Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Arrived in the land of snow

Half a day later, Fenghuo and the others found the mark left by Zhuludie, chased all the way and finally joined forces smoothly.

"Fenghuo, are you okay?" Xi Rihong rushed over with concern, her cute eyes were full of worry, and she looked at Fenghuo pitifully.

"It's okay, don't cry, I'll tell you!" Fenghuo didn't say anything, but when Yuhihong said it, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Behind, Asma also cried, that sad and wronged Yo.

Obito gave him a strange look, and then rushed over: "Feng Huo, I knew you would be fine! But **** you, you didn't even tell me that Sharingan has evolved to Sangouyu."

"Isn't it because you're afraid that you won't be able to stand the stimulus and jump off the building?" Feng Huo resolutely stood at the highest point of morality, patting Obito's shoulder from top to bottom, "I'm doing it for your own good, why can't you appreciate my good intentions? Nah."

Obito suddenly fell into a tangle, always feeling something weird.

Fatty Qiu stepped forward: "It's fine to seal the fire and it's okay, shall we continue on our way?"

"Of course, with you, our task will be much easier." Namikaze Minato laughed.

Long Chuanyi was a little confused by the side, he was rich, but he couldn't bear to hire so many jounin all at once.

"Master Tsunade, Master Minato, this, the reward for the mission..." Long Chuan was puzzled.

"Don't worry, the task reward will not change." Namikaze Minato laughed.

"I'm relieved now. No, I mean, that, thank you all ninjas!" Long Chuan was sweating profusely.

"Okay, let's get on the road quickly, I feel that many black market killers are approaching us." Yamanaka Haiyi frowned.

The Yamanaka clan is good at spiritual mystic arts, and naturally they also dabble in perceptual ninjutsu.

"Minato, you guys go first, Haiichi, Fatty Aki and I will be the rear." Nara Shikahisa said.

"Bastard, don't say I'm fat, I'm strong!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo shouted angrily.

Nara Shikajiu shrugged: "It's not my nickname."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo immediately turned his head and stared at the instigator.

Feng Huo looked shy.

With Zhuludie's ninja team and Younv Zhiwei's support from the sea of ​​insects, those black market killers have no chance to get close to the convoy.

This made Feng Huo full of complaints.

Actual combat is always the best teacher, Fenghuo doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

He purposely looked for it, and asked Zhuludie to put a few miscellaneous fish in, so that he could have a good time with his hands and practice actual combat.

Kakashi and Obito were not to be outdone, and made a request for actual combat!

Asma, who was broken in love, expressed grief and indignation that she would hit ten!

Zhuludie thinks so too, with them outside, Namikaze Minato in the middle, and so many black market killers, such good conditions cannot be wasted.

The next journey will completely become the actual combat path of Fenghuo, Obito, Kakashi and Asma.

Fenghuo's strength can already crush most of the Chunin, but fighting two is a bit of a trade-off, and in the end it still lacks actual combat.

Kakashi can also compete with the elite Chunin by virtue of Thunder Dun and his family's sword skills, which is slightly weaker than Fenghuo.

Obito and Asma are both rookies who have just graduated, and they only have the strength of ninja. Zhuludie specially put some ninja and samurai in to train them, and the speed of improvement is also very fast.

All the way from the country of birds, the country of bears, the country of ghosts, and finally to the country of snow, it took two months. Before and after sealing the fire, they encountered more than 20 assassinations, most of them were black market killers, and several of them were from the country of earth Iwa Shinobu Anbe pretended to be a black market killer and shot. At that time, Ikabutterfly almost collapsed due to carelessness. Fortunately, the sea of ​​insects from Younv Zhiwei flooded in and saved the situation in time.

The closer to the Snow Country, the fewer black market killers. One is that this place is too remote, and the other is that they are too scared to be killed and dare not show up again.

Not even a killer in sight for the last few days!

"It's not easy." Feng Huo finally heaved a sigh of relief when he looked at the front. The place was covered in snow and ice, and there was no other color to be seen.

Long Chuan was also very excited when he returned to his hometown, especially the five-car special products he brought back from the Land of Fire, which would definitely increase his assets by another 10%.

"Thank you, my lords." Long Chuan said with a happy smile, "Next, I will lead you to appreciate the scenery of the Snow Country!"

After a hard journey, Fenghuo and the others were also exhausted, so it was good to have a rest.

Although the Snow Country is remote, there are many ninjas, and most of them are good at ice shields. Coupled with the unique ice and snow climate here, their combat power is greatly increased.

Fortunately, this country is remote enough that black market rewards are of no use here.

Fenghuo and the others don't have to worry about being chased and killed by the local Xue Ren, but even so, Fenghuo is still repeatedly warned not to cause trouble.

This made Feng Huo very depressed, and made him seem happy.

"It's so cold." Yu Hihong was wearing thick clothes, but her little face was still red from the cold, but her eyes were shining brightly, watching the snow outside which was ready to move, she liked this place very much.

Younv Zhiwei wrapped her coat tightly, her face was a little ugly: "My bugs don't like this place."

The Land of Snow is covered in ice and snow, and the temperature is extremely low. In nature, not many insects can survive in such a low environment.

Namikaze Minato took off the cloak on his body and handed it to him: "Wear more to keep out the cold."

"Thank you very much." Younv Zhiwei reached out to take it.

Tsunade was still wearing the cool clothes, his arms were bare, and the white flowers were exposed on his chest, so he was not afraid of the cold at all.

Led by Long Chuanyi, they came to a nearby town smoothly. The people here were very curious to see so many outsiders, but they were all around, and few came up to deal with them.

Fenghuo was walking on the street, looking from a distance, he could see the steep and rolling iceberg behind the city, which was so vast that he couldn't see the end.

"It's really spectacular." Namikaze Minato also looked at the group of icebergs and was amazed.

The climate of the Land of Fire is mild, and it snows a little in winter, but it melts in spring. Have you ever seen such a scene?

"I don't know what kind of bugs will be bred in such an environment." Younu Zhiwei wore two layers of cloaks, and after the bugs in her body relaxed, her mind became active.

The Younv family is an insect-controlling family. If the insects are strong, they will be strong, so their obsession with insects is one of the best in the entire ninja world.

But most of the bugs in the Land of Fire have been thoroughly studied by them, so seeing such a frighteningly cold climate, Younu Zhiwei can't sit still.

"Zhiwei, are you going up the mountain to look for bugs?" Namikaze Minato asked.

Younvzhi nodded slightly: "Yes, I want to see if there are any bugs suitable for me on the iceberg."

"It's so cold, I don't want to go up the mountain." Fatty Qiu shrugged and looked around~www.readwn.com~ He would be hungry again now, and wanted to find a barbecue restaurant to replenish his nutrition.

Shikahisa Nara was also lazy, shrugging his shoulders to express his reluctance.

Yamanaka Kaiichi smiled bitterly and said, "Then I will go with you."

Feng Huo's eyes brightened slightly: "I, I will go too."

When Yuhihong and Obito heard this, they immediately expressed their intention to go up the mountain.

"Please, this is not for fun, don't make trouble!" Tsunade glared at the instigator.

Sealing the fire up and down, he immediately turned his head and stared at Obito Yuhihong: "Don't make trouble, rest well, and wait for me to come back!"

"Damn it!" Obito refused to accept, but under the strong fist truth, he had no choice but to compromise.

Finally, Yume Zhiwei, Fenghuo, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Namikaze Minato left the city and headed for the snow-capped mountains.

The rest of the people, under the hospitality of Long Chuanyi, enjoyed the delicious food unique to the Land of Snow. (https://)

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