Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 85: hunt down

Back at the hotel, Fenghuo and Tsunade found the mark left by Shikaku Nara, and immediately chased them out of Fengxue Town, meeting them smoothly.

"Looking at you, it doesn't seem to be going well." Shikahisa Nara noticed something through some small details.

Tsunade snorted coldly: "The person from the gambling shop actually paid thousands of dollars, and I smashed it, Yoshi, go back to the village, it's better to go back to the gambling shop in the village!"

Hehe, Fenghuo laughed awkwardly, for the casino, you are the best.

Afterwards, Feng Huo reported on his fight with Xue Nin Langya Avalanche.

"Snow Ninja? It's really troublesome."

Shikajiu Nara scratched his head, "This is the Land of Snow. It is quite difficult to leave safely under the nose of Xue Ninja. Now I can only hope that the Spike Avalanche will not make things worse."

Namikaze Minato said: "I heard that Xue Ren's ice shield is very powerful and weird. To seal the fire, how do you feel fighting Langya Avalanche?"

Feng Huo said: "Xue Nin's ice shields are indeed powerful, but they can only control ice, but they cannot directly create ice. If there is no ice on the battlefield, their ice shields are paper tigers."

"So, as long as we escape from the Snow Country, we will be safe." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo patted his belly and said, "Then what are we waiting for, let's run."

Tsunade looked at them very dissatisfied: "Hey, you are the elites of Konoha, you can drive us around with mere Yukino!"

"It's not something you provoked." Feng Huo muttered.

"Little ghost, did you say something strange just now!" Tsunade punched the sealing head out of a bag.

"No, no, absolutely not!" Feng Huo confessed.

Yuhi Hong came over to help him rub his head in distress.

"Fenghuo, your instructor is so fierce." Obito leaned over and winked, a bit gloating.


Tsunade doesn't care who you are, he blows Obito away with a punch, his face is solemn: "I can't pretend I didn't hear that!"

"Damn it." Obito staggered back in the distance, saw Tsunade glaring at him, and immediately hid behind Namikaze Minato.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's go." Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

On the other side, after Langya Xuebeng escaped, he felt unwilling and immediately went to find his little friend.

There is no "shadow" in Xuenin Village in the Snow Country, so the ninjas inside are scattered, mostly in groups of three or four. They usually do some "grey business", and occasionally accept employment to do some murder and arson. In this lawless and remote country, they are all invincible existences!

And Crane Wing Chuuxue and Dongxiong Dongyu are the two closest friends of Langya Avalanche.

"It's really embarrassing, Xue Beng, who made you like this?" Crane Wing Chuixue covered her mouth with a chuckle and her pink hair trembled, a bit charming.

Dong Xiong Dongyu stood beside him with his arms folded and asked, "It can't be those guys, right?"

The ninjas in Xueren Village act independently. For their own interests, the relationship between them is very bad, and they often tear each other down. Because of their youth, the Langya Xuebing trio are often bullied.

"This time it's not a trivial matter!" Langya Xuebeng immediately said the matter.

"That kid's eyes are really Sangouyu Sharingan?!" Crane Yi Fuixue really showed her heartbeat. If she can transplant Sharingan, her combat power will definitely increase greatly.

As for Uchiha's revenge?


This is the Land of Snow, several countries are separated from Konoha, she doesn't believe that Uchiha will send his tribe thousands of miles to chase and kill a little ghost.

Dong Xiong Dongyu said: "Besides this little devil named Uchiha Fenghuo, do you have any other information?"

"There should be ninjas, but as long as my technique can be successfully performed, they will all die!" Langya Xuebing showed a sinister expression.

"Is that the technique? Haha, you really want to kill." He Yi Chuuxue said excitedly, "Then, we have to choose a good place!"

Leaving Fengxue Town, Fenghuo and others headed southeast all the way, because the little guys like Yuhihong, Lin, and Obito tried their best to hold back, so the speed of the journey was not fast.

"There is a snow mountain ahead, let's go around it."

Ninjas have always traveled across mountains and ridges, ignoring any terrain, except for snow mountains, which are not as good as raving at the foot of mountains.

Everyone had no objections and continued on their way around the foot of the snow mountain.

Haiyi Yamanaka raised his head suddenly, looked at the top of the snow-capped mountain, and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Namikaze Minato noticed his abnormality.

"I don't know why, it feels weird." Haiichi Yamanaka stopped and closed his eyes, "I'll use sensory ninjutsu to see."

Qiudao Dingzuo said happily: "Shut up the fire, take this time to roast two pieces of meat for me!"

Feng Huo refused: "No."

"Feng Huo, don't be so stingy, I'll treat you to a barbecue when you return to the village!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo said anxiously.


"Not good!" Yamanaka Haiyi suddenly opened his eyes, and at this time, there was a violent rumbling sound from the top of the snow mountain, as if the waves were crashing, and the sky was falling apart, and countless ice and snow were gathered like rolling rivers and rivers. Chenghai fell from the sky unstoppably.

"This is…"

"Avalanche! Run!"

Feng Huo was terrified and quickly reminded them.

Tsunade grabbed Kurenai Yuhi and Lin one by one, a strange force erupted, and one step was already ten meters away.

Namikaze Minato grabbed Obito, and Nara Shikaku grabbed Asma, and they both quickly moved away.

Qiu Dao Dingzuo wanted to catch Fenghuo so as to improve his friendship, but Fenghuo didn't give face, so he opened the eight doors and rushed to the sky, which made Qiu Fatty very embarrassed.

Kakashi used Chidori directly, and with the help of Chidori's inertia, also left quickly.

Younv Zhiwei and Yamanaka Kaiichi followed closely to prevent accidents.

At the same time, in the avalanche, countless ice and snow turned into huge ice wolves, their speed increased sharply, and they rushed towards them ferociously.

Nara Shikaku took the time to look back, and said with a wry smile: "Bingdun, it seems that Yukino does not intend to let us leave safely."

"I'm hungry." Fatty Qiu didn't want to run away after running far, "The technique of doubling!"

He turned directly into a meat ball, rolled up on the snow, with a fast speed, and soon caught up with Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at it and couldn't help kicking.

Under the strange force, the meat ball rolled more swiftly and fiercely, and Fatty Qiu could vaguely hear howling, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a while.

"Master Tsunade, you really are..." Shikahisa Nara couldn't even complain.

"Ice Shield - Yan Chuixue!"

A dozen or so long ice spears suddenly shot out from the snowy road on the left, and the tips of the spears flickered with a cold light, which was extremely ferocious.

thump thump!

The ice spear fell three feet into the ground.

Everyone dodged while running, and their speed slowed down instantly.

At the same time, another indifferent voice came out.

"Ice Shield - The Art of Ice Prison!"


Tiny icebergs suddenly rose from the ground, extremely abrupt, Kakashi was not prepared to be rubbed by the icebergs, and was directly frozen by the icebergs.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"

Fenghuo fell from the sky~www.readwn.com~ kicked violently.

His speed is too fast, and he will be closed at the touch of a touch. Even if the iceberg wants to freeze him, there is not enough time.


The iceberg was finally cracked under the continuous kick of Fenghuo.

Kakashi fell from the iceberg, his face livid from the cold.

Yamanaka Kai appeared in a flash, grabbed him and continued to run wildly.

"Hahahaha, you can't escape!" Crane Wing Chuixue slid quickly on the snow, creating ice spears one by one from her hand, and shooting towards the opposite side.

On the other side, Dongxiong Dongyu also appeared, constantly using the technique of ice prison.

"Then, there is one more person, please show up." Nara Shikahisa said without looking back. (https://)

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