Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Missing

After recovering his body to its peak, the devil training for Fenghuo was naturally reduced by half. Originally, he should return to the Tsunade team to complete the D-level missions with Kurenai Yuhi and Asma, but that would be a waste of time for him. With the last three games coming up, he had to postpone his return to the team and practice crazily.

The warm and ordinary days slipped away quietly like this, but the friction on the border continued to escalate, and the serious situation became more and more obvious.

"Master Hokage, I found the traces of sand ninja again. They have penetrated three hundred miles into the land of fire this time, which is already a serious diplomatic incident!"

"Hokage-sama, we also found traces of sand hidden activities in the south!"

"Master Hokage, Yousa has sneaked into the village a hundred miles away!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to these information, his face became more and more serious.


"Does Hidden Sand Village want to declare war with us?!" The angry Sarutobi Hiru slapped the case.

Next to him, Anbu's head Sakumo Hatake said solemnly: "Master Hokage, if Sagakushi declares war with us, our situation will be very pessimistic."

In the past few years, the relationship between the Nation of Fire and other countries has been tense.

It is certain that once Sand Yin and Konoha go to war, Iwanin of the Land of Earth and Yun Yin Village of the Land of Thunder will definitely throw stones at Konoha!

Even the hidden fog of the country of water may come across the sea!

If such a situation really happens, the Kingdom of Fire will be really dangerous!

"Do you need to send an envoy to negotiate?" Hatake Sakumo asked.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes and began to think.

Hatake Sakumo waited quietly.

"No, there is no need to send an envoy!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes exuded strong confidence, "Three Kazekages don't have the confidence to launch a war!"

"Then what about the sand ninjas who invaded the land of fire?"

"Catch it and hand it over to the torture department. I want to know what happened to Hidden Sand Village!"

Hoo hoo!

The yellow sand roared and flew all over the sky, and the boundary between the sky and the earth became extremely blurred at this time.

In Hidden Sand Village, in Kazekage's office, consultant Chiyo and several elders are gathering here anxiously.

"Haven't you found Kazekage-sama yet?!" Chiyo was furious.

Several elders looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"Master Chiyo, we suspect that Kazekage-sama was kidnapped by Konoha's ninja!"

"That's right, Master Kazekage's Blood Succession Boundary Magnetic Escape is very powerful. He is the strongest Kazekage in the village. Among the five major countries, only Konoha has the strength to kidnap him!"

"It can't be wrong, it must be them, Chiyo-sama, let's start the war!"

Chiyo grimaced and said nothing.

War is not a child's play. Once it is launched, blood will flow like a river, and his son and daughter-in-law will die on the battlefield!

"A war must never be launched without conclusive evidence!" Chiyo shouted coldly.

Although Chiyo is only a consultant, but she is the wife of the first generation of Kazekage, and her prestige in the village is very terrifying, even Kazekage has to be courteous!

She said that war cannot be waged, and the other elders naturally did not dare to refute.

"However, Master Chiyo, Kazekage-sama's disappearance won't be kept secret for long, once it gets out..." an elder worried.

"I will bear all the consequences!" Chiyo sighed, turned and left, "Continue to send more ninjas to look for it, and we must find Kazekage-sama!"


Leaving Kazekage's office, Chiyo walked and walked, and couldn't help but come to her lovely grandson's house.

"Xie, are you at home?" Chiyo asked standing outside the door.

"Ah, it's grandma." Xie was taken aback, and casually put a corpse in the room into the sealing scroll.

"I'm coming in." Chiyo walked in with a gentle smile on his face, "Haha, my lovely grandson, are you making puppets?"

"Yeah, I want to make eternal art." Scorpion said blankly.

"You are really ambitious!" Chiyo boasted, "Xie, you are a genius puppet master, you can definitely do it, grandma believes in you!"

"Hmm." Scorpion nodded slightly.

"By the way, Xie, I've been staying at home for the past few days, don't run around, you know." Chiyo instructed, "Someone is missing in the village, I don't want you to be the next one."

Xie raised his head slightly, paused, and said slowly, "I see."

"Then, I'll go first."

Chiyo's footsteps slowly disappeared.

Scorpion took out the sealing scroll and took out the corpse inside.

If Chiyo could find out by killing the carbine at this time, this corpse is the third Kazekage that they have to dig three feet to find!

Scorpion concentrated on dissecting Sandai Kazekage's corpse, filling it with various puppet props.

"Eternal, eternal..."

Xie's eyes radiated with persistence and fanaticism, and he murmured, "This material is the best in the village, I must not waste it, Magnetic Dungeon, yes, Magnetic Dungeon, even a puppet, must master it Magnetic escape, this is the art of eternal puppets!"

Land of Rain, Akatsuki headquarters.

"Xiao Nan, really? Did you really see Konoha's ninja?" Yahiko excitedly grabbed Xiao Nan's shoulder, "Is Jiraiya-sensei okay?"

"Really, it was hard for me to gather those wandering ninjas, and you didn't even ask me first!" Xiao Nan snorted softly, and laughed out loud when he saw Yahiko scratching his orange hair in embarrassment, and said , "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, don't worry, Mr. Jiraiya is doing well! This is what Tsunade-senpai, who is also one of the Sannin, told me!"

Next to him, a red-haired Nagato came over: "It's been a long time since I saw Jiraiya-sensei, I really miss the days when I was with him."

"That's right, even though he's always careless and not serious, he's really a good teacher." Yahiko exuded a bright smile, "One day when we bring peace to the entire ninja world, we will definitely see him again Come also teacher!"

Xiao Nan smiled, but at this moment the smile suddenly showed a stiff color, and a young face suddenly flashed in her mind.

'Akatsuki and Hanzo, there must be a battle! '

Thinking of the boy's words, Xiao Nan wanted to laugh, but suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Can Salamander Hanzo really tolerate Akatsuki's growth?

No, no, we are not fighting for the right to rule the Land of Rain, and there is no conflict of interest with Sanshoyu Hanzo, he will not take action against us!

Xiao Nan tried hard to convince herself from the bottom of her heart.

"What's the matter Xiaonan, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, doesn't your face look pretty, are you sick?" Yahiko asked nervously.

"Idiot, how could a ninja get sick!" Nagato said angrily.

"It's nothing, I just thought of some unhappy things, I'm fine." Xiao Nan suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked, "What are we going to do next?"

When it came to business, Yahiko showed a solemn expression: "We have received information that a large number of ninjas from Sand Hidden Village have entered the Land of Rain, and our initial judgment shows that their target is the Land of Fire!"

"What? Is there going to be a war?!" Xiao Nan was shocked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!" Yahiko said calmly, "Our information is not sufficient, and we need to continue to collect it. It would be great if we can cooperate with Urenin Village."

The uneasiness in Xiao Nan's heart welled up again.

"However, even if we propose cooperation, that ninja demigod will not agree, after all, we are just a small organization, haha." Yahiko shrugged and continued, "So, we can only rely on ourselves!"

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