Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 153: 2 steps

Here Yoshida is looking gloomy and uncertain, while sealing the fire over there is also frightened, for fear that the other party will be overwhelmed and burn everything.

The root ninja of Danzo is notoriously emotionless and thoughtless. This Yoshida Shoichi must have been brainwashed by Danzo several times. If he got into the horns, he would rather give up his life than kill himself. Where is the fire? Reasoning?

"Captain Yoshida, it's getting late." The confidant reminded softly.

Yoshida's heart skipped a beat.

The time agreed with Yan Ren has long passed. If Feng Huo didn't show up on time, those Yan Ren would definitely not stay where they are waiting. It will be a matter of time before they move, and they will be discovered. There is not much time left for him too much!

"Hmph, this matter won't just end like this!"

Yoshida Masaichi left a cold sentence, and then left quickly.

Younukong immediately released the bugs, and after confirming that they really left, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Going away?" Feng Huo asked.

"Let's go." Younukong looked at him resentfully.

Feng Huo laughed loudly: "Haha, as expected, that guy is so stern, he doesn't dare to attack me at all!"

The worm in Yumekong's body twisted for a while, as if she was a little uncomfortable with someone's brazenness.

Nara Lubayashi analyzed: "Captain Yoshida left in a hurry, probably because he was worried that Iwanin would be discovered and implicated him, so..."

"So he must have gone to kill those rock ninjas to silence them." Feng Huo breathed a sigh of relief. If he foolishly followed the search route and searched round and round, he would definitely bump into the rock ninja. , jumped out directly, and Yoshida Shoichi's trouble came.

‘The IQ crushing of the natives makes me happy. '

"Should we report this to Captain Chito?" Auromekong said angrily, "Captain Yoshida's collusion with Iwanin is unforgivable!"

"For the time being, don't act rashly." Feng Huo said, "Yoshida Masaichi is now killing Yan Ren to silence him. We don't have any evidence. Reporting rashly is slander. Instead, he will bite him and catch us violating the regulations. So, let's pretend nothing happened, but you have to beware of this villain in your heart!"

"Understood!" The two nodded.

Sure enough, half a day later, news came that Iwanin had been completely wiped out by Masaichi Yoshida, the captain of the Fourth Combat Brigade, and the matter finally came to an end.

Nara Lubayashi and Yumekong acted as if nothing had happened according to Fenghuo's words, but the parties did not do so.

On the night of sealing the fire, he sneaked to find Shikaku Nara and typed up Masaichi Yoshida's report.

"Is what you said true? Is there evidence?" Nara Shikahisa frowned, his expression gradually becoming dignified and angry.

During the war, Yoshida Shoichi colluded with Iwanin to assassinate his own heroes. If the evidence is convincing, Nara Shikahisa will definitely kill him soon!

Unfortunately, there is no evidence to seal the fire.

"This is going to be difficult."

Nara Shikahisa would not suspect that Fuhuo was telling lies, but Yoshida Shoichi is an elite from Anbe, a member of Hatake Sakumo, with a strong background and no evidence. Even if Nara Shikahisa is the commander in chief, there is no way to deal with him.

Fenghuo didn't expect to kill Yoshida Masaichi in one go, his purpose was just to add to his troubles.

"Yoshida Shoichi has stayed at the root, and there will be no evidence for what he does." Fenghuo continued to add oil and vinegar.

"Genbu..." Nara Shikahisa nodded slightly. He also heard about Yoshida Masaichi's previous incident, and he believed Fenghuo's words more and more in his heart, thinking: Be careful of this person in the future.

But immediately he was startled, realizing that he had fallen into the 'trap' of sealing the fire.

For a person with a high IQ like him, as long as there is a slight flaw in any conspiracy, he can follow the clues to figure everything out.

Fenghuo destroyed Yoshida Shoichi's image one after another in Shikaku Nara's heart, which immediately aroused his vigilance.

After sending Fenghuo away, Nara Shikahisa called Yoshida Masaichi.

"Master Shikaku!" Masaichi Yoshida's aquiline nose could not help drooping slightly to show respect when facing the commander-in-chief Shikaku Nara.

Nara Shikahisa nodded slightly, and said: "First of all, congratulations to Captain Yoshida for going deep into the rear to kill Iwanoshi, and then to make meritorious deeds! What makes me curious is how did Captain Yoshida find Iwanobu?"

Yoshida said in a hurry: "Master Shikaku, I noticed the clues of Iwanin based on some clues, and I was worried about the comfort of my subordinates, so I took action myself!"

"What clues? Captain Yoshida, would you mind telling me?" Nara Shikahisa asked, staring at Yoshida Masaichi's face indifferently, not letting go of his expression.

Yoshida was preparing early in the morning, and immediately pushed out one of his subordinates, and then said with deep sorrow that this subordinate died heroically during the battle with Iwanin!

Nara Shikahisa seemed to believe it, and let him go back after chatting a few more words.

"It's really suspicious." Nara Shikahisa narrowed his eyes, he is not so easy to fool, Yoshida Shoichi's rhetoric is impeccable, but that is what makes it even more suspicious.

On the other side, Yoshida Masaichi's face was also very ugly.

"Damn brat!"

You don't need to guess him to know that it must be the **** Uchiha Fenghuo who told the secret.

He wanted to take revenge immediately, but Nara Shikahisa's attention made him restrain himself~www.readwn.com~Uchiha Fenghuo, I hope you have such good luck next time! "

After experiencing such a thing, Fenghuo didn't intend to just let things go.

Reporting to Shikaku Nara was only his first step, and the second step was naturally to 'report' to Iwanin!

After all, this matter is too bad!

The **** Yoshida Masaichi pretended to be a "friendly army" and deceived the trust of the kind and lovely Iwa ninjas to send them elite ninjas. In the end, he was brutally killed by the liar Yoshida Masaichi!

This kind of appalling thing actually happened to him, Feng Huo expressed that he could not accept it, he had to tell Yan Ren to know about this matter "one hundred and fifty" and "add fuel and vinegar"!

So in the subsequent battle on the battlefield, Fenghuo completely turned into a big mouth, and taunted Iwanen with this matter to his heart's content. It didn't take long for both Iwanin and Konoha to know about it.

Yoshida Masaichi was furious, and the matter spread to Iwanoshi. His name, probably second only to Uchiha Fuho, became the target of Iwanobu's killing!

And all of this was thanks to Fenghuo, but he couldn't stop it, because it was a fact, and for Konoha, it was a meritorious service. If he was angry, wouldn't he tell others that he had a ghost in his heart?

How to do?

Can only endure.

And Yan Ninja lived up to expectations, and was outraged.

When I first came into contact with Yoshida Masa, some people objected, thinking that this was a conspiracy by Konoha, but now, the truth is in front of my eyes!

"Uchiha Fenghuo is indeed hateful, but Yoshida Masaichi, a bastard, is also unforgivable!" Huang Tu yelled at his senior brother Hui Tu, "We must take revenge on him, and avenge our dead brother!"

Huitu nodded: "I am also responsible for this matter. I actually trusted Konoha's people. Don't worry, Yoshida Masaichi, the bastard's life, I will decide!"

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