Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Jonin

Obito's idea of ​​making money by doing crazy tasks was shattered the next day.

There are quite a few students who graduated from Konoha in 1942, so it is inevitable that Obito formed a team of three. Fortunately, one of them happened to be Lin, the goddess of his dreams, but unfortunately the other one turned out to be Ka Cassie!

In a team of three, it would be impossible to take on quests insanely, and he would not be allowed to take on dangerous quests if he had the forbearance in his guidance.

But more importantly...

"Isn't Kakashi already a chunin, how dare he form a team with us!" Obito resented deeply.

Beside, Lin smiled and said: "Obito, don't do this, Kakashi is a pair with us, we can just learn from him and become Chunin as soon as possible!"

"I want to be on the same team as Fenghuo, **** it, I must let Kakashi leave our team!" Obito growled.

"Obito, do you know who our instructor is?" Lin changed the subject.

Obito hummed: "No matter who it is, I must let Kakashi go!"

"Hey, who do you want to get out of here?" Kakashi put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head lazily, and looked at Obito quietly with dead fish eyes.

"Kakashi, you guy finally appeared, I tell you, I don't want to team up with you, you go!" Obito rushed over and grabbed Kakashi's collar and growled.

Kakashi snorted, put his hands on Obito's shoulders, pushed and rubbed him down directly.

"As a crane tail, you should have the consciousness of a crane tail. If you want to leave, you should go." Kakashi said coolly.

"Bastard!" Obito opened Shan Gouyu's Sharingan, but his aura was weaker than Kakashi's.

"Okay, stop arguing." Lin walked between the two of them, and looked at them angrily with her hands on her hips, "Why do you two quarrel as soon as you meet, really!"

"It looks very lively." A gentle voice suddenly came from behind the three of them.

They looked back and saw a young man with blond hair and blue eyes walking slowly, with a gentle smile on his face, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Are you our guide Jonin?" Lin's eyes widened.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Minato Namikaze, Jonin, my dream is to become Hokage, and I will be your instructor from now on." Minato Namikaze smiled, "Then it's your turn."

"Minato-sensei, I ask for a replacement!" Obito yelled, "Can you replace Kakashi with Fenghuo, Fenghuo is also very strong, even stronger than Kakashi!"

"Huh?" Minato Namikaze was stunned, and smiled wryly, "That's impossible, Fenghuo already has his own team."

On the other side, Fenghuo, Kurenu Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi are also accepting their instruction from Jonin.

However, Feng Huo's expression was a little awkward.

"Hey kid, you look very upset!"

Fenghuo's instructor also has golden hair, and he is Tsunade, one of the Sannin!

‘Why is it her? I would rather let Brother Minato guide me. '

Feng Huo hurriedly cleared up his mood: "Why, I'm so happy."

"Then just show me the smile." Tsunade crossed his hands over his chest, taking advantage of the situation.


Laugh at your sister! Laugh!

Feng Huo was aggrieved, just barely showing a smile, but was despised by Tsunade again: "It's really ugly, I will definitely not find a girlfriend when I grow up."

The corner of the mouth of Fenghuo twitched.

Kurenai Yuhi standing next to him quickly stood up and retorted: "Tsunate-sensei, I, Fenghuo, he will definitely find a girlfriend!"

On Yuhihong's cute face, two bright red cheeks were exposed, so cute.

Tsunade subconsciously stretched out his hands to pinch her cheeks and pulled her up: "Are you going to be his girlfriend?"

"Tsunade-sensei." Kurenai Yuhi felt wronged that her mind had been exposed, and her eyes were blurred.

"Ah, children really can't take jokes." Tsunade withdrew his hands rather disappointed.

Sarutobi Asma in the corner has a look of lovelessness, completely reduced to the background wall.

"Okay, let's get down to business, the three of you will introduce yourself first!" Tsunade's face straightened, and he had a strong momentum.

"I, my name is Yuhi Hong."

"What about dreams?"

"The dream is, it is..." Xi Hihong blinked her eyes twice, her cute eyes were innocent and ignorant, then she looked at Feng Huo and thought, "I want to protect important people."


Asma Sarutobi's heart was broken.

"My name is Uchiha Fenghuo, and my dream is to fly up to the sky and stand side by side with the moon." Fenghuo sighed, and hated introducing himself the most. He always felt like an exhibit being watched by others, which was uncomfortable.

Tsunade showed a strange expression: "Little ghost, speaking of it, I have always wanted to ask you, what does it mean to fly up to the sky and stand side by side with the moon?"

Feng Huo showed an inscrutable expression, and put his hands behind his back: "I told you that you still don't understand."


Tsunade slammed his fist on the cap of Fenghuo Tianling: "Hehe, what an annoying brat." She said and looked at the last person.

Asma Sarutobi in the corner probably also knows Tsunade's character, and hurriedly said: "My name is Asma Sarutobi, and my dream is, yes..."

His previous dream was to be Hokage, but his father, Hiruza Sarutobi, was busy with village affairs all day long and had no time to spend with his family. This made him very dissatisfied, and his dream gradually changed at this time.

"I want to be strong~www.readwn.com~ and protect the people I want to protect!" Asma said.

"Except for the Uchiha seal fire, everyone else's dreams are great!" Tsunade said with a smile: "Very good, then I announce that the Tsunade class is officially established!"

Feng Huo sighed silently, feeling very tired.

"Then that's it for today. Seal the fire and stay here. The others will disperse first. We will gather here at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

When Kurenai Yuhi and Asma left, Tsunade looked at Fenghuo with a serious face, his eyes were complicated, as if they contained endless emotions: "Follow me!"

"Where are you going?" Feng Huo had an ominous premonition.

"Little brat, why are you talking so much nonsense!" Tsunade said angrily.

Following Tsunade all the way through the streets and alleys, Fenghuo soon found that the surrounding buildings became more and more familiar until the two arrived at their destination.

What appeared in front of Fenghuo was a well-known signboard in Muye Village.

Big Rich Casino!


Turn off the fire and run away.

"Where are you going, kid?" Tsunade grabbed onto Fenghuo, his eyes were almost red.

"Senior Tsunade, cherish life and stay away from gambling."

"Believe it or not, I will let you lose your life right now!" Tsunade threatened coldly.

The luck is really not going well these few days, ah no, every time he gambles, his luck is very bad. This makes Tsunade, who is born in a wealthy family, feel that the financial pressure is a bit heavy.

"Don't worry, you will get 10% of the money if you win!" Tsunade smiled coldly, "If you lose money, hehehehe."

Fenghuo's cold hair stood up: "Senior Tsunade, the gas in my house is not turned off, let me go home first?"

"Hmph, this is beyond your control!"

Tsunade's strange power erupted, and he walked into the gambling house directly holding the fire seal.

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