"I'm really looking forward to the next list, what kind of reward should it be, and who can make it on the list!?"... Asking for flowers....

At this point, after seeing the rewards on this list.

Ohnogi's Adam's apple rolled.

"Sharing eye with infinite pupil power... Ten times the power of pupil technique..."

"Hey~ It's really terrifying!\"

After that, Ohnogi looked worried:

"Hei Jue wants to resurrect Kaguya, and now he has received such a reward that can be called a divine object."

"I don't know what will happen again!"

"Alas! The rewards on this list are too shocking!"

Inside Konoha Village.

At this moment, Orochimaru, disguised as a civilian, stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. Unlimited pupil power! The power of the pupil technique has increased tenfold! Exclusive eye surgery! Pulling out each of these items alone is a rare heaven-defying thing!

"If I can get this reward...\" Orochimaru's eyes were frantic.

"Forget it, there is no hope for this insidious list. We can only hope for the next list.


At this time, after seeing this reward, Su Yu wanted to laugh a little. As the No. 1 Black Jue on the insidious list, this kind of reward is actually this kind of reward.

Laughed to death, got the reward, but didn't get it completely.

At this time, the list trembled for a while, and then a white light shot out to the east.

"Is Heijue in the east now... The east of Konoha Village is the sea, and further east is the direction of the Land of Waves and Yunyin Village..." Su Yu looked at Bai Guang and muttered murmured.

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly felt a burst of warmth coming from his eyes.

After that, the profound and mysterious pupil technique was imprinted in Su Yu's heart.

It is that kind of exclusive pupil technique.

In addition, Su Yu felt that the world in front of him became clearer.

Even the tiniest chakra flow in the air can be captured.

"Well... Under the tenfold increase, what reward will I get?"

Su Yu murmured in his mouth.

While thinking in his heart, Su Yu stretched out his hand and moved his mind.

"Divine power!\"

I saw the huge rock sculpture of Sarutobi Hiizan on the Hokage Rock far away, disappearing out of thin air!

Seeing this, Su Yu nodded secretly in his heart.

At such a long distance, it stands to reason that Shenwei would not be able to successfully activate it—you must know that Su Yu was in the Chunin examination room at the moment.

The distance from Hokage Rock is five kilometers, ten miles away.

This is still the most conservative estimate!

At such a long distance, not only can it be successfully activated, but it can also transfer the huge three-generation Hokage rock sculpture into the Shenwei space at once. It can be said to be very scary!

You know, Su Yu is just doing it at will, far from using his full strength!

Su Yu speculated that if he really used Samsara to write the wheel eye, he would use his full power to unleash divine might.

Probably can transfer most of the ninja world into the Shenwei space!

Of course, this is just a rough guess by Su Yu.

At this time, I saw the Hokage rock wall that disappeared out of thin air, and the position of the original three generations of Hokage was replaced by a huge pothole.

Su Yu murmured in his heart:

"Hundred times the power of the pupil technique? Not bad. With this infinite pupil power and exclusive pupil technique, plus my reincarnation writing wheel eye."

"As for the strength of pupil power, it has surpassed everyone and reached the peak!"

At this time, everyone was amazed after seeing the reward of Hei Jue, who was the first on the insidious list. Then he resumed the present life of besieging Konoha.

- Although the reward is powerful, it has nothing to do with me!

It is better to eat the benefits of the mouth first!


Chapter 105 The Konoha Crisis! All parties' speculation on the new list

Outside Konoha Village.

"Among Konoha, Danzo and Sarutobi Hiru cut off such scum, doing bad things absolutely, people and gods are outraged!"

"Today, I will come here to remove the scourge of the ninja world!"

"Also ask Konoha to hand over the two of Sarutobi Hiddenzo and let me rectify them on the spot, avenge the innocent death of the ninja, and set the rules for the ninja world!"

"If you don't agree and want to cover up, that is Konoha against the entire ninja world. At that time, don't blame me for waiting!"

The words of the ninjas of the Four Great Ninja Villages rumbled and echoed in the Konoha Village.

Inside Konoha Village.

Orochimaru, disguised as a civilian, listened to these words from outside the village, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"It seems that the major Ninja villages are about to bear it."

"My dear Sasuke... let me see, where are you now?"

"These abominable people from other villages! They actually forced me to make friends with Konoha! Even if the two villains Sarutobi Hijian and Danzo were completely conscientious, it would not be their turn to point fingers!"\"That's it!! Even if it is punishment, it should be handed over to Konoha to punish!"

"I think they just want to take this opportunity to weaken my Konoha's strength and smear Konoha's reputation!"

"Humph! Despicable stranger!\"

The villagers were talking.

Nara deer for a long time.

At this moment, after hearing the intimidating words from the "170" side Shimura, Hiruzen Sarutobi angrily said:

"Humph!! Tsunade little girl, she has not acted in the face of foreign enemies, it's really disgraceful to my Konoha!"

\"This position of Hokage should be taken by me!\"

Hearing this, Danzo on the side also echoed and snorted:

"Hmph, this Tsunade is naive in dealing with things like this. In the face of such a big event, he has not responded for a long time. He really lost Konoha's face and made me Konoha's fame!" "It's not worthy of the position of Hokage!"

Hearing the words of the two, Nara Shikahisa couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Tsunade little girl? Please, Tsunade is Hashima's granddaughter. It's about the same age as you two!

Moreover, the reason why there is such a scene of "Konoha Village's disgrace". Isn't that all because of the two of you! ? Is there a face to say this? At this moment, Nara Shikahisa could only sigh in his heart:

"Hey, it seems, it really is shameless, invincible in the world!"

Inside Konoha Village.

"Tsunate-sama! Please make a decision!"

"That's right, Master Tsunade! The ninjas from the four villages have been scolding outside the village for a long time! The villagers' fishing reels are almost overwhelmed!!" "Master Tsunade! As long as you give an order, I will lead the Konoha group of ninjas to attack and drive these people out!" Looking at the excited crowd in the audience, Tsunade frowned deeply at this time.

How to do?

Right now, Shikoku is forcing the palace, although he said that he wants Konoha to hand over Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo to act for the sky.

But everyone can see that their intentions are not on Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo, they just want to grab benefits from Konoha. However, the other party did occupy the moral high ground and stood on the moral commanding heights.

No matter how Konoha Fang responded, he was bound to be at a disadvantage and had to pay a certain price.

-- Outside the village, various ninja villages and a large number of ninjas have gathered outside Konoha Village, eyeing them.

Tsunade knew that this matter could not be good!

But do you really want to expel them?

This is also unrealistic, the other party just stood outside the village to denounce it, and did not actually give up.

If Konoha Fang takes the lead, it will only expand the situation!

In the end, it was Konoha whose reputation was hurt.

Sit back and watch? Certainly not.

Originally, the villagers of Konoha had a crisis of confidence in Konoha's top management because of Sarutobi Hizan and Danzo.

It was not easy for Tsunade to restore the credibility and prestige of the Konoha executives in the hearts of the people.

If you don't go out like a tortoise now, let the outside village scold him.

Wouldn't that be self-defeating?

Suddenly, Tsunade's brows furrowed deeply.

Could it be that there is really no way to resolve this matter other than admit defeat and pay compensation?

Suddenly, a light flashed in Tsunade's mind.

Yup! Since the other party is only using "punishing the scum of the ninja world" as an excuse at this moment, and has not proposed anything substantial.

Then, in front of everyone, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, these two sinister villains, can be put to death! In this way, the other party will have nothing to say!

Moreover, it also happened to maintain the image of Konoha and gave the villagers an explanation!

Thinking of this, Tsunade whispered to the mute beside him:

"Help me call Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo...\"

However, just after the mute was answered, it was not time to leave the door of Hokage's office.

On the side of the bed, Koharu and Mito Kazuo looked at each other with heavy expressions, then walked forward together and said to Tsunade:

"Hisato Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo can't be handed over, and there can be no accident.\"

"In addition, Konoha can promise compensation, no matter how much compensation, as long as we can take it out, we will pay it all."

"The current Konoha Village is weak, and if it really breaks up with the four well-prepared Ninja Villages at the same time, it will only put me Konoha in a disadvantage." Hearing this, Tsunade's brows were deeply wrinkled, and then he puzzled. :

"Why? Isn't it the best thing for Konoha to hand over these two people!?"

"This is an order! Tsunade, you have to know that your Hokage position was just chosen by us jointly...\"

"If you don't obey, we can immediately take away your Hokage position!"

Turning to bed, Koharu said sharply to Mitomon.

Nara Shikakuho Naka O

Sarutobi Hizan listened to the intensifying denunciations of the villagers outside the window against him and Danzo, and fought against Shimura from outside the village. Worried, he asked Danzo:

"Tanzo, you said, Tsunade won't really hand over you and me?"

Hearing this, Danzo was also at a loss, but he comforted:

"Don't worry, Niizan, with Xiaochun and Mito Menyan around, it will definitely be fine!"

Su Yu listened to the shouts of the Four Great Ninja Villages and the denunciations of the residents of Konoha Village, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. \"It seems that the current Konoha Village is very lively!\"

"If that's the case, then let me help you out too!"

After that, Su Yu thought about it, and then.

I saw the list above Konoha tremble, and then a white light shot out.

Outside Konoha Village.

"What's the situation? Is it going to release a new list so soon?" Terumi Mei looked up at the sky and muttered.

"The insidious list has ended, and the white light is emitting at this moment... Is it a new list?" The fourth generation of Raikage Ai looked solemnly:

"I don't know, what kind of list is this new list..."

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