Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 100: declare war

Faced with Fenghuo's sharp words, Xiao Nan felt aggrieved and angry, and let you talk about all the reasons. Are we just looking for trouble when we appear here?

"Even if you say that, I will definitely stop you!"

"Miss Xiaonan, the sand ninja invaded the land of fire through the land of rain. You should have received the news long ago. Why didn't you come forward to stop it at that time? Now that the sand ninja was driven out of the land of fire by our Konoha, you should stand up You want to stop us and protect Sand Shinobi, hehe, I seriously suspect that you, Akatsuki, are already colluding with Sand Shinobi, working together!" Feng Huo said righteously, "Has your original intention of establishing Xiao changed? Your conscience won't hurt. Well!"

"Nonsense!" the former Chunin yelled, "Don't try to slander us, Akatsuki!"

Xiaonan's lungs ached from being bullied!

"Little ghost, don't talk nonsense, our original intention will not change at any time! We only want to bring peace to our country, and we will never take sides!" Xiaonan glared at Fenghuo, "So, except Konoha , we have also sent someone to contact Sand Ninja, Akatsuki will treat you all equally, and I hope that both of you can leave the Land of Rain as soon as possible!"

"What if we don't leave?" Feng Huo looked at Xiao Nan and asked seriously, "What is Xiao going to do?"

Xiaonan's face gradually became tense: "We will do our best to stop it, even if we resort to violence!"

"After all, it's not war?" Feng Huo chuckled, "In this world, all peace is based on strong military strength. The Kingdom of Rain is located in the center of the three major powers, and there is no strong military power. Fighting for the battlefield is inevitable, Miss Xiaonan, you are too naive."

Xiao Nan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and was repeatedly called naive by this guy, which hurt her self-esteem.

But at the same time, she was also thinking about the words of sealing the fire.

The Kingdom of Rain does not have strong strength, can it really only be reduced to the battlefield of the three major powers?

If so, what's the point of Akatsuki's existence?

Feng Huo said again: "Remember what I told you before. Akatsuki and Hanzo will have a battle sooner or later! I have already seen this battle."

"What did you say?" Xiao Nan was startled.

"Konoha Sand Shinobi is stationed in the Land of Rain, and Hanzo hasn't even made a sound yet, but you Akatsuki jumped out impatiently, contacted Konoha Sand Shinobi, and used diplomatic means. The greatest provocation of a ruler!"

"You are talking nonsense! We are only for the peace of the Rain Country!" Xiao Nan said anxiously.

"Talk this to Hanzo and see if he believes you or not." Feng Huo sneered, "The current Xiao is really naive."

Xiao Nan clenched his hands tightly, and pieces of paper flew around him, exuding a knife-like aura.

Feng Huo was worried, this guy wouldn't cut him into pieces if he didn't agree with each other, right?

"Miss Xiaonan, what, why don't I go out first and you calm down?"

Before she could reply, Feng Huo ran out immediately.

On the other side, Nara Shikahisa held talks with Yamanaka Kaiichi, Namikaze Minato and the ninjas sent by Hanzo.

"My name is Qiu Yu, a ninja of Yu Ninja Village. Master Hanzo sent me here. I have two matters to discuss with you, Konoha!"

This ninja named Qiu Yu is unsmiling and has a cold face. As a 'negotiator', he is very unqualified.

Nara Shikahisa looked at him with a smile and said, "Please continue."

"First thing, I hope Konoha's ninjas can leave the Land of Rain within three days! Second thing, hand over Akatsuki's people to me!" Qiu Yu said, looking at Shikahisa Nara.

Nara Shikahisa smiled and said, "Unfortunately, we can't do these two things."

Qiu Yu said coldly: "Aren't you afraid that Yuren Village is on Sand Ninja's side?"

"Hanzo should also send someone to Sand Shinobi's camp, I guess that envoy will say the same thing to threaten Sand Shinobi." Nara Shikahisa smiled, "However, Urenin Village is located at the junction of the three major countries, if Standing blatantly on a certain country will inevitably arouse the hostility of the other two countries, and Hanzo is so smart that it is impossible to do such a stupid thing."

'It was seen through! '

Qiu Yu secretly hated that the Kingdom of Rain was sandwiched between the three major powers, no matter which side it stood on, it would cause the other two major powers to target it, so it could only be neutral!

Qiu Yu took a deep breath and said, "In the second Ninja World War, the Land of Rain was plagued by the war of the Three Great Powers, and the people living in this country suffered heavy casualties. Therefore, we never want to and will never become the battlefield of the Three Great Powers again!"

Nara Shikahisa nodded: "I can understand your feelings, but it's not Konoha's fault! In fact, Sand Shinobi entered our country from your country of rain and carried out espionage-like sabotage. We also had to do something. Counterattack, although everything is caused by sand ninja, but if your country did not condone sand ninja, then the situation would not have deteriorated to this point!"

Qiu Yu closed her mouth, thinking that this Konoha ninja is really hard to deal with, her words are impeccable, and she can't find any flaws.

"So, what about Xiao?" Qiu Yu asked coldly.

"Sorry, the visitor is a guest, no matter what your relationship with Akatsuki is, you can't do anything in Konoha's camp!" Nara Shikahisa said lightly, full of domineering.

Qiu Yu's face was gloomy, and he said sharply, "Akatsuki is an illegal organization of the Land of Rain. It wants to seize the dominance of the Land of Rain and threaten Lord Hanzo's position. If Konoha insists on covering it up, then..."

"Wait a minute!" Nara Shikahisa slapped him softly, and said with a smile~www.readwn.com~According to the information, this organization named Akatsuki not only sent people to Konoha, but also sent people to Sand Shinobi Over there, with their style, they will never hand over Akatsuki just because of one or two threats from you, so what are you going to do? Going to war against two major powers at the same time? "

Qiu Yu's cheeks twitched, and she was in a bad mood.

‘Asshole, **** it! ! '

He stared at Shikahisa Nara with hatred, and said coldly, "What's your name!"

"Ah? Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Nara Shikahisa, and I'm Konoha's ninja!" Nara Shikahisa said lazily, "I'm also the general manager here."

"How is it possible?!" Qiu Yu looked at this young man who was about his age in surprise. Before, he thought he was just a ninja like an assistant, but he didn't expect to be able to lead such a large-scale battle at such a young age!


The progress was not going well, and Qiu Yu didn't want to stay here any longer, so he immediately returned to Yuren Village to report to Hanzo.

At the same time, the envoys from the Sand Ninja camp also came back, and the result was similar to that of Qiu Yu.

Hanzo's face was as gloomy as the dark clouds in the sky, and the voice came out from the mask with a buzzing echo: "How is Akatsuki's intelligence collection going?"

A ninja immediately handed over a scroll: "Master Hanzo, it's all here."

Hanzo opened it, and the more he looked at it, the darker his eyes became: "You want to recruit wandering ninjas in the name of peace, are you trying to replace me? Such an organization is a huge threat, and we have to find a way to eliminate it!"

"Master Hanzo, what about Konoha and Sand Shinobu?" Qiu Yu asked.

"Since they haven't declared war yet, it means they haven't torn the last fig leaf, then..."

"It's not good, Lord Hanzo, Sand Hidden Village in the Land of Wind has declared war on Konoha!!"

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