Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 40: intelligence

In the winter of Konoha's 41st year, in a small town in the Land of Rain, Feng Huo and Kakashi walked down the street hand in hand.

Kakashi's dead fish eyes were particularly depressed: "I said to seal the fire, is it really necessary to do this?"

Feng Huo tightened his little hands, and said, "Don't worry, I won't despise you."

Kakashi's eyelids twitched, it's me who should be said to be disgusted, right? But for the mission, he endured.

The two entered a ramen shop and each ordered Zengwei ramen.

"Shouldn't we go get the information?" Kakashi said softly, "Wasting time here will increase our risk of exposure."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Things will be smooth when things are slow. We just came to this city as orphans. If we went straight to a certain place as soon as we arrived, it would be suspicious. Besides, the people in Shayin are also very suspicious of this information. Care, if you show your feet, I don't need to say more about the consequences. Kakashi, you..."

After Fenghuo finished speaking, he turned his head, and suddenly found that Kakashi was putting on the black mask.

As soon as he said a few words, Kakashi finished a big bowl of ramen.

This speed of eating really shocked Feng Huo!

"Hurry up." Kakashi said coldly.

Feng Huo was so angry that he insisted: "Eating too fast hurts the stomach!"

The owner of the ramen shop is a real person. When he saw Fenghuo and Kakashi dressed in rags, he was worried that they would not be able to pay for the ramen. He fixed his eyes on them, fearing that they would eat the overlord's meal.

Kakashi couldn't bear the grievance, so he went up to settle the money at that time.

The ramen boss smiled and left.

Feng Huo had almost finished eating, and the two left and walked around the city. After a while, the sky became cloudy, and then it rained heavily.

The two of them didn't buy an umbrella, nor did they hide from the rain, they just walked in the rain.

The cloud was getting lower and lower, and the surrounding area seemed to be plunged into darkness. In addition to the heavy rain, it was impossible to see a place ten meters away.

The Land of Rain is originally a rainy country. There are even cities where it rains every day all year round, which is very exaggerated!

The two had a tacit understanding. When the rain was heavy, they immediately walked eastward. There were almost no pedestrians on the road, which greatly facilitated their crimes.

"It's here!"

They finally came to a store selling sundries, and the two sunny dolls hanging in front of the store wandered helplessly in the wind and rain.

Knock on the door and enter, the inside is very sloppy, dirty and smelly, this kind of store has been open until now, if there is no backstage, it would have gone bankrupt.

Obviously, Konoha is the backstage of this store.

"Two children, should we buy something or hide from the rain?" A hoarse voice sounded from the shop, and a middle-aged man came out of the shadows.

The two looked at each other, and Kakashi asked, "Are you the boss here? What's your name?"

"Ask for my name?" The boss looked at them hesitantly and said, "I've forgotten."

"Is there no name or I have forgotten it." Kakashi continued.

At this moment, the boss seemed to understand, he made seals with his hands and made several gestures.

After reading it, Kakashi also gestured accordingly, and finally said, "Where's the information?"

The boss immediately turned around, took out a scroll from among the living garbage, and unwrapped it with the sealing technique. Inside was a delicate scroll.

"That's it!" The boss looked at them and said, "Although I don't know why I sent you here, but this information is very important, please pass it back to the village!"


Kakashi had never learned the sealing technique, so he directly handed the information to Fenghuo.

Fenghuo used the sealing technique to seal the information in one of his own scrolls, put it close to his body, and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Be careful!" After the boss finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

"This task is nothing, it went well." Kakashi pushed open the shop door, and the wind and rain poured in immediately.

Is it going well?

If the owner of this store hadn't collected information in advance, they would have stayed here for more than half a year.

Moreover, the two of them have come this way, if there is a slight flaw, they may face the pursuit of several ninja villages.

Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, Yuyin Village, which one is easy to talk about?

Although everything is going well now, Fenghuo doesn't believe that Danzo and Uchiha will do nothing.

"Let's leave the country of rain quickly." Kakashi didn't seem to like rain very much.


The two closed the shop door and left. In the dark shop, the boss slowly opened his eyes.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but it couldn't stop Fenghuo and Kakashi's footsteps. The two ran ten miles outside the city in one breath, and only found a cave to hide from the rain.

"When will this rain last?" Feng Huo looked up at the gloomy sky, missing Konoha's warm afternoon very much.

Afterwards, he took out a sealing scroll, took out beef, some seasonings, and even a few pieces of wood.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kakashi looked dumbfounded.

"I'm hungry, let's roast some beef." Feng Huo got busy.

"Please, we are still in the Land of Rain, and the crisis has not passed yet."

"Don't worry, no one will notice the heavy rain."

Fenghuo ignited the wood with a fire escape, pierced the beef with a kunai, put it on the fire and roasted it.

The flames were high and low, and a trace of smoke floated out along the cave, but the rain outside was too heavy, densely falling on the ground and filled with thick rain and fog. The traces of smoke floated outside, and it was exactly like the rain and fog.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

When the beef is almost cooked, turn off the fire and sprinkle seasonings on it, and soon a tempting aroma wafts out, even if Kakashi is not hungry, he will be tempted to swallow two mouthfuls of saliva~www.readwn.com~ Really. "Kakashi came over and squatted beside Fenghuo, and had already taken out Kunai, obviously wanting to get a share of the pie.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, maybe he could take the opportunity to see Kakashi's true face.

But as soon as the beef was cooked, Kakashi cut off half a piece, walked to the entrance of the cave, and ate it against the rain.

"Fuck, you little bitch!"

Fenghuo shook his head. After eating the beef, the rain outside finally subsided.

"Let's go."

The two packed up here and rushed out facing the light rain.

But soon, they noticed something was wrong.

"There are people following us!" Kakashi suddenly shouted.

Feng Huo opened Sharingan, although it couldn't compare with Baiyan's gaze, but it was better than ordinary people. When he saw it, he immediately found that a dozen people behind him were chasing them closely.

"It's people from Sha Yin!" Feng Huo saw the mark on their foreheads, and his heart sank. "The heavy rain before, the traces we left must be covered by the heavy rain! How could they catch up?"

"Now is not the time to worry about this!" Kakashi said.

"Yes, run, we will be safe in the Land of Fire."

The two speeded up, and continued to do routines in the middle. From time to time, they separated their avatars and ran in other directions. They once led away a few ninjas, but they came back soon, apparently the avatars were seen through by them.

"My lord, they are Konoha's ninjas? It looks like they are just two brats!" Someone in Sand Yin frowned, "Could the information be wrong?"

"You can't be wrong, it's them, hmph, it's because they are brats that they got the information from under our noses by surprise, but that's it!"

The sand ninja who is the leader has a special Jnin fighting power and is full of confidence!

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