Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Sadness flows like river

Namikaze Minato flashed to the vicinity with Flying Raijin to avoid the false darkness of Lei Dun, and quietly picked up a special kunai hidden in the dark and threw it over. Everyone saw these kunai, with fear and fear in their eyes, Immediately control the tentacle monster to hide to the side, and at the same time use the seal to cast ninjutsu.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

But there was a smile on Namikaze Minato's face.

The position where the tentacle monster was standing happened to have a special Kunai that had been buried before Minato Namikaze.

"Flying Thunder God!"


Namikaze Minato teleported there directly.

"Screw pill!"


Another tentacle mask was smashed.

Kakuzu's whole person is not good, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind, that is Konoha Baiya Hatake Sakumo, this guy was the one who chopped off his four hearts one by one, could it be that today...

"Are you kidding me!!"

Kakudo was startled, angry and frightened, the endless black tentacles spread crazily, immediately surrounded the last tentacle monster, and at the same time absorbed the mask monster into his body at an extremely fast speed.

‘He must need some kind of medium to activate space ninjutsu, and it should be that special quality Kunai! '

"Damn it!" Jiaodu jumped up, "Feng Dun-suppression!!"

A hurricane ball compressed to the extreme spins and falls to the ground at high speed, and a terrifying hurricane erupts in an instant, sweeping in all directions. The flowers, plants, trees, mountains, rocks and soil are all blown away by the hurricane, flying messily in the air, grass clippings flying, dust flying, under the sun, there is a faint metal reflection Refracted out.

Jiaodu looked over, and suddenly saw nearly twenty trait kunai, and a look of shock and anger flashed in his eyes.

Namikaze Minato has planted so many qualities of Kunai here, combined with time-space ninjutsu, he is simply invincible. Thinking of those three hearts, Kakudo is filled with hatred and anger, and the sadness flows back like a river in an instant. The suffering is blown far away.

At this moment, Feng Huo, Tsunade, and You Nv Zhiwei all hid several hundred meters away.

"It's such a powerful wind escape ninjutsu, it's worthy of being an S-rank rebellious ninja!" Younu Zhiwei's face was serious, his bugs couldn't get into such a violent wind at all.

Feng Huo laughed beside him and said: "If Jiaodu had noticed earlier, he might still have a chance, but now he is scared out of his wits, at the end of his battle, he is not far from death, haha, yes, Jiaodu's head is worth a lot on the black market." How much?"

"Hmph, the horns are all traitors, how could he hand over his body to the black market?" Tsunade snorted.

"He is the rebellious ninja of Takiyin Village, not our Konoha's rebellious ninja."

"Even so, we have to recover it. The forbidden technique of Earth Resentment may be dissected from his corpse." Tsunade is very scientific, "and there may be other secrets in him, hmph, his corpse must be dissected." Hand it over to Anbu!"

Younv Zhiwei looked at the two of them, and was a little speechless: Please, Jiaodu is still alive and kicking, you are so disrespectful to others, can we discuss it after he is dead?


The violent sea of ​​flames burned again on the battlefield, and the scorching heat swept away in all directions with twisted airflow.

Namikaze Minato kept retreating at the edge of the sea of ​​flames, while running, while recovering the special Kunai who was knocked into the air by Kakuzu.

These Ku Wu have the Flying Thunder God mark that he personally engraved, they are very precious, they cannot just be thrown away.

The corners of the eyes are watching from the side.

With so many traits at hand, God knows if Namikaze Minato is about to open wide, Kokuto's heart thumped, thinking that Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, was by his side, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Damn it, why is Konoha's ninja so difficult!"

It's fine with Konoha Baiya, but now he just jumps out of a random storm and makes him lose sight of the other, it's just too deceiving!

And that kid from the Uchiha clan, as naughty as a ghost, if I knew it, I should have taken off his head last night to exchange for a reward!

Unfortunately, it's too late to think about anything now.

The next moment, Namikaze Minato rubbed a Wind Dun spiral pill and rushed over.

Jiaodu didn't dare to let him get close, he hurriedly backed away, and quickly formed a seal with both hands: "Feng Dun-Suppression!"

The violent hurricane came again, wantonly destroying everything around.

Namikaze Minato dodges directly with a teleportation technique, and quickly hits Kakuzu.

His horns receded even further, his eyes filled with intense resentment, but Namikaze Minato's Hiraishen and his nerve reflex speed surpassing that of ordinary people completely suppressed him, and if he continued to fight, he would really be finished.

‘Even Senshou Bashirama couldn’t kill me, how could I be killed by this unknown guy? ! '

Kakuzu finally decides to run away.

He turned around and fled, and at the same time, the remaining heart in his body jumped out and turned into a masked tentacle monster to block the chasing Namikaze Minato.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

Namikaze Minato directly threw a ball in the past.


There was a violent explosion there, and the strong wind was raging, blowing the ground three feet.

Namikaze Minato looked around, and Kakutsu had already disappeared.

"It's a pity, if you can get close to him, you can leave the Flying Thunder God mark on him!"

Namikaze Minato looked very regretful.

Tsunade, Younv Zhiwei, and Feng Huo all surrounded him.

"Minato, are you alright?" Younv Zhiwei asked concerned.

"It's okay, it's just that Chakra is slightly overdrawn, but it's not a serious problem." Namikaze Minato's face was indeed pale, "Let's go, go and meet them."

Tsunade saw that there was no blood on his body, so he breathed a sigh of relief and approached, and said, "The danger of this mission has greatly exceeded our expectations. In my opinion, some kid who caused trouble should return to the village early!"

Feng Huo looked constipated: "Me? That won't work, I want to advance and retreat with everyone!"

"Hey, don't forget that you are the one who was offered a reward!" Tsunade punched Fenghuo **** the head, but his concern was beyond words.

"How can a mere bounty make me retreat? Are you kidding me?!" Feng Huo yelled, "Mr. ~www.readwn.com~ The pinnacle of the ninja world?!" Zhiwei Younv, who heard this kind of remarks for the first time, looked at him in surprise, "Feng Huo, are you serious? This road is very difficult of."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "This is much more difficult than my dream."

"Hmph, it's just a child daydreaming. He didn't realize the cruelty of this world, so he dared to say such childish words!" Tsunade was quite angry, and his younger brother was also clamoring about dreams all day long, and acted impulsively. And capricious, finally died on the battlefield!

She didn't want to see Feng Huo follow in her brother's footsteps.

As a child, it’s fine to be carefree. It’s simply capricious to talk about Hokage and the strongest ninja world all day long!

Especially seeing so many black market killers rushing forward this time, even S-rank rebellious ninja appeared, the feeling of powerlessness made Tsunade very uncomfortable and entangled.

It's a pity that Fenghuo has already made up his mind. Besides, fighting those black market killers can also enhance his actual combat experience and survival experience, killing two birds with one stone. He will never go back! (https://)

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