Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 56: Tsunade's style

In the early morning of the next day, Yuhihong and Sarutobi Asma waited at the meeting point early in the morning. Seeing that it was almost seven o'clock, Asma couldn't help but asked, "Why hasn't that guy who sealed the fire come yet?"

Xi Hihong blinked and said, "He is sleeping."

"Sleep? What did he do last night? Didn't he know he was going to gather today?" Asma said angrily.

Kurenai Yuhi said: "He said it doesn't matter if you come later, because, because Tsunade-sensei won't be there on time either."

Asma was immediately dissatisfied: "Are you kidding me? Tsunade-sensei is one of the famous three ninjas in the ninja world. He is my father's favorite disciple. How could he be late?!"

Yuhi Hong pouted very aggrieved.

Asma couldn't say anything after seeing it.

The sun gradually rose, and the two waited for more than an hour, but Tsunade still did not appear.


Asma was very aggrieved, just now she was swearing, but she didn't expect Tsunade to be really late, and the slap in the face was too fast.

Yuhihong had already hid under a tree to enjoy the shade.

The sun was rising higher and higher, until it was too hot to bear the screams, Feng Huo stretched his waist and came late.

"Hey, Tsunade hasn't come yet." Feng Huo asked carelessly.

"Fenghuo, what did you and Tsunade-sensei do yesterday, why are you all late." Asma asked dissatisfied.

Feng Huo yawned.

Yesterday he stayed with Tsunade until the early morning hours in the casino. If the owner of the casino hadn't been crying and yelling to close, they might have gambled until dawn, but even so, they couldn't possibly get up on time.

"Ah, it's nothing, just to have a heart-to-heart talk, to talk about life and so on." Feng Huo shrugged.

"Hmph." Asma obviously didn't believe it.

"I'm hungry to seal the fire." Xi Hihong stood here waiting at seven o'clock, it's already noon, can you not be hungry?

"Okay, let's cook."

Fenghuo looked around, and immediately went into the woods, there were a lot of wild game, silly roe deer, hares, and some bird eggs from the tree.

After a while, the fire was sealed and returned with a full load. Asma and Yuhihong were not idle, picking up branches, digging a fire pit, and the three of them began to have a picnic with great interest.

After the sealing of the Fire Sealing Society, all the odds and ends were sealed in the scroll, including all the seasonings and so on. Asma was stunned to see: Are you a ninja or an expert in wild survival.

As the seasoning is sprinkled, bursts of tempting aromas hit the nostrils.

"It smells so good." Asma swallowed secretly, to tell the truth, since Fenghuo graduated, he really hasn't eaten the food made by Fenghuo himself, so he misses it.

"It will be fine soon."

Closing the fire, he patted off Xi Hihong's little hand that couldn't help stretching out, and rotated the rabbit meat on the fire, letting the flame evenly roast the meat, a layer of golden oil stains slowly overflowing, and the meat fragrance overflowed.

"What are you brats doing!!"

A burst of furious voice suddenly came from a distance, and Tsunade galloped over with a fierce look on his face.

"Ah, Tsunade-sensei is here, what should I do?" Yuhihong's obedient baby was frightened instantly, and hurriedly stood up and bowed her head to admit her mistake.

Asma also stood up in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

Tsunade put her hands on her hips, her face was fierce, and her chest was even more fierce!

She strode over, snatched the roasted rabbit from Fenghuo's hand, and it was not too hot, so she gnawed it with her mouth open.

"Ah, the taste is really good, the old man really didn't lie to me." Tsunade narrowed his eyes satisfied.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi mentioned to her that the food made by sealing fire is very delicious. She didn't believe it at first, but now, hehe, Tsunade feels that this world is too wonderful. From now on, gambling depends on sealing fire and eating depends on sealing fire. The kid is really his lucky star!

Asma and Kurenai Yuhi didn't realize it, they stood there in a daze and watched Tsunade gnaw.


Yuhihong was gluttonous and hungry, her stomach was growling.

Tsunade felt a little sorry, tore off a rabbit leg and handed it to her.

"Thank you Tsunade-sensei." Kureni Yuhi hurriedly took it.

"Hey, you instructor is too casual." Feng Huo protested, "Is it really good to grab students' lunch?"

"Little devil, why don't you make more food when you have time to complain!" Tsunade Taiyo scolded him angrily, "Look at how hungry you are for Hong!"


Can this be my fault?

Sealing the fire was depressed.

Under Tsunade's suppression, he had no choice but to close the fire, and roasted all the game, filling everyone's stomachs.

"Well, yes, it seems that everyone arrived very early." Tsunade wiped his mouth and denied recognition after eating, "But I still have to ask, is anyone late?"

Asma and Yuhihong subconsciously looked at Fenghuo.

Sealing the fire secretly is terrible, these two brats are really cheating.

"Little devil, how dare you be late?!" Sure enough, Tsunade's eyes were spitting fire, and he glared at Fenghuo.

Hey, are you still the same? !

Besides, why am I late, you have no idea? !

The baby is wronged!

"Senior Tsunade..."

"Don't call me senior, it's too much! I don't have a sense of teamwork at all!" Tsunade said coldly, lighting Fenghuo's forehead with one hand~www.readwn.com~, "You will stay with me later, and I will teach you a lesson you!"

Feng Huo was taken aback, why does this mother feel that she is going to be dragged to the gambling house again to become a young man?

Do you still want face?

Feng Huo felt his body being hollowed out.

Afterwards, Tsunade took them to Hokage Tower to accept five D-level missions.

Matsushima, who issued the tasks, was reluctant at first, saying that the tasks could only be accepted one by one. Tsunade immediately showed her strange power, tearing down a wall into big characters!

Matsushima and Tian were discouraged at the time.

"Yoshi, now everyone will do one task at a time." Tsunade's leadership is very rough and brutal, and direct, and the same is true for doing tasks.

For example, when weeding weeds in the field, she asked Fenghuo and the three of them to be in charge of an area. In the end, she also felt itchy and went to work in the field. Not only the weeds, but also the rice were hoeed clean. He was rewarded for his mission, and he had to be punished additionally.

Fenghuo guessed that it was probably the work of a gambling house or something.

Although the five D-level tasks were simple, they were indeed time-consuming, and they only completed two of them until evening.

"That's all for today, Hong, Asma, you go back first, seal the fire, leave me alone, you little brat, why do you want to leave after doing so many outrageous things?!"

"Please, who did those outrageous things so that someone didn't have a B number in his heart?" Feng Huo snorted.


Tsunade blasted Fenghuo into the sky with a punch, and threatened: "Believe it or not, I will let you fly into the sky and stand side by side with the moon right now!"

"You! Sister!"

If the fist is bigger than others, there is no human rights.

Afterwards, Tsunade walked into a gambling house with Fenghuo and started to gamble!

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