Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 54: reincarnation

Sand Ninja, who had fallen asleep, was completely trapped in the illusion of reincarnation. No matter how the outside world shouted, he couldn't wake him up. Orochimaru didn't believe in evil, so he went into battle by himself. He used various methods, such as snake bites, drugging, and finally resorted to some weird secrets. techniques, all to no avail.

Feng Huo stood on the side and craned his neck to watch, feeling a little excited. It seems that this combined illusion is not bad.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes with a dignified expression, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

'He didn't even open his Sharingan, how could he use such an illusion? '

Hatake Sakumo also tried for a long time, and finally gave up on awakening the rebel, and said to Orochimaru: "Let Haiyi check it."

Orochimaru nodded unwillingly.

"Fenghuo, you should rest first."

Afterwards, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru brought the sleeping Renin to Hokage's office. Jiraiya, Tsunade and others gathered around to watch, and at the same time tried to wake him up, but without exception, all failed.

In the end, Yamanaka Kai stepped out and used the Yamanaka clan's mysterious magic again to project the spirit into the opponent's mind.

At half-pay, he opened his eyes, nodded and said: "It's exactly the same as the illusion before sealing the fire!"

Seeing that magical world again, Yamanaka Kaiichi became much calmer. He thought that the world in this illusion might be the peaceful world imagined by Fenghuo. After all, the ninja world is too dangerous. Even Fenghuo's parents died on the battlefield. It is normal for him to yearn for peace.

Hatake Sakumo said with a smile: "Then it's no problem. Feng Huo said that this is his newly developed combination illusion reincarnation. He didn't even open Sharingan, so it can't be Izanami!"

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Fenghuo is a genius. He has successfully developed the spiral pill and Chidori in the past few years. These two ninjutsu are very powerful. It is not surprising to develop a combined illusion."

Yuhi Zhenhong said calmly: "Haha, that's right, Fenghuo's talent in illusion is very powerful. He often draws inferences from one instance and can develop combined illusions. Hehe, it is inseparable from my guidance."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It seems that we are overthinking."

Orochimaru was very upset and his face was gloomy, but the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't allow him to continue to refute.

"Haiyi, can you wake up this traitor?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked again.

Yamanaka Kaiichi hesitated for a moment, and said: "Although this combined illusion is immature, it has infinite potential. Several illusions are combined and connected end to end. When you break through one illusion, you fall into the second illusion, and it goes round and round, endlessly. Just like its name, reincarnation, entering reincarnation, it is difficult to escape! This rebel, unless he finds a fatal flaw in the illusion world, it may be difficult for him to wake up."

According to Haiichi Yamanaka's observation, the several worlds in this combined illusion are very novel, such as the world similar to the Warring States Period, those high-rise buildings, and those big iron boxes that run fast on the ground, even in the The big iron bird flying in the sky seems unreasonable at first glance, but it seems reasonable after careful consideration. If you can't deny these from the bottom of your heart, you will be slowly swallowed by the illusion world in reincarnation, and eventually your consciousness will disappear completely.

Hatake Sakumo said: "However, this technique can only be effective if the opponent is exhausted or even falls asleep. From this point of view, it is slightly flawed."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a surprised expression, and said with a half smile: "There are flaws that can be improved, haha, it seems that I will add another combination illusion to my sealed book."

The Book of Seals records many precious secret arts and forbidden arts, such as the first Mutun, the second generation Flying Thunder God, the Art of Darkness, etc. There are even secret arts collected from other hidden villages, including Sarutobi The powerful secret techniques mastered by Ri Zhan are also recorded in it.

Being recorded in the book of seals means that this matter has passed, and it also means that this technique has become a 'secret'. Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen approves, other ninjas are not allowed to learn and use it except for Fenghuo himself. !

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, the image of sealing the fire and seal flashed in his mind, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Back in his secret laboratory, Orochimaru immediately grabbed a tired 5-year-old girl from the "research materials". Under her frightened and helpless eyes, Orochimaru resorted to the reincarnation.

The exhausted little girl quickly fell into a deep sleep, but within half a day, she woke up.

"what happened?!"

Orochimaru's face changed.

'Did I remember it wrongly? '

He recalled carefully, and then kept experimenting, but without exception, all failed!

"He's lying, this illusion is not like that at all!"

Orochimaru was furious, and a mad killing intent flashed in his eyes.

‘No, it’s impossible for him to do tricks under the noses of Sakumo Hatake and me. These illusions should all be real! '

Just, how to combine these few simple illusions into reincarnation?

Orochimaru was puzzled.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also learning this illusion at this time, but the result was the same as Orochimaru, and he also failed.

He called Yuhi Zhenhong again and asked him to try it too, but it also ended in failure.

Sarutobi Hiruzawa was not in a good mood anymore.

Reluctantly, he found Yamanaka Kaiichi again and found out the reason after some inquiries.

"The most important thing about reincarnation is not the seal or order, but the caster's structure of the illusion world. In the reincarnation of Fenghuo, there are many worlds, and each world is very strange. It seems unbelievable, but faintly Real existence, without this ability to create the world, even if you master the knot seal, it is impossible to perform real reincarnation!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled wryly and shook his head, then said in relief: "So that's how it is, Fenghuo's age is when the imagination is the most abundant, and we are all old, hehe."

Then he solemnly said to Yuhi Zhenhong: "Zhenhong, tell Fenghuo that the use of reincarnation must be cautious~www.readwn.com~ Also, if he wants to continue to improve, remember to go to Shuo Mao, and don't do anything wrong. Innocent people shoot!"

"I understand Hokage-sama!"

After sealing the fire and leaving the hospital, Obito, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, proposed to go to a barbecue restaurant to celebrate.

This year, Obito, Lin, Asma, and Kurenu Yuhi all graduated successfully. Obito wanted to celebrate a long time ago, but Kureni Yuhi said that there was something to do with the closure of the fire these days, so it was delayed for a few days.

In the barbecue restaurant, Obito ate the barbecue with big mouthfuls, expressing carelessly that he will treat this meal and let everyone eat freely.

As soon as he finished speaking, he leaned over to Fenghuo and whispered to borrow some money.

Fenghuo was speechless for a while.

"You have no money and you still want to treat?"

Obito hummed: "Isn't there still you."

"You are ruthless!"

What else can I do with a friend like this? Of course I lent him money.

"Remember to pay it back." Fenghuo made a dirty money transaction with Obito under the table.

"Understood, long-winded! I will soon accept the mission to make money!" Obito vowed.

After eating, he sealed the fire and went home to lock himself up. The pupils in his eyes surged, and a pair of Sangouyu Shulunyan exuding a **** aura appeared instantly.

"Huh! Fortunately, it has successfully evolved."

After opening Sharingan, Feng Huo could clearly feel that the pupil power in his eyes was slowly increasing.

Every time Sharingan evolves, the power of the pupils in the eyes will increase, especially when breaking through the kaleidoscope, not only the power of the pupils will skyrocket, but also two unique pupil skills. I am looking forward to sealing the fire, but how to break through the kaleidoscope is a challenge. There is no problem, after all, he almost killed him just by breaking through from the double-gou jade to the three-gou jade. If it happened again, he would have no place to regret it if something happened.

"Forget it, let's take a step and see."

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