Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Honed to grow

"Smartness is mistaken by cleverness. It's you, Huangtu!"

Nara Shikahisa stood at the back, watching the soaring flames in the Iwanin camp, the strong wind, and the soil thorns rushing out of the ground from time to time, with a faint smile on his face.

Because Iwanin first divided two forces to hunt down Konoha's third and fourth combat brigades, and then Huangtu took more than a hundred Iwanin to the logistics line, so the power in the Iwanin camp at this time is very empty. You can't stop Konoha's ninja.

The left and right combat brigades also began to counterattack at this time.

"Hold their footsteps, absolutely don't let them go back for reinforcements!" Qian Teng Baili was the only person in the Fourth Combat Brigade who knew the specific plan. Forty or so ninjas rushed towards Iwanin who was twice as big as himself.

The same is true for the third combat brigade on the other side, all doing their best to delay, even if it will cost a lot of casualties.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

"Partial doubling technique!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Konoha's ninja's crazy backlash made Iwanin furious.

"Despicable Konoha ninja!"

"Don't get entangled with them, hurry back to the camp!"

"Damn, they have been biting behind us, if we don't kill them, we will die a lot of companions!"

However, when Iwanin turned around and fought back, Chito Baili immediately ran back with the people.

"Damn, these despicable bastards!"

Yan Ren cursed angrily, but when he turned around, Qiandeng Baili pestered them again, pestering them not to let them go back to support.

After Huang Tu left the camp, the rain became more and more powerful, which made him feel a little ominous.

"My lord? Is it too quiet here?"

Huang Tu was taken aback, with a disturbed expression on his face.

If Konoha really intends to cut off their logistics, then at least some traces will be left, but they have not found any traces of Konoha Ninja passing along the way.

"Look around!"

As Huangtu continued to move forward, he sent people to explore the surroundings.

Half an hour later, still nothing was found.

Huang Tu looked back anxiously, his vision was extremely obstructed by the rain.

At this moment, there was a mournful cry of an eagle in the air.

"not good!"

Huang Tu was shocked and hurried back, "Everyone, go back to the camp immediately!"

Hundreds of rock ninjas rushed towards the camp again.

Huang Tu's face was gloomy, and he was so angry that he fell into the trick so easily. It seemed that his father was right, and he was indeed not suitable to be a commander.

But at least this time, Konoha's ninja must pay the price!

Outside the Iwanin Camp, Nara Shikahisa looked at the Ninja Hawk in the sky, silently counting the time, half-pay, his face showed determination.

"Okay, evacuate!"

The order was quickly passed on, and the Konoha Ninjas who were aggressively attacking the camp, as well as the third and fourth combat brigades on the two wings, immediately switched from offense to defense and retreated quickly.

When Huangtu came back with his people, he only saw the messy camp and his companions who had suffered heavy losses.

"Damn Konoha Ninja!"

The loess chest is about to explode.

In the battle here, more than a hundred ninjas were killed and injured on Iwanin's side, among which there were more than 20 Jonin alone, and the losses were heavy!

At the same time, Konoha Ninja destroyed a lot of the supplies stored in the camp. If it wasn't for the heavy rain during the assassination, they would have to burn all the food and grass and the like!

But the loss on Konoha's side is not light.

Especially the third and fourth combat brigades on the two wings had to entangle with Iwanin twice as many as them, and more than half of them were killed or injured, even Chito Baili was seriously injured! .

Back at the Konoha camp, Fenghuo was assigned to the medical team to treat the injured ninja.

Although his medical ninjutsu is not as good as illusion, ninjutsu, and physical jutsu, he has mastered the palm fairy art, and it is no problem to heal some minor injuries.

"I didn't expect you to be a medical ninja." As an elite ninja, Chito Baili had already been treated by an excellent ninja from the medical class. After the injury was under control, he immediately came over to check on the other injured ninjas. Seal the fire, naturally surprised.

Feng Huo said: "Captain Qianteng, I have dabbled in all aspects."

Qianteng Baili frowned suddenly.

Feng Huo is not very old, but he has dabbled in all aspects. In his opinion, this is too high-minded, greedy, and lack of human heart.

He left silently, and continued to check the injuries of his companions, his face becoming more and more gloomy.

On the other side, Shikahisa Nara is also looking at the losses of this battle, and then deploys the next strategic plan.

Although the Rock Ninja camp was attacked by him and a lot of supplies were destroyed, but these did not hurt the root of the Rock Ninja.

Nara Shikahisa already had a premonition of the next crazy revenge from Iwa Shinobi.

Afterwards, Fenghuo took root on the battlefield, because Qianteng Baili's slight prejudice against him directly made him the leader of the ninja. It is conceivable that he is not seen at all in general major battles, but patrolling, He can be seen everywhere in the hard work of searching and guarding.

Fenghuo didn't argue or complain, just like a seedling in the battlefield, desperately absorbing the rain and dew to grow.

The battlefield is really a place that sharpens a person. After a month, tasks such as patrolling, searching, and guarding have honed his character more and more tenaciously. Survival skills such as tracking, anti-tracking, and concealment have also improved rapidly!

Moreover, he was transferred to the medical class from time to time, and after a few times, he became more and more indifferent to life and death. At this time, he was only fighting for life and death with a 'veteran'!

In the Konoha camp, Qianteng Baili reported the latest situation of Fenghuo, without any concealment.

If Feng Huo was here, he would be very surprised. After all, this Qianteng Baili has some opinions on him, so how could he know everything about him like the back of his hand?

"Master Lujiu~www.readwn.com~that's all."

In fact, Chito Baisato does have some opinions on Fenghuo, but it is not because of his age or strength, but because Nara Shikahisa asked him to "take care" of Fenghuo, so that Fenghuo can be in a certain safe environment. Grow up quickly!

You know, at this time, Konoha is fighting Shayin Village and Yanyin Village at the same time. There are not enough manpower. If they are replaced by other special Jnin, they have already entered the battlefield to fight. How can they patrol and guard every day like Fenghuo? An easy job belonging to the lower ninja and middle ninja?

Qianteng Baili's prejudice against Fenghuo stems from this.

Nara Shikahisa nodded slightly, his face was a bit tired, and the dark circles under his eyes were even more serious.

'Fenghuo, there is only so much I can help you with, and next, you have to survive on the battlefield! '

"Baili, it's time for him to go to the battlefield." Nara Shikahisa said softly.

Qianteng Baili frowned, and looked at him in disbelief.

Nara Shikahisa smiled wryly: "Do you think I let you take care of him because I don't want him to go to the battlefield?"

"Isn't it?" Qianteng Baili said frankly, "He is known as a genius, you must want him to live and grow."

Nara Shikahisa shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not the case. This kid's heart is higher than the sky, but limited by his age, he is lacking in all aspects, and it is easy to die if he goes to the battlefield rashly, so I let you sharpen him , in order to allow him to survive better on the battlefield, instead of letting him hide behind in the name of a genius."

"I understand." Chito Hyakusato still couldn't understand, or he thought that Fenghuo was completely unqualified to let Commander Nara Shikahisa waste time on him.

"Don't underestimate this guy, hehe, I am looking forward to his performance on the battlefield." Nara Shikahisa laughed.

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