Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 71: snow eagle

Leaving the town, the cold wind outside was even colder, blowing on his face like ice skates, and kept drilling into his neck, Fenghuo couldn't help tightening his coat.

Younu Zhiwei stretched out her hand, and a few bugs came out of his sleeve, but shivered and retracted quickly.

Younvzhi frowned slightly, and drove other kinds of insects, but the result was the same, and was frozen back by the low temperature as soon as it came out.

Feng Huo suggested from the side: "Brother Zhiwei, try to keep Chakra on the bug."

Younv Zhiwei's eyes lit up, and immediately released a parasite.

The parasite had a small amount of chakra in its body, so it finally defied the ice and snow, flapping its wings and flew up, but when the cold wind blew, the parasite was frozen into a lump and fell to the ground.

"In this kind of weather, can bugs really survive here?" Yamanaka Haiyi held his forehead, suddenly feeling that it was a wrong choice to come out.

Feng Huo said: "There should be. Longchuan once said that the snow eagles here come out to look for food in this season, which means that there must be creatures in Xuefeng."

"That's right, if there are living things, there must be bugs!" Younu Zhiwei cheered up and headed towards Xuefeng first.

A group of people are all ninjas, and their speed is fast, but the feeling of the cold wind is really uncomfortable.

Feng Huo even felt that his eyes were about to be frozen into hockey pucks.

Entering the snow peak, you can't see the mountain road at all, it's all covered with snow, and you will sink into it if you stay for a while.

He tried to seal the fire, and let the snow cover him, only to find that the snow covered his waist and neck.

Finally, they saw a few trees appearing beside the cliff in front of them, their branches piercing towards the sky ferociously.

"Look, the snow on the branches!" You Nuzhi said excitedly.

Feng Huo looked over and found that part of the snow was missing, which looked like a claw.

"A bird has stayed here." Haiyi Yamanaka looked up at the sky, "It should be a snow eagle."

The sky was foggy, as if a thick layer of dark clouds were slowly pressing down.

"It won't snow, will it?" Feng Huo said in an unpleasant way.

The snow in the snow peak is already thick, if it snows again, it will be terrible.

Moving forward, the terrain of Xuefeng gradually became steeper, and the sky also fell down with heavy snow, which was like rain in an instant, covering the sky and covering the sky, and most of the vision of everyone was directly deprived.

"Really bad weather."

Yamanaka Kaiyi used sensory ninjutsu, but found no living things nearby.

You Nvzhi tightened her coat slightly, did not back down, and continued to move forward, showing a spirit of dedication to the scientific cause.

"Fenghuo, can your eyes see clearly?" Namikaze Minato said suddenly.

Feng Huo blinked, his eyes had turned into **** Sharingans, and the three hook jades in his eyes were slowly rotating.

Although Sharingan has evolved to the three-pointed jade, Feng Huo did not spend too much time and energy digging out these eyes, because he knows that Sharingan will truly show its powerful power when it evolves into a kaleidoscope. At this stage, it's better to spend time on physical skills, ninjutsu, and illusion.

"I can see the traces of falling snowflakes, but there is no difference in vision." Feng Huo closed Sharingan.

In terms of vision, I'm afraid Baiyan is the well-deserved number one, but unfortunately they don't have ninjas from the Hyuga clan.

"Such heavy snow is not suitable for traveling, let's find a cave to hide." Yamanaka Kaiichi said.

"I can blow a hole with a spiral pill!" Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up.

Feng Huo was taken aback, they were already close to the peak of this snow peak, if a spiral pill came, it would definitely trigger an avalanche, and they would not die or be disabled.

"Brother Minato, please don't!"

Feng Huo hurriedly stopped him, moved him with emotion and reason, and finally dispelled his terrifying thought.


Suddenly, a sharp eagle cry came from high above the sky, trembling the air, and spreading down the distance, it seemed to burst people's eardrums.

The snow on Xuefeng seems to be cracking faintly.

"Be careful!"

Yamanaka Hai was shocked.

In the snowy sky, a huge white snow eagle with wings spanning five or six meters long swooped down like a flying arrow, and its target was Fenghuo and his group.

Obviously, this snow eagle regards them as food.

"Spiral pill!!" Minato Namikaze rubbed a ball without saying a word.

Feng Huo was in pain: "Brother Shuimen, you forgot what I just said, it will cause an avalanche."

Namikaze Minato was stunned: "Ah, I'm sorry."

He was busy eliminating the balls.

At this time, the Snow Eagle was already very close, a pair of white pupils with golden eyes fixed on their line of sight, and then naturally landed on Feng Huo.

"Damn it, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Feng Huo was terrified, and subconsciously rubbed a ball.

"Fenghuo, you are still accusing me." Namikaze Minato was very aggrieved.

Fenghuo shakes his hand awkwardly.

At this moment, Snow Eagle was less than ten meters away from them.

But at this time, Yuu Nv Zhiwei completely turned into a passerby because of the bug, and Kaiichi Yamanaka's mysterious magic couldn't work on a snow eagle without intelligence. Lost the initiative.

In the end, a gust of wind flashed by, and Feng Huo found himself flying into the sky. Of course, this posture was not very elegant.

‘Wait, I was captured by a snow eagle? ! '

Feng Huo is not well at all, he just wanted to struggle, but firstly, Snow Eagle's eagle claws are very sharp and powerful, secondly, Snow Eagle has already flown higher and higher, and there is a steep snow peak below, if it falls, even if it falls There is snow below, and those who fall and roll will be disabled even if they are not dead.

"Flying Thunder God!"

At the critical moment, Namikaze Minato teleported directly to Fenghuo with Flying Thunder God.

Feng Huo was startled, and hurriedly reached out to grab him.

Namikaze Minato reacted quickly enough, the moment he appeared, he grabbed Fenghuo with one hand and Snow Eagle's claws with the other, just as he opened his mouth to speak, the cold wind from the high altitude poured in, causing him to shut up hurriedly.

Namikaze Minato lowered his head, and could vaguely see the figures of Yume Shiwei and Yamanaka Kaiichi below him, he hurriedly made a few gestures towards them with one hand free, not sure if they could see them.

The snow eagle flew higher and higher~www.readwn.com~Flying faster and faster, the snowflakes in the air turned into pieces of cold 'stones' and smashed **** Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato.

At this time, there was no threat of an avalanche, and they could completely kill this daring snow eagle with balls, but the threat at high altitude seemed to be more serious than the avalanche, and if it fell, no one knew what would happen.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the Snow Eagle suddenly screamed sharply again, its wings stopped flapping, and it slowly spun and landed in a gliding posture.

At this time, Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo's hair, eyelashes, and mouth were covered with ice and snow, and they looked like two ice sculptures from a distance.



Below is a cliff of a snow peak. One side of the cliff is 90 degrees, extremely steep and dangerous. There is a huge crack on the cliff, and a huge lair is built in that crack.

And on the nest, there are two little snow eagles screaming desperately with their mouths open. (https://)

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