"

Feiduan: "This reward is really terrifying!"

Jiaodu: "Well, this reward is very powerful! But...Isn't Hei a potted plant, it doesn't seem to have a wheel eye?\" Deidara: "Well...it seems so. Ah! Isn't it wasting this reward in vain?"

At this time, Hei Jue, who was fleeing underground, saw that his reward was actually so many exclusive pupil techniques, plus the power increased tenfold, when the pupil power was infinite, he was instantly ecstatic. "Hahahaha! I have obtained so many powerful pupil techniques, what else can I run! Go straight to Madara Uchiha!"

Hei Jue stopped running away.

But then, it suddenly reacted - it seems that there is no writing wheel!

What do you want these rewards for? This reward seems to be useless to me!

Or... go grab one?

However, the current Uchiha clan seems to be apart from Itachi, Sasuke, Uchiha Obito and the newly resurrected Uchiha Madara.

There is no one else! Even if you want to grab it, there is nowhere to grab it!

Oh, by the way, there is also a Danzo, which hides an arm's Shaking Eye!

However, with his current strength, no matter who these people are, he can't beat them!

And only after he has obtained the Sharinyan, will he usher in a great increase in strength. But without strength, you can't get a writing wheel eye.

This thing has fallen into an endless loop.

Hei Jue, who had understood this, was suddenly desperate, and shouted wildly in his heart:

"It's not fair!!! Why are other people's rewards so good, and when it comes to me, it becomes a reward that is useless!"

"I hate it!!!\"

But no matter how much he complained, it was of no use. Black must have to accept the reality.

"Oh! Forget it, let's keep running!"

Hei Jue continued to flee in the land!

"Hey~ The reward for the number one in the insidious list is so terrifying!?"

Terumi Mei was shocked!

--As a melon eater who doesn't know the truth and knows about Heijue solely by exposure to pictures, Terumi Mei took it for granted that Heijue has a writing wheel.

"Originally, writing round eyes is already abnormal enough, but now it has unlimited pupil power, the power of pupil technique has increased tenfold, and there are many exclusive pupil techniques...\"

Terumi Mei seemed to see: the rise of a terrifying existence capable of rivaling Madara Uchiha.

"The third place on the list is Samsara Eye, the second place is the Resurrection Pill, and the first place is the perverted pupil blessing..."

"The rewards for this first list are already so rich, what kind of rich rewards should the next list be!?"

Terumi Mei couldn't help but look forward to it.

\"What!? This...is scary!\"

The fourth Raikage Ai suddenly widened his eyes.

According to the previous picture, the exclusive ninjutsu called "Shenwei" is the space pupil technique that appeared several times in the previous screen! As for other exclusive pupil techniques, although I have never heard of it, just looking at the name, Also know to be extraordinary! Moreover, in addition to the tenfold increase in the "infinite pupil power" and the power of the 〃 pupil technique..." Immediately, the fourth generation Raikage Ai couldn't help having a cold war in his heart!

"Black Jue... With such a powerful blessing, the realm of his pupil technique, I'm afraid it's not going to directly surpass Madara Uchiha, right? Granny Chiyo murmured.

"The rewards on this list are indeed very generous."

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