Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 39: hot-blooded kay

In terms of illusion, Yuhi Zhenhong has already passed on to him several illusions unique to Sharingan, such as Mirror World and Earth Binding Illusion, but with his pupil power at this time, it is very reluctant to use and there is a risk of failure.

In terms of physical skills, he is also stuck in the third student door of Bamen Dunjia, and he has not trained for a month, and he will retreat if he does not advance. He estimates that he will need at least half a year of extreme training to break through the door of life.

In the sealing technique, it is also a bottleneck of insufficient Chakra.

Only in terms of ninjutsu, he has already developed Heliwanwan and Chidori, and he also stole a lot of ninjutsu from Kakutsu, with various attributes, as long as he practices in detail, he can turn it into his own use.

Afterwards, Fenghuo's avatar practiced ninjutsu, and he himself followed Mattai, training taijutsu crazily. As for Kai's challenge, Fenghuo wisely shifted his attention to Kakashi,

In the setting sun, Kai's figure appeared at Hatake's house several times, and he boasted that he would break through the gate of Hatake's house, and his arrogance was extremely arrogant.

Kakashi ignored his attitude at first, but later this guy was so annoying that he couldn't help but teach him a lesson.

After all, he was a genius who was promoted to Zhongnin at the age of 6. In just one year, his strength has improved again. The Thunder Dunninjutsu has made it superb. With the Hatake family swordsmanship taught by his father, even if Kai opened the two gates, it will not help. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

A normal person would be sad for a long time if he was beaten up without crying, but Kai is not an ordinary person, he is in the second shift, and after being beaten, he looks excited and crazy.

"As expected of Kakashi, the true enemy of my life!"

After returning home, with the help of Fenghuo's medical ninjutsu, Kai was alive and well after a day, and went to find Kakashi again in a fierce manner.

When Kakashi saw Kai again, he sneered. He was also a boy at heart. Kai was provocative several times. He used to have psychological pressure to beat him. Now that Kai has graduated, it can be regarded as patience. He beat him uprightly!

But after coming down a few times, Kakashi felt that he had stabbed a hornet's nest, and even scolded himself for being stupid while sleeping.

"Kakashi, come out, I want to challenge you!!" One day.

"Accept the challenge of my youth, Kakashi!" Two days.

One day half a month later, Kai appeared again at the door of Hatake's house.

Kakashi hid behind the gate, his face was livid, and his dead fish eyes were listless.

"This guy, really..."

Kakashi didn't know how to describe Kai anymore, and he didn't blame him, after all, he graduated after one year of school.

"Hey, Kakashi, I know you're inside, come out and accept my challenge!"

Kai knocked on the door, like knocking on Kakashi's daisy, that kind of aggrieved and depressed, it is impossible to tell outsiders.

From the tough counterattack at the beginning, to the persuasion with good words later, and to the current avoidance like a snake, Kakashi's inner journey is extremely fulfilling and wonderful.

Clap clap!

The gate groaned in pain under Kai's impact, and Kakashi's dead fish eyes were about to bubble.

God, find someone to take this evildoer away!

When Kakashi was avoiding Kai, Fenghuo was also moaning weakly under the extreme training of Matt Dai, and with the memory passed over after the shadow clone dissipated, Fenghuo was exhausted every day, but fortunately he had a special physique, no matter how tired he was, Sleep full and wake up to restore 100% vitality!

The next day, I went to train with Matt Dai again, and after a while I saw Kai coming back with a downcast face.

Feng Huo saw that he didn't even have any injuries on his body, and he already realized what happened.


"Father, seal the fire, is Kakashi on a mission? I haven't been here these days when I went to look for him." Kai's thick and thick eyebrows were like two silkworm babies, slowly kissing each other.

"Kai, don't worry, although Kakashi isn't here, Fenghuo is here!" Matt Dai laughed with his hips on his hips, and gave a thumbs up to the stunned Fenghuo, "In my opinion, Fenghuo is better than Kaka Xi is much stronger!"

When Kai heard it, yes, he has been challenging Kakashi for the past half month, and he has left Fenghuo in the cold. I hope he will not blame me!

Kai immediately set his fiery eyes on Feng Huo's face.

The corners of Fenghuo's mouth twitched slightly, his whole body was not well.

"Actually, I've been feeling a little unwell recently." Feng Huo chatted awkwardly.

Matt Dai frowned, and he assisted: "Is there such a thing? Fenghuo, your recent training is even crazier than before. If you are not feeling well, it is impossible to persevere."

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "It is precisely because of these crazy trainings that my body feels hollowed out. I am afraid I will have to rest for two days to relax."

Matt Dai said seriously: "That's not okay, Fenghuo, it's understandable that you were busy with the newspaper office a month ago, but if you give up halfway now, I will definitely not agree!"

Fenghuo's physique is too suitable for practicing physical skills, Matt Dai must not let Fenghuo waste his talent.

In particular, with Fenghuo around, Kai can be better urged to work hard!

"That's right, seal the fire, accept my challenge!" Kai shouted.

At the critical moment, Feng Huo's mind turned quickly: "Kai, didn't you say that you will take the Chunin assessment after graduation? Have you completed your mission?"

Kai was taken aback, he was busy challenging Kakashi for half a month, how could he have time to do tasks.

Matt Dai clutched his forehead: "Kai~www.readwn.com~ You don't really plan to take the Chunin exam, do you? It's still too early for you!"

"But Father, Feng Huo just graduated and took the Chunin Exam." Kai clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"Kai, have you forgotten, you are not a genius!" Matt Dai said solemnly, "You can achieve today's achievements all because of your own hard work, from the lowly ninja to the middle ninja, you need to spend several times all the previous efforts To surpass!"

Kai was stunned, with a little pain in his eyes, but he quickly recovered: "Father...you are right, I understand, I! I have to work harder!"

His eyes radiated raging flames, staring at Fenghuo, and solemnly shouted: "Fenghuo, accept my challenge!"

At this time, his blood was boiling with passion, and his fighting spirit was like smoke.

"That's right, Kai, that's it, this is youth!" Matt Dai gave a thumbs up.

The father and son sang together without letting Fenghuo intervene.

'It seems that I will learn from Kakashi to avoid Kai in the future. '

As for this time, I can only grit my teeth.

It's not that Fenghuo can't beat Kai, it's that Kai is just a dog's skin plaster, challenging you 24 hours a day, and no one can stand it.

"Open the door, shut the door, open!" Kai went all out, opened the eight doors and rushed forward.

Fenghuo had no choice but to fight.

The spiral pill is too powerful, if it hits the human body directly, one of Kai's arms may be 'broken', let alone Chidori.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Sealing the fire and forming a seal, a huge fireball spewed out, rising against the wind, and the scorching temperature swept the surrounding airflow, rushing towards Kai violently.

Kai's face was serious, but he didn't dodge, let alone retreat. His eyes reflected the raging flames, and he rushed forward brazenly.

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