Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Goodbye Xiaonan

A large number of ninjas in Hidden Sand Village entered the Land of Fire through the Land of Rain, so it is naturally impossible to hide the truth from the ruler of Rain Ninja Village in the Land of Rain, Sansho Hanzo.

Sansho Hanzo didn't intervene at first, but seeing more and more sand ninjas being driven to the Land of Rain by the Konoha Ninja these days, and then the two sides set up camp in the Land of Rain, Hanzo became anxious.

He seemed to see familiar scenes, which were unbearable memories during the Second Ninja World War.

Is the Land of Rain going to become a battlefield again? !

This is definitely the biggest challenge to his rule!

He must not sit idly by!

However, when he was about to send representatives to question the ninja camps of Shayin and Konoha, he got a "shocking" news unexpectedly. 'Diplomatic representations', which made him outraged.

The diplomatic power of any country is extremely precious, and it is only in the hands of the real ruler of the country, and the ruler of the Kingdom of Rain is him!

What is Xiao?

How dare you "diplomatically" Shayin Village and Muye Village?

Sansho Hanzo's attention was immediately shifted from Sagakushi and Konoha to this 'Akatsuki'!

Konoha camp in the land of rain.

"Xiao?!" Feng Huo was rather surprised, "Shouldn't it be Yuren Village?"

Shikahisa Nara shook his head and said, "So far, Urenin Village has not sent any envoys."

Feng Huo laughed aloud: "Xiao is miserable now."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo hurriedly stretched his head over, and said angrily, "Just now Lu Jiu and Minato said the same thing, why?"

Nara Shikahisa covered his face, and explained with a wry smile: "For Hanzo, the diplomatic power can only be in his own hands. Now Xiao sent an envoy. From a certain level, this is a provocation to Hanzo's rule."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo still couldn't understand.

Feng Huo smiled and explained to him: "It's like whether our village is fighting or making peace with Shayin Village, it all depends on Hokage-sama's attitude. If Danzo suddenly crosses Hokage-sama and wants to sign a peace treaty with Shayin..."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo became anxious when he heard it: "How is this possible, Danzo is not Hokage!"

Then his eyes lit up, "I see!"

Nara Shikahisa glanced at Fenghuo, and smiled secretly, Fenghuo, this guy really never forgets to throw the blame on Danzo.

Akimichi Dingza was proud of his savvy, and then asked, "Since Akatsuki can't represent Urenin Village, should we still meet them?"

Nara Shikahisa smiled wryly: "This is also where I am troubled. If I don't see you, it would be too unreasonable, but if I see you, isn't it conveying that Konoha has recognized Akatsuki's 'diplomatic status' in the Land of Rain? For me, it’s provocative, fighting in his country is already full of dangers, if we push him to the sand hidden side, it will be very bad for us!”

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo nodded, but didn't understand.

Feng Huo had an ominous premonition, he looked left and right, wanting to slip away.

"So, if you send a ninja who is familiar with Akatsuki and can't represent Konoha to meet Akatsuki, it shouldn't arouse Hanzo's anger." Nara Shikahisa looked at Fenghuo with a smile.

Namikaze Minato and the others also looked at him.

Fenghuo feels wronged: "I'm here to deliver supplies, and I have to leave after delivery."

Yuhi Zhenhong said with a sullen face: "Why, what are you doing in such a hurry to go back?"

Feng Huo froze, he didn't dare to answer those words, it would kill him!

"Haha, so, Fenghuo, it's better for you to stay here for a while." Nara Shikahisa smiled strangely.

At this moment, a ninja outside came in to report, and it turned out to be an envoy sent by Sanjiao Hanzo, the leader of Urenin Village!

Nara Shikahisa smiled and said: "It's just right, let's go to see the messenger of Urenin Village, who will meet Akatsuki as soon as the fire is closed!"

"Please, I haven't agreed yet." Feng Huo grimaced.

"It's up to you." Nara Shikahisa laughed.

In the end, Feng Huo was still arrested and removed from his bag.

Before long he was reborn and dressed in new clothes to meet the Herald of Dawn.

"It's you!?" Xiao Nan was far more surprised when he saw Fenghuo than when the latter saw her.

"Huh? Have we met?" Feng Huo resolutely pretended to be stupid.

There are two subordinates behind Xiaonan, both of whom have the strength of Chunin. At this time, one of them couldn't help but snorted coldly: "It's really not sincere at all, even sending a kid to see us, even Konoha How rude!"

Feng Huo looked at him with a smile: "Then who do you think should be sent to see you? The third Hokage? The leader of the dark army? Or the Sannin?"

The ninja's face became constipated when he heard it. The people Fenghuo talked about were all famous ninjas. If it was Sanshoyu Hanzo who came here in person, he would be able to get these people's interviews, them? Ha ha

This is already Chi Guoguo's insult!

"Little devil, you!" The ninja was so angry that he rushed forward to teach Fenghuo a lesson.

But a few flying white pieces of paper stopped him.

"Miss Xiaonan!"

"Don't be impulsive, he didn't make a mistake." Xiaonan took a deep breath and said, "We are not here on behalf of Yuren Village, but on behalf of the people living in this country. It is a matter of course that we are not qualified to be interviewed by Konoha's high-level people~ www.readwn.com~ But..." The ninja is still not good.

Feng Huo didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly said to Xiao Nan: "The purpose of your visit this time should be for the peace of the Rain Country."

"Of course!" Xiao Nan looked at Feng Huo solemnly, and said coldly, "I have told you before that if you invade the Land of Rain, we will never sit idly by!"

Fenghuo spread his hands and said: "I hope you can clarify the matter before you say this. We have no intention of invading the Land of Rain."

"Then how do you explain the ninjas here!" Xiao Nan said angrily.

Feng Huo coughed lightly, and said: "Of course there is a reason for this. Not long ago, a large number of ninjas from Sand Hidden Village invaded Konoha. With our hard work, all the sand ninjas retreated to the Land of Rain. The reason why they are stationed here is to deal with these sand ninjas, not against the Land of Rain."

"You..." Xiao Nan was about to speak, but Feng Huo hurriedly interrupted her.

"Of course, if the Kingdom of Rain can capture all the sand ninjas who invaded Konoha and hand them over to Konoha, we will leave the Kingdom of Rain immediately!" Feng Huo vowed.

"You are making things difficult for others, and this is a matter for you Konoha and Sand Ninja, why should our country be involved!" Xiaonan said angrily.

Feng Huo sneered and said: "According to what you mean, Sand Ninja committed a heinous crime in our Konoha, and we can't arrest you if you hide in your country of rain? What's the reason?!"

Xiao Nan was stunned speechless.

Feng Huoyu said earnestly: "Comrade Xiaonan, a weak country has no diplomacy. In the face of the strength of the five major countries, the Rain Country has no room to resist. Instead of talking nonsense with us here, your organization might as well go back and develop your strength. Improve the image of a big country, right?"

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