Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 152: It turned out to be lost

Nara Lulin and Yumekong looked at each other speechlessly, but Feng Huo had already turned around and they could only keep up.

Although 'lost', but the play must be sufficient, the three of Fenghuo put on a rigorous search posture, and gradually drifted away.

In the opposite direction from them, two teams of Yannin were lurking underground. After half an hour, they gradually became impatient and gradually surged up from the ground.

"Damn it, why hasn't that brat come yet?"

"Could it be that Konoha's **** is lying to us?"

"Impossible, if it was a liar, we would have been besieged by Konoha ninjas long ago!"

"But the kid did not show up."

"There should be a problem with the plan, contact them quickly!"

Soon, news from here reached the ears of a man with a hooked nose.

"Check it out for me, I want to know where that guy is now!"

As the captain of the Fourth Combat Battalion, Yoshida Masaichi has a good temper, and has always been known for being stern and cruel. Even in Anbu, he has a strong reputation.

Soon, the ninja under his hand fed back the information.

"Captain, Uchiha Fenghuo's group didn't search according to the original route, they searched in the opposite direction!"

"Nani?!" Yoshida was furious, "These **** don't obey the ninja rules!"

He got up immediately, took two cronies and went to chase Fenghuo.

At this time, Feng Huo and the others also noticed something abnormal.

"Just now a sentient ninja investigated here." The bugs in the oil women's space are not vegetarians.

Nara Lubayashi smiled bitterly: "According to the previous search plan, it is impossible for us to meet other ninjas around here at this time."

"That is to say, that perception ninja came here specially to find us." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Do you think the black hand behind the scenes would be so angry that he would come here himself?"

"Should we run?" Younukong was a little apprehensive.

"Why run? We just got lost, hehe, it's not collusion with Iwanin, it's not us who should be afraid." The old **** Fenghuo was there.

He is not afraid of the black hand behind the scenes at all. Since the other party chooses this kind of conspiracy, it means that he cannot kill himself openly. What is there to be afraid of?

Feng Huo said: "Don't just stand still, play a full set of plays, highlight the tricks, and absolutely not let Iwano hide under our noses!"

The three continued to search seriously, and not long after, three ninjas wearing Konoha forehead protection suddenly appeared in front of them.

"You guys! What are you doing?" Yoshida was staring at Fenghuo coldly, his whole body bursting with anger.

"Us?" Feng Huo asked innocently, "Of course they are searching for Iwanin, otherwise you think we are on an autumn outing?"

Yoshida jumped from the corner of his eyes: "Since we are searching for Iwanin, why not follow the prescribed route!"

Feng Huo said righteously: "This is strange. Didn't we search according to the established route?"

"Little devil, don't quibble, your search direction should be the position behind you!" An aide next to Yoshida Masaichi said angrily.

Feng Huo suddenly realized: "No wonder I feel that something is wrong, so I got lost, haha, I'm really sorry, I laughed at me."

"You didn't get lost at all, you did it on purpose!" The confidant hit the snake with the stick, and was about to put a black hat on Fenghuo's head, "You are deliberately passive and slack, you have colluded with Yan Ren, and you want to let it go on purpose." Run them!"

Feng Huo looked at Erbee and stared at him: "Can you use your brain when you speak, who am I? I am the hero of Konoha who destroyed the most important batch of supplies of Iwain so far! I am in Iwain Believe it or not, I will ask you if you believe it or not!"

The confidant's face changed, and he couldn't refute this.

Yoshida stood up and changed the subject with a sneer: "Even so, it can't change your charge of changing the search route without authorization!"

"Hey, I'm just lost, why don't you believe it." Feng Huo sighed, and then suddenly asked, "By the way, who are you? What qualifications do you have to jump out and tell me what to do?"

The confidant said angrily: "Bastard, the one standing in front of you is Masaichi Yoshida, the captain of the Fourth Combat Brigade!"

Feng Huo immediately interrupted him: "It turned out to be the fourth combat brigade, what a pity, I'm in the third combat brigade, tsk tsk, what a pity."

Yoshida Masaichi's eyes on his hooked nose became more and more fierce: "Why, do you think I'm not qualified to discipline you?"

Younukong tugged at Fenghuo's sleeve, and the worm in his body told him that the man in front of him was already intent on killing.

Killing intent and murderous intent are different.

If you kill too many people, you will have a murderous aura on your body, which belongs to the category of 'temperament', while killing intent, which focuses on 'intent', refers to 'meaning' and 'ideas', which are thoughts that have been formed in the mind!

Yoshida Masaichi has killing intent, which means he already has the 'meaning' to kill Fenghuo.

Younukong softly told him about the bug's discovery, telling him to take it easy.

Feng Huo's face also changed slightly, then he looked at Yoshida Masaichi, and said with a smile: "Haha, so you are the famous Captain Yoshida Masaichi, I'm sorry, I've admired you for a long time."

"Isn't it too late to say such things now?" Yoshida raised his head slightly, and his sharp hooked nose suddenly protruded ~www.readwn.com~ and became more ferocious.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "It's not too late, it's not too late, what a big deal, I'll follow the established route to search right away!"

"It's still too late. If Yan Shino happens to pass the road section you were going to search while you were away and destroys the logistics supply, this responsibility, you..."

"I'll recite it!" Feng Huo said solemnly, "If this kind of thing really happens, let me recite it alone! None of you should compete with me! I have meritorious deeds on me, even if I am punished, my merits and demerits will at most be offset!"

Yoshida's eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks began to twitch together, and his hands and fingers could no longer be controlled.

Feng Huo saw the signs of this guy's epilepsy, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Haha, I'm just kidding, just kidding, everyone, don't take it seriously."

Confusion flashed across Yoshida's eyes.

Although he has been away from the roots for many years, he has been "in Cao Ying and his heart in Han" all these years, and he always misses the amiable and lovely Lord Danzo, so when he learned of Danzo's killing intent on Fenghuo, I was going to 'share your worries', but I was afraid that killing Fenghuo directly would cause Danzo trouble, so I made a circle, secretly negotiated with Iwanin, and set up such a situation.

But I didn't expect that when things came to an end, such an accident would happen.

get lost?

Yoshida was looking at Fenghuo up and down.

‘Could this brat have noticed something? '

If this is the case, once Yan Ren is caught and the information is leaked, he will be passive.

But if he directly kills Fenghuo now, it will be even worse, because he knows very well that it is wrong to change the search route without authorization, but for Fenghuo who has great merits, this is nothing. ghost.

Once you get to the bottom of it, troubles will come one after another, and Lord Danzo will inevitably be implicated.

How to deal with it?

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