Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 95: supply

"Little devil, you actually know how to come back!"

When Fenghuo found Team Tsunade, he had the mentality of dying. Who made him practice secretly all these days?

When Tsunade saw Fenghuo, he was really furious. He rushed up and beat him with strange force, almost beating him so hard that he couldn't take care of himself.

Feng Huo made a mistake and didn't dare to fight back. Soon his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his head was big and his neck was thick.

"Tsunate-sensei, don't hit me anymore." Kurenai Yuhi was so distressed that she came up to grab the corner of Tsunade's clothes with red eyes.

"Hmph, this is just a lesson!" Tsunade clapped his hands and stopped.

Asuma watched closely, and sighed regretfully when Tsunade stopped.

"Mr. Tsunade, I know I was wrong." Feng Huo honestly admitted his mistake.

"Hmph, this can't be solved with an apology!" Tsunade snorted.

"Just two sentences!"

"Get out!" Tsunade broke his skills in an instant, dumbfounded.

Although the shadow of war has shrouded the land of fire, it has not affected the village. After all, a hidden sand village cannot shake the foundation of Konoha.

With the contribution of Ikacho, Yasuzuka and other families, it is enough to deal with the ninja of sand ninja.

But Fenghuo knew that this was just the beginning!

After returning to the team, Tsunade took the three of them to continue doing D-level tasks, living heartlessly, wandering around, as if wandering outside the world.

On this day, Inuzuka Chou finally gave birth to a girl, Inuzuka Hana, the older sister of Inuzuka Ya, one of the future Twelve Powerhouses.

Feng Huo went to see it on purpose, and sealed a big red envelope.

Newborn babies are ugly, Inuzuka Hana has ugly skin, but she has long hands and long feet, and the tall beauty is gone.

After giving birth, Inuzuka Zuo looked very tired, but his eyes could not hide the joy of being a new mother.

It is a pity that Inuzuka Zuo's husband is away and cannot share the joy.

According to the calculation of time, in two months, Uchiha Itachi will also be born.

It's an eventful year.

After that, Fenghuo continued to follow Tsunade's buttocks to complete D-level tasks while exercising, without contending with the world.

But if there are any troubles, they will always come to him.

In Hokage's office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was discussing the Saken War with three advisors.

Danzo said with a calm face: "Just yesterday, we successfully drove the sand ninja out of the country of fire. The next battlefield will be the country of rain, so supplies will become very important. If the elite ninjas are directly responsible for this It will cause a waste of combat power on the front line, so I think it is time to send the new generation of elites to the battlefield to exercise."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at him, Danzo's words were impeccable, it seemed to be impartial, but it was not.

In the current war with Sand Ninja, all the ninjas of the Naruto family, the Uchiha family, the Hyuga family, and the root ninjas of Danzo are all huddled in the village. The current situation is far from reaching the new generation. Dangerous times of war.

But thinking about it in another direction, because the situation is far from unmanageable, letting the new generation go to the battlefield in advance can sharpen them better!

Danzo looked deeply at Hiruzen Sarutobi. As an old opponent, he knew Hiruzen Sarutobi's personality well. Although his proposal was somewhat controversial, Hiruzen Sarutobi would definitely agree in the end.

Next to him, Zhuanju Koharu and Mitomon Yan also agreed with Danzo's point of view, persuading Sarutobi Hiruzane.

"I understand, then, this matter is decided!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded as expected.

Then it will be a matter of course.

Among the new generation of Konoha, the most famous one is of course the genius Kakashi, followed by Uchiha...Feng Huo!

Danzo's goal was achieved, and he naturally gave way to Sarutobi Hiruzen for the next thing, with a cute appearance of two good brothers.

The next day, Tsunade was called by Hiruzaru Sarutobi to have a heart-to-heart talk.

"Nani, you want to take Fenghuo out of my team?! What does this mean!" Tsunade patted Hiruzaru Sarutobi's desk angrily.

"Just for the time being, Tsunade, don't think too much." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, "Now that the sand ninjas have been driven by us to the Land of Rain, the next battlefield is far away from us, and we need to open up a supply line. But the front line The fighting strength of the new generation will increase the pressure on the front line, so we have to pick people in the village, and Feng Huo will be one of the strongest people in the new generation, there is no reason to refuse."

Tsunade's political sense is extremely sensitive. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "This is Danzo's idea!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was quite helpless, and said with a wry smile: "No matter whose idea it is, this is an order, and besides sealing the fire, Asma, Kakashi and others also have to participate in this operation."

Tsunade was silent, and she couldn't help but agree to this point.

"Escort a batch of war supplies to the Land of Rain where the front line is located?"

Feng Huo looked at the commission in his hand in surprise, and suddenly felt a wave of malice coming.

Which grandson did this well? !

Tsunade snorted coldly: "I've already asked, besides you, the other two in your team are Kai and Ebisu."

Feng Huo said distressedly: "The misfortune came from the sky."

"Don't worry, although there will be some danger, Sand Ninja has been expelled from the land of fire. In theory, your supplies will not be in the slightest danger!" Tsunade analyzed.

"You also said that in theory, things on the battlefield are changing rapidly. What if the sand ninjas send someone to cut off our supplies? Besides, my head is still on the black market for a reward!"

Not to mention the corrupt elders of Danzo and Uchiha staring at him.

So this supply task is really difficult for him.

"So, what's your decision?" Tsunade looked at him deeply.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Since it's already like this, I can only face the difficulties!"

Tsunade was slightly silent. She hoped that Fenghuo would go to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds, but she didn't want him to go to the battlefield. After all, her brother and lover died on the battlefield!

"Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself!" Feng Huo said seriously.

"Who would be worried about you, you brat~www.readwn.com~ Don't be so sentimental!" Tsunade knocked his head dissatisfied, and snorted, "I was just thinking about how to talk to Hong about this, heh heh , kid, you are young, but you are very good at picking up girls!"

"Hey, I'm underage, don't say that." Feng Huo was in a cold sweat.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go to the Hokage office building and report to the old man now." Tsunade waved away lazily.

"Well, then, goodbye."

At the same time, Kai, Asma, Kakashi, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu each received the news and rushed towards the Hokage office building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded slightly as he looked at the new generation ninja information in his hand.

Fenghuo and Kakashi were promoted to Chunin three years ago, Kai and Shiranui Genma graduated two years ago, and his son Asma and Ebisu graduated last year to become Genin. A team escorts supplies!

There are three of them forming a supply team, which is enough for most situations.

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