Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 84: 1 horn beluga

Although Konoha in the Fire Country is powerful, this is the Snow Country, not far away from Konoha. After the initial shock of Spike Avalanche, it showed a sinister look.

"No matter what your purpose is, entering the Snow Country is a spy, and it doesn't matter if you kill you!"

Moreover, this child also has Sharingan, one of the three major pupil arts in the ninja world!

Langya Xuebeng looked at Fenghuo, with raging gunshots in his eyes.

Hoo hoo!

As the cold wind blew, flakes of ice crystal-like snowflakes rose into the air like a sandstorm, turning into a huge shuriken in the air, spinning wildly and hitting Fenghuo.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Huge fireballs were sprayed out from the sealing fire seal, and the two collided. The ice and fire burst like bright fireworks, and a stream of ice or hot air flowed wildly and chaotically, colliding with the surrounding buildings, making a sound of friction like gold and iron.

"Ice Shield - Moby Dick!"

Under the control of Spike Avalanche, countless ice crystals turned into a huge unicorn ice whale. Under the sunlight, the unicorn horn of the ice crystal reflected colorful rays of light, and descended suddenly with terrifying power.


"Fire escape - fire dragon flame bomb!"

Feng Huo didn't dare to underestimate it, he kept making seals with both hands.

"Fire Escape - The Art of the Impatiens Flower!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

The scorching flames rose into the sky like a mountain fire, illuminating half of the sky red.


The huge ice crystal white whale kept melting in the flames and shrunk crazily. When it got close to the sealing fire, it was only the size of a palm.

At the same time, the melted water of the ice whale fell to the ground and formed huge puddles.

Sealing the fire immediately changes the nature of Chakra.


"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

Under the control of Fenghuo, the water in the puddle rolled up and turned into a huge tornado-like waterfall in the air, spinning crazily and rushing towards the Wolf Fang Avalanche.

"how is this possible?!"

At this time, Spike Avalanche was a little bit broken, and it was even more unbelievable. I used an ice shield ninjutsu, but the guy on the opposite side had cramps in his hands. Swish, swish, he had already used three fire escape ninjutsu to resist, and then he took another breath Unceasingly resorted to Shui Dun, the speed of the opponent's seal completely crushed him!

"Damn it!"

"Ice Shield-Ice Wall!"

Langya Xuebeng's hands were bluffed, and countless ice crystals gathered like snowflakes in a radius of 100 meters, turning into a huge ice wall with a thickness of one meter.


The waterspout waterfall violently bombarded the ice wall, and the force of the rotation directly drilled a big hole in it.

The Wolf Fang Avalanche roared, Chakra gushed out frantically, and ice crystals continued to gather and condense, increasing the thickness of the ice wall.

Behind Feng Huo, Tsunade stood there calmly watching the battle, at this moment a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your ice shield is not the blood succession limit at all! You can only control ice, but you can't make ice. Compared with the Mizuki clan in Wuyin Village, you are far behind!"

Then she looked at Feng Huo, seeing that he didn't seem to understand, she said angrily, "Use the Huo Dun to melt the surrounding ice and snow, and his ice shield will be useless, brat, I need to teach you this! "

Fenghuo is like waking up from a dream, thinking to himself that he is indeed Sannin, his combat experience and vision are definitely the top ninja world, but the problem is, this is the land of snow, there is ice and snow everywhere, when he melts a hundred meters away The snow and ice, the Spike Avalanche ran a hundred meters away and was alive and kicking!

Thinking this way in my heart, my body is still very honest.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

A huge fireball blasted towards the ice wall along the tail of the waterspout.

After the Wolf Fang avalanche, he jumped up and onto the roof of a house.



The fireball collided with the ice wall and exploded. Countless sharp-edged ice cubes swept across like machine guns, piercing deeply into the nearby snow fields and houses.

At this time, Feng Huo also opened Sharingan.

The three Gouyu slowly rotated in his eyes, firmly locking on to every move of Langya Xuebeng.

Tsunade's words are still somewhat useful. Since the ice shield of Spike Avalanche is not the blood succession limit, then using Sharingan should be able to copy his "ice shield" ninjutsu that controls ice and snow, right?

"Sangouyu Sharingan?! Are you kidding me, a mere brat has such powerful eyes!"

Langya Xuebeng trembled for a while, his hands trembling slightly.

Sharingan is so famous that he is timid before fighting.

‘No, reinforcements must be called! '

Spike Avalanche had just made a move, and the fire sealing had already started.

"Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"


Fenghuo's skin took on a strange color under the pressure of the rapid flow of chakra, and the hair all over his body seemed to lose the traction of gravity and danced rapidly.

With one foot on the ground, his speed soared to the limit, and he slammed into the air and turned into an afterimage, soaring into the sky.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"

He kicked it away, but before he could finish his sentence, Spike Xuebeng was already kicked flying, and he flipped seven or eight somersaults in the air and fell heavily to the ground in embarrassment.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, Spike Avalanche with two broken ribs almost didn't get up.


"Ice Shield - Moby Dick!"

Countless ice crystals danced in the air and gathered in an instant.

Although Feng Huo turned into an afterimage, Sharingan stared at Langya Xuebeng firmly. When he saw him forming a seal, he immediately remembered it in his heart, and then exited the state of Bamen Dunjia and started forming a seal.

"Ice Shield - Moby Dick!"

But there is only a huge narwhal roaring and rampaging on the street.

Feng Huo was surprised to find that his chakra nature change had not yet mastered the ice attribute, so even if he mastered the seal gesture, he would not be able to use the ice shield ninjutsu smoothly.

Seeing that the ice whale was already three meters away, he was about to enter the state of Bamen Dunjia, but with the help of the reflection of the ice whale, he saw that Tsunade not far behind him was already lying on the ground with disgust from a mouthful of old blood from Spike Avalanche. Don't do it on the ground.


Feng Huo knew that he couldn't hide anymore, so he could only resist obediently.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

This trick is to steal from Jiaodu.

A small fireball fell slowly, and burned at a crazy speed as soon as it landed, and turned into a huge sea of ​​fire in an instant, engulfing the ice whale.

But the ice whale is huge, and even hard work cannot melt it in an instant.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Fire escape - fire dragon flame bomb!"

Feng Huo fired two more fire escapes in a row, completely shattering the ice whale.

Then he opened the eight-door armor and soared into the sky~www.readwn.com~ But looking at the empty street beyond the sea of ​​flames, he was aggrieved by sealing the fire.

He ran away!

The sea of ​​fire was quickly extinguished, and the surrounding water also froze again in a very short period of time.

Feng Huo supported Tsunade and left quickly.

"Little ghost did a good job. That Snow Ninja's strength is probably that of an elite Chunin. You can defeat him, which means that your strength is already very close to that of a special Jōnin."

After Tsunade returned to normal, he lightly praised Fenghuo.

Just as Feng Huo was about to say a few words of modesty, he heard the second half of her sentence.

"It's not in vain for what I have taught you in the past six months."


Fenghuo was injured internally.

Nima, you have been patronizing and exploiting me for the past six months, when did you teach me, bastard! (https://)

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