Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 137: trick

After experiencing the Snow Eagle incident, Feng Huo felt that his friends had a deeper prejudice against him.

Although he has a great reputation as a genius, just like a ten-year-old super academic in his previous life who graduated early and went to work, would those colleagues respect him or would they hold a skeptical attitude?

What's more, this is still a battlefield of life and death!

A few days later, they successfully arrived at Konoha Base Camp in the Second Battlefield, and the commander Shikahisa Nara came out to greet them in person.

After not seeing him for a while, Feng Huo noticed that Nara Shikahisa had two hideous scars on his face, and he was lazily carrying a somewhat calm temperament. This war accelerated his growth.

After arranging everyone, Shikahisa Nara left straight away. As the commander in chief, he was really busy.

Fenghuo was assigned to the Fourth Combat Brigade. There were fifty ninjas in the team, including five top ninjas, ten special top ninjas, thirty middle ninjas, and five low ninjas!

And the captain of the 4th combat brigade is an elite Jonin named Hyakusato Chito, who is good at water escape, and was born as a commoner.

As a time traveler, Feng Huo still has a high self-esteem, although he doesn't say anything, but from the moment he came out with the big army to the fourth combat brigade, he realized that he was really nothing special.

In terms of combat power, he is not as good as the top ninjas, in terms of life and death experience, he is not as good as the other special top ninjas, and in terms of handling trivial matters, he is not as good as the five low-level ninjas, which is a big blow.

Especially since he was too young, other people always looked at him with suspicion and caution, feeling like they would be dragged down to death if they took him to the battlefield.

But he is not a child after all, he will not clamor to prove himself, everything will be left to time, and time will give everyone an answer.

After receiving information about the arrival of Konoha's reinforcements, Iwanin immediately made deployments, changing from active attack to passive defense, shrinking the lineup, and waiting for their reinforcements to arrive.

The next day, Fenghuo's 4th Combat Battalion received the mission and dispatched together with the 3rd Combat Battalion to attack Iwanin's camp from left to right!

After receiving such an order, Fenghuo had a headache.

As far as he knew, there were at least 500 ninjas in the Rock Ninja camp, and the two combat brigades were tied together with only a hundred ninjas, and they were scattered. Isn't this beating dogs with meat buns?

But there is no way, the military order is like a mountain, and he has to obey it.

He was in the supply unit before, so he could see Shikahisa Nara, but now he is in the barracks and is a "little soldier", so he can't see the commander-in-chief as he wants.

Feng Huo followed the large army, walking through the heavy rain and running fast.

The third and fourth combat brigades separated left and right after they approached the ten-mile range of Iwanin's camp.

"Xinnin is here to stand by!" Chito Baili's voice came out of the rain, and ordered in an unquestionable tone, "Uchiha Fuu, you are responsible for their safety!"

Feng Huo and the five ninja stopped immediately.

Feng Huo sighed silently: It seems that he doesn't trust me anymore.

Soon, Chito Baili and the other ninjas disappeared into the rain.

The youngest of the five ninjas was seventeen years old, more than a head taller than Feng Huo.

Although they are ninjas, they have rich battlefield experience, and they immediately look for hidden places to hide their bodies.

They dug a hole under a boulder, big enough for ten men to hide in.

These five people must have known each other before, and they started chatting after entering the boulder.

"This attack should not be that simple."

"The two combat brigades attacking from left to right should only attract the attention of Iwanin!"

"Hope nothing goes wrong."

"Don't worry, with the commander of the Nara family, nothing will go wrong."

Feng Huo quietly stayed aside, not intervening in their conversation.

boom! !

At this moment, a huge explosion sound suddenly came from the direction of the Iwanin camp, the air roared, and even the ground shook.


The huge boulder above the few people was crumbling in the shock.

"No, let's go!" Several subordinates were shocked.

Seal the fire without haste.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"


Two walls rise strongly from both sides, directly supporting the wobbly boulder there.



Several renunciations heaved a sigh of relief and lurked again. With this opportunity, Feng Huo chatted with them smoothly.

Hoo hoo!

The violent Feng Dun howled back and forth above Iwanin, causing huge damage.

The rock ninjas in the camp yelled to use the soil to defend against the enemy, relying on their superiority in numbers, they quickly followed each other step by step, forcing Konoha's ninjas out of the camp.

"Damn it, you dare to attack our camp directly, repel them for me!"

The commander-in-chief of Iwanin is called Huang Tu, a fat man who looks a bit honest, but in fact he is the son of Onogi, the third Tsuchikage and two scales, with outstanding strength, team spirit and sense of responsibility.

"Earth Dungeon-Fist Rock!"

Under his control, the rock turned into a huge fist, roaring and smashing towards the thousand vines and hundreds of miles ahead.

"Water Escape - Great Waterfall Technique!"

There is too much rain in the Land of Rain, and the water escape ninjutsu has a 10% bonus here~www.readwn.com~ A large waterfall technique passed, directly crushing the boxing rock, and the water continued to rush towards the loess unabated .

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

The ninjas around Huang Tu quickly formed seals, and together they raised a huge stone wall to block the Great Waterfall.

"Earth Dungeon - Digging up the soil!"

The loess continued to form seals, and a crater-like hole suddenly rose on the flat ground beside it, and countless mud spewed out, splashing towards Konoha Ninja.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

The Konoha ninja blocked and retreated, and soon withdrew from the Iwanin camp.

"Lord Huangtu, there are also Konoha ninjas attacking on the right!" A rock ninja suddenly jumped out from behind and reported, "There are about fifty people!"

Huangtu frowned, very puzzled: "It's strange, with these people alone, what benefit can Konoha attack our camp?"

"My lord, do you want to contain our ninja and attack from the front?" Ichiwa Shinobu said.

Huang Tu shook his head: "Impossible, the war has just begun, and Konoha will not be so stupid as to want to directly engage in a decisive battle!"

In doubt, the Konoha ninjas on the left and right sides of the Iwain camp fought and retreated. Although a few corpses were left behind, they held back a large number of Iwashi ninjas.

Huang Tu frowned, and said angrily, "When will our logistics arrive!"

"Just, just these few days...could it be?" That rock ninja jōnin was taken aback, "Their goal is our logistics?"

"Oh, I really underestimated these shameless guys, you must eliminate them for me here, I will go to the logistics line to see for myself!"

As Huang Tu said, he took more than a hundred ninjas and sped towards the logistics.

But not long after he left, a ninja wearing a Konoha forehead suddenly appeared several hundred meters in front of the Iwanin camp!

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