Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 139: new task

"Fenghuo, you don't need to do these things anymore!"

Qianteng Baili called Fenghuo that night and told him to get ready to fight on the battlefield!

Feng Huo nodded: "I'm ready, Captain Qianteng!"

Qiandeng Baili looked Fenghuo up and down, but he really couldn't see what was so special about this little ghost that could make Shikaku Nara pay so much attention.

"Captain Qianteng, what's wrong?" Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat.

"It's nothing, I warn you, don't underestimate Iwanin, or if you lose your life, don't blame me for not reminding you!" Chito Baili showed her white teeth, and smiled a little piercingly.

"I see!" Feng Huo nodded solemnly.

Sometimes the nights in the Land of Rain are not peaceful. The violent heavy rain can cause people to lose sleep all night, and when the fire is closed, they are tossed and turned so that they cannot sleep.

Although he has been on the battlefield for several months, somehow, he is always separated from the frontal battlefield by a wall. The fight ahead is close in front of him but far away in the sky. This makes him feel weird, as if there is a big hand controlling everything , and now, this big hand disappeared, and that wall was also torn apart. The **** fight on the battlefield was rendered like a landscape painting, trying to swallow him whole.

Turning over again, Feng Huo found that he really couldn't fall asleep, so he simply got up to practice.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"


The smoke dissipated, and there was an identical person next to the fire.

"Go practice seal gestures!"

Fenghuo ordered, while he himself continued to condense Chakra.

In particular, the Chakra gap between Jonin and Jonin is not big, but it is not small. Fenghuo takes time every day to refine Chakra hard, and already feels that his bottleneck is disappearing bit by bit.

After all, he is a human being in two lives, and the spiritual power in his mind is extremely majestic, so there is not much difficulty in condensing chakra.

In the early morning of the next day, the Third Combat Battalion received a mission: go deep into the rear of Iwanin and destroy their supplies!

Before sealing the fire, he patrolled the back of the battlefield to prevent Iwanin from destroying their supplies. At that time, he encountered two waves of Iwanin, and once he found it, he sent a signal directly, and then looked at the Konoha ninjas who were reinforced by Iwanin There are not many Iwanin who died in the siege and were able to escape.

It can be said that the death rate of this task is very high!

And now, Fenghuo finally faced such a task.

The establishment of the third combat brigade has always been maintained at fifty ninjas, and new ninjas will join after death or injury to complete the establishment. Up to now, more than half of the top ninjas, special top ninjas, and middle ninjas in the third combat brigade It's already a new face, but those few renunciations have not changed.

"This time, go to the rear of the Yannin camp to destroy the supplies, and the Jonin and the special Jnin will complete it!"

Five Jnin, ten special Jnin, Chito Baili directly transferred three Jnin, six special Jnin, divided into three teams to set off.

And sealing the fire is impressively on the list.

"Wait a minute, Captain Qianteng, I have something to say!" Shangren Yin Hezhi, who was on the same team as Fenghuo, stood up and said dissatisfiedly, "What's going on with this brat?!"

Because Fenghuo has been working as a low-level ninja and a middle-level ninja, and Yin Hezhiyi is a Junin who was added later, so naturally he doesn't know Fenghuo. When he sees him and his team, the whole person shudders. It's extremely dangerous, what's the matter with children?

Yin Hezhi couldn't bear this grievance!

Baili Qianteng glanced at Feng Huo, then at the other Jonin, especially the Jnin, and snorted, "Are you doubting my decision?"

"No, but Captain, this guy just graduated from the ninja school, right? How could he be qualified for such a task!?" Yin Hezhi hurriedly changed his tone, but the meaning was still the same, thinking that sealing the fire was a drag, and he didn't want to take him with him.

Chito Baili looked at Yin Hezhiyi, then looked at Fenghuo, with a strange expression on the corner of his mouth: "Don't underestimate him, hmph, he is a genius of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fenghuo! He already has special strength of ninja! "

"Nani?!" Yin Hezhi looked at Feng Huo in surprise, frowning slightly, "The Uchiha clan?"

Sharingan is certainly powerful, but when he thinks of the arrogance of the Uchiha clan, he feels weak all over.

The eyes of other people also showed surprise changes under the reputation of 'Uchiha'.

"It turned out to be him. I heard that he is a genius at the same level as Kakashi."

"It's been several years since I graduated, but I'm still too young."

"Yeah, staying behind and growing slowly is what a genius like him should do."

Facing these remarks, Feng Huo did not refute, and stood there quietly with a calm and indifferent expression.

Half the salary, those people slowly shut up when they saw the expression on Feng Huo's face.

Chito Baili continued: "Fenghuo is excellent in illusion, body, and ninjutsu. He is also a medical ninja. He also dabbles in sealing techniques, but he is a comprehensive ninja!"

Yin Hezhi's expression changed, but the next moment he felt that it was unreasonable. After all, Feng Huo was too young. Even if he started to practice from the womb, it would only take about ten years. Medical ninjutsu, does he have three heads and six arms?

Besides, Uchiha Fenghuo broke out suddenly after he went to the ninja school. I didn't hear how talented he was before.

Therefore, even though he has dabbled in all aspects, he is probably at the level of a three-legged cat.

Thinking of this, Yin He Zhiyi frowned even deeper.

He felt that Qianteng Baili was deliberately making things difficult for him.

But Qianteng Baili didn't give him another chance, and directly ordered to set off.

Helpless, Yin Hezhi could only take Fenghuo and another special Shangrenqiu Daotang northward.

Qiudaotangbei is from the Qiudao clan, with a wide body and a fat body, his round face is always tense, and he looks a little nervous.

"Captain, should we find a place to rest up first, I, I'm a little hungry." Qiu Daotangbei is worthy of being a talent of the Qiu Dao family who left the Konoha camp for an hour~www.readwn.com~ His stomach growled up.

Yin Hezhi snorted, "You can't bear it!"

"But I'm so hungry." Qiu Daotangbei followed Yin Hezhi's footsteps, while clutching his stomach and complaining, "Our Qiu Daoists are different from you. We need to eat a lot to have great combat power!"

You are a pig! Still eating!

The corner of Yin Hezhi's mouth twitched, but finally waved everyone to stop: "Continue to set off in ten minutes!"

"Great!" Qiu Daotangbei immediately took out a large piece of beef bone and gnawed on it.

Yin Hezhi took a look and was very dissatisfied.

A kid with a reputation as a genius, and a starved ghost reincarnated, this mission is really close to death.

"Captain, do you want something to eat?" Qiu Daotangbei seemed to be a good fat man willing to share food with others.

Yin Hezhi shook his head resolutely.

"What about you?" Qiu Daotang looked at Fenghuo again.

"I'm not hungry." Feng Huo shook his head.

"Oh." Qiu Daotang Bei devoured it hungrily, while looking at Fenghuo from time to time.

"Why do you keep watching me?" Feng Huo wondered.

"Actually..." Qiu Dao Tang Bei swallowed a big mouthful of beef and continued, "My brother is Qiu Dao Tang Dong!"

Feng Huo was puzzled: "So?"

"Eh? Don't you know? My brother, Namikaze Minato, and Inuzuka Tsubasa are students of Jiraiya-sama." Akidodo Kita said while eating.

"What? Really?" Feng Huo was quite surprised, Namikaze Minato hadn't mentioned this to him before.

However, in the original book, Sarutobi Hiruza, Jiraiya, and Namikaze Minato are in the same line, and they usually teach three disciples at the same time, and the Akido family and the Inuzuka family are all supporters of Sarutobi Hiruza, and Jiraiya also accepts these two It is not surprising that the children of the family are students.

So, Qiudaotangbei is... getting close?

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