Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 96: group

In Hokage's office, Fenghuo, Kakashi, Kai, Asma, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu stood in a row to accept the reception and condolences of the three generations of Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the highest leader of Konoha Village.

"Very good, very good, Kakashi, Fenghuo, the six of you have graduated from Ninja Academy for more than a year, and you have all grown up, it's time to accept more difficult tasks!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi's voice was full of emotion, "I think I was just promoted to Chunin back then, under the leadership of the second generation..."

It's terrible to seal the fire and the secret passage. This guy of the third generation is really old, and he will recall and kill the Huaguduo of their villages every now and then, which is inhumane!

After talking for more than half an hour, Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette, stopped, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't say much, you all understand the next task Alright."

Sealing the fire haha, you've been here for more than half an hour, isn't that too much?

But who made him the boss.

Kakashi glanced at Feng Huo, and found that he had a strange expression on his face, so he had to step forward and said, "Master Hokage, we already understand!"

"Okay, now I will confirm your grouping situation, Kakashi, you form a team with Shiranui Genma and Asma, you are the captain!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly, "Be sure to protect your companions. , Kakashi!"

"I see!" Kakashi said with rare solemnity.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Fenghuo again, and said in the latter's terrified eyes: "Fenghuo, you are on the same team as Kai and Ebisu. You are the team leader, and you are also responsible for the safety of your companions, you understand?"


Feng Huo's heart felt cold, why did this combination look familiar?

Fenghuo frantically recalled the plot of the original novel, and finally remembered that in the Third War of the Ninja World, Matt Dai opened the Eight Gates to protect Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, and fought to the death against the seven people of Kirigakure.

So now I replaced Shiranui Genma?

Hey, wait, there are seven people in Kirigakure, and now they are facing Sand Yin, um, yes, Kirigakure hasn't declared war yet, so don't worry.

"Seal the fire, seal the fire?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi tapped the desk with his pipe, looking at the fire in a daze.

"Ah? Oh, no problem, I understand, I promise to complete the task!" Feng Huo hurriedly responded after recovering.

"Well, the war supplies are already being prepared, and tomorrow at the latest, you will be leaving. Rest early tonight and recharge your spirits, you know." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said kindly.

"Got it!" Everyone was excited.

After coming out of the Naruto Tower, the six of them were divided into two groups, and each went to familiarize themselves with the team members.

"My name is Ebisu, I am 11 years old, I graduated last year, and now I am a ninja! I like fish boards and grilled crabs, but hate carrots. My dream is to become a great ninja!" The thin Ebisu was very active and introduced himself A set.

Kay imitated: "My name is Maite Kay, I am 10 years old, I graduated when I was eight years old, and I am now a ninja! I like spicy curry rice and curry udon noodles. I have no particularly annoying food. My dream is to surpass Fenghuo! "

Then the two looked at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo is really embarrassed. He is a dignified traveler with a mature soul. How old is he when he wants to make such a shameful self-introduction? I can't stand what I like to eat and what I hate to eat.

Fenghuo Brain Supplement: My name is Uchiha Fenghuo. I am ten years old this year. I graduated at the age of seven and was promoted to Chunin at the age of seven. I like heavy food and hate...my dream is...

Nima, the turkey hair bumps are all up.

And Kai, what are you doing with such big eyes, huh? Before, I ran over to challenge every day, but now I pretend not to know each other? !


"Fenghuo, it's your turn." Kai reminded him friendly.

Ebisu looked at him expectantly.

Fenghuo's mouth twitched, and he almost hit someone.

"I'm Uchiha Fuho, um, Chunin, that's it, then, gather here at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, goodbye."

"Hey, wait a minute, Uchiha Fuho, your self-introduction is too short!" Ebisu seemed a bit obsessive-compulsive, "You have to be like us!"

"Let's forget that kind of boring self-introduction." Feng Huo couldn't let go of his mature soul in his twenties, so he shook his head and refused.

"Damn it!" Ebisu glared, "Self-introduction is very sacred, how can you say it's boring!"

Kai's eyes lit up, and he said, "Fenghuo, it's still early, why don't we have another battle under the setting sun."

"Goodbye!" Feng Huo left directly.

"Asshole, this guy has always been so defiant!" Ebisu couldn't understand Fenghuo very much.

"It's okay." Kai didn't think there was anything wrong with sealing the fire. He looked at Ebisu and said seriously, "Ebisu, accept my challenge!"

"Huh?" Ebishou was startled, and then readily agreed, "Yoxi, I agree to your challenge. Although you graduated a year earlier than me, I am one year older than you. That is to say, my cultivation One year longer than you!"

Ebisu is full of confidence.

Two minutes later, Ebisu lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Damn it, Kai, why are you such a strong bastard!" Ebisu's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, tears streaming down his face, "No wonder Uchiha Fenghuo ran so fast, he was afraid of being beaten by you, that kid is really treacherous!"

Kai defeated Ebisu without expending much energy. At this moment, he clapped his hands and laughed, "No, you are wrong. The ability to seal fire is stronger than mine!"

"Nani? How is it possible?!" Ebisu couldn't accept it at all.

"Of course, he's a Chunin." Kai helped Ebisu up, "I thought you were also strong, so I hit harder, are you okay?"

Ebisu felt insulted, blushed, but still insisted: "Of course it's fine, this little injury is nothing, it will definitely not affect tomorrow's morning!"

"Souga, then see you tomorrow, goodbye." Kai said and left.

Hey, he really left!

Ebisu was so angry that she couldn't stand still.

"Didn't you see that I was just being polite, you should send me home!" Yebisu yelled.

Kai ran back in embarrassment: "I'm so sorry, I'll take you home now."

"Really, you two guys..." Ebisu resented.

On the other hand, after Fenghuo left, he went straight home. Yuhihong didn't know if he was doing d-level missions under the leadership of Tsunade. He was not at home. , Feng Huo felt that he should already be active on the battlefield.

He took out the seal scroll ~www.readwn.com~ and began to pack his change of clothes, as well as all kinds of knives, of course, all kinds of condiments are indispensable, and no one can wrong his stomach if he is wronged.

Around five o'clock in the evening, Yuhi came back with red eyes.

"Fenghuo..." Xiri Hong's voice had a hint of grievance at the end, and she looked at Fenghuo pitifully.

"What's wrong? Tsunade bullied you again?" Feng Huo asked knowingly.

"Fenghuo, can you not go to the battlefield." Xi Hihong said aggrievedly, "Father went to the battlefield, you have to go now, I'm so worried, huh..."

Crying on.

Feng Huo scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, not knowing how to persuade him.

‘Forget it, stop crying when she gets tired of crying. ’ Feng Huo comforted himself like this.

Then he felt a softness in his arms, but it was Xi Hihong who threw himself into his arms and cried loudly, rubbing against him with tears, snot, and saliva.

Immediately after the fire was sealed off, the whole person became ill!

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