Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 94: shadow of war

As a large number of sand ninjas entered the country of fire, the pressure on Konoha was also increasing.

"The daimyo has sent a message several times, asking us to clear all sand ninja in the country." Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked with a frown, knocking on his desk, "Sakumo, have you found out the purpose of sand ninja?"

"Sorry, I haven't found out yet." Hatake Sakumo shook his head.

It is related to the disappearance of three generations of Kazekage. If it spreads, the entire ninja world will be boiled. Of course, the secrecy measures in Hidden Sand Village are very strict. Although there are many sand ninjas who have entered the land of fire, their mission is to collect information. Konoha No matter how many sand ninjas Anbu catches, they will not be able to find out the true purpose of Sand Hidden Village.

"Does Sandai Kazekage really want to start a war?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help feeling a bit hesitant about his previous decision.

Afterwards, his eyes shot out awe-inspiring killing intent, "No matter what, since they have entered the Land of Fire and ignored the peace agreement, then treat them as spies and kill them all!"

"Yes!" Hatake Sakumo nodded.

A few days later, most of Konoha's Anbe mobilized to disperse the Fire Nation, chasing and killing Sand Ninja.

In addition, the three major families of Ishikacho, Yume family, and Inuzuka family also dispatched a large number of ninjas to eliminate sand ninjas in the land of fire.

Faced with Konoha's suppression, Sand Shinobi was naturally unwilling to be slaughtered. They scattered guerrillas in the land of fire, collecting information while counterattacking Konoha. As more and more ninjas were killed and injured, the situation gradually became tense. tidy.

Sand Hidden Village.

In Fengying's office.

Advisor Chiyo sat at the head, listening to the report with a gloomy expression.

"Sarutobi Hiruzai sent a large number of Anbu, as well as ninjas from the Nara family, Akimichi family, Yamanaka family, Yume family, and Inuzuka family to massacre the ninjas of our country. Currently, there are eight jōnin, twenty-seven chunin, and jōnin Hundreds of ninjas died, more ninjas were injured, and the front line is already... bloody!"

"Sending so many ninjas just to collect information, this reason can no longer convince the ninjas on the front line. A war must be waged, otherwise the situation will be out of our control."

"Master Chiyo, we have no other choice! Even Sand Hidden in the Land of Tempering Fire, if we don't give them a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid it will cause even bigger riots!"

"Master Kazekage's disappearance can't be concealed for long!"

"If we start a war now, we can transfer the pressure from Kazekage-sama's disappearance to the war against Konoha!"

"Master Chiyo!"

Looking at the piercing eyes and resolute faces of these elders, Chiyo's slightly aged face showed a sense of powerlessness.

She didn't expect the situation to develop like this. Konoha's strong counterattack completely disrupted her plan.

In particular, the ninja family represented by these elders has gradually grown stronger after years of recuperation, and can't wait to seek more benefits through war. Chiyo can temporarily suppress them with her identity, but now, with the situation After upgrading, the families behind these elders also began to exert their strength. The village seemed to be peaceful, but the haze of war had already shrouded. Even if she said no, it was impossible to stop it.

"In that case..." Chiyo closed her eyes slightly, and the images of her son and daughter-in-law suddenly flashed in her mind, followed by a middle-aged man with white hair and sharp eyes.

Konoha Baiya Hatake Sakumo, it's time to settle our grievances.

"...Let's start a war!"

Chiyo opened her eyes wide suddenly, exuding a ferocious killing intent!

In Konoha Village.

Fenghuo is trying to add the fire attribute to the spiral pill, but it keeps failing, which makes him very frustrated.

Thinking of Namikaze Minato's wind-attribute spiral pill, he hurried to find him to learn from him.

When they arrived at Minato's house, they were all in vain.

"Did you go wandering with Kushina?"

Feng Huo felt that he needed to make a big 24-watt light bulb, so he ran to find Jiu Xinnai happily, but he was shocked by the result.

"No one is allowed to come into contact with Kushina without the orders of Lord Hokage!" An ANBU ninja's icy words poured cold water on him like a basin of footwashing water, "Please leave immediately!"

After sealing the fire for a while, I suddenly realized what happened, war!

Only when a war breaks out, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Kushina, who is an important fighting force in the village, will be protected so closely!

These days he's 'retreating' and doesn't care about worldly affairs. He didn't expect the situation to have developed to this stage!

He frowned and went to the newspaper office to check the past news, but found nothing unusual.

"Where's President Inuzuka?" Feng Huo asked an editor.

"Vice President, President Inuzuka is about to give birth, so I haven't come to the newspaper office for the past few days."

Oh, forget about it, Feng Huo hurriedly ran to Inuzuka's house.

The Inuzuka family is a big family, there are many ninjas in the family, of course, more dogs.

He had been here before Fenghuo, and he could hear barking dogs one after another from a long distance away, but this time he came here, there were only a few barking dogs sporadically, which gave him a sense of desolation.

After the visit, Fenghuo successfully met Inuzuka Claw.

At this time, she was reclining on the tatami mat, eating steak in her mouth, very uninhibited.

"Fenghuo, what do you want from me?" Inuzuka Claw looked at his stomach and said with a smile, "If you want to see my child, I'm afraid you have to wait for two days."

"There are other things." Feng Huo asked with a serious expression on his face, "Sha Yin Village, has it declared war on us?"

Inuzuka Claw raised his brows, put down the steak in his hand, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that even you would notice it. Although Sand Hidden Village hasn't declared war yet, it shouldn't be far away."

"Sure enough." Feng Huo took a deep breath.

"It just happened to be this year, alas." Inuzuka Zuo stroked his stomach with a complicated expression on his face.

The child is about to be born, but with the war, she will go to the battlefield immediately after confinement~www.readwn.com~ I don't know if she will come back to hug her child.

"Fenghuo, seize the time to improve your strength, if the situation is not going well, you may also go to the battlefield!" Inuzuka Claw said solemnly, "Don't die!"

"I know, thank you sister Inuzuka." Feng Huo felt warm in his heart.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can get out, don't hinder me from enjoying the steak!" Inuzuka Claw germinated solidly.

Uh, I must have been cheated on my feelings just now.

Leaving Inuzuka's house, Fenghuo couldn't help but think about the current situation: After the disappearance of the third generation of Kazekage, Sand Hidden Village resolutely launched a war against the Land of Fire in order to divert domestic pressure. At this time, the ninjas of the Inokacho family should They are all out of the village.

Kushina was 'quarantined', which means that Minato Namikaze has also gone to the battlefield!

After hesitating for a while, Fenghuo finally decided to return to the team.

Otherwise, he would be wandering around the village like a lonely ghost. If he was caught and thrown on the battlefield as cannon fodder, who would he be able to reason with?

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