Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Namikaze Minato vs Loess

In a corner of the battlefield, after Yoshida Masaichi received the memory of the shadow clone, his complexion was not good at that time.

Faintly, he seemed to have noticed something.

After carefully reviewing the memory of the shadow clone, he quickly found the 'key point'.

The insect wall technique of the oily girl clan!

Yoshida Masaichi's face was gloomy: "Uchiha Fuenhuo must have switched places with the shadow clone at that time! Damn, carelessness!"

He raised his head and looked around, he could vaguely see stone chips flying in the distance, and heard Huang Tu's angry shout, but the figure of Uchiha sealing the fire?

So beautiful, I can't even see a shadow!

"This brat is too cunning!"

At the same time, Fenghuo, Nara Lulin, and Yumekong ran aside with lingering fear.

"Kong, thanks to you this time!"

If Yumekong hadn't used the insect wall technique to block the sight of Yoshida Masaichi, Huang Tu and others, Fenghuo and the others would have no chance to replace the main body with a shadow clone.

Younukong silently controls the parasite to prevent it from being attacked.

Nara Lubayashi frowned and said: "According to the memory of the shadow clone, Yoshida Shoichi and the others are also shadow clones!"

Feng Huo sneered again and again: "Of course, how can a person like him use his body as bait? In his eyes, I have no right to die with him."

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

A rock ninja who was approaching quietly behind saw them distracted and attacked them directly.

"It's really annoying."

Feng Huo's left hand instantly rubbed out a fire escape-helix pill and smashed it over.


The violent waves of fire swept away, directly burning that rock ninja into coke.

"Will the movement be too loud?" Nara Lulin was very distressed, "Let's move quickly."

Fenghuo followed good advice, and immediately fought with them all around.

"Master Huangtu, we have been tricked, they are all shadow clones!"

"Cunning Konoha Ninja!"

Huang Tu suppressed the anger in his heart, worried that he would be ambushed by Konoha, and hurriedly led people out, while watching all directions and listening to all directions, but there was no ambush by Konoha, and they retreated back to the Iwanin camp smoothly.

"what happened!"

Loess IQ is not enough.

It is obviously very good at luring the enemy to go deep, even he himself thought he was going to be ambushed by Konoha.

"Could it be their internal strife?"

Huang Tu couldn't figure it out, and didn't bother to think too much. With a big wave of his hand, the "Death Squad" immediately disbanded and scattered to support the battlefield.

Huang Tu was not idle either, he took the lead and started to charge again.

He put his hands on the ground, the ground shook violently, and countless rock thorns gushed out from the ground, blasting towards Konoha Ninja in all directions.

"Damn it, get out of here!"

"It's the son of the third Dokage, run!"

The nearby Konoha ninjas retreated in a hurry, but the attack speed of the stone thorns was too fast, and waves came one after another. A Konoha ninja injured his knee and ran a little slower. He was directly tied into a skewer by the stone thorns. Bloody and bloody, and then more and more stone thorns covered it, and the dead Konoha ninja also rose in a straight line.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

At a critical moment, a figure that was approaching the extreme suddenly appeared in front of the stone thorn, and only a golden hair was vaguely visible, which was also shining in the dim sunlight.

Namikaze Minato threw out a ninjutsu scroll and released the Fire-Dun-Wenwan inside.

Before the fire wave exploded, he took another Fengdun-helix pill.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire rises with wind power. The two spiral pills directly exploded with terrifying power, destroying the countless stone thorns in front of them. of loess.

"Tudun - Earthflow wall!"

The loess roared loudly, and a one-meter-thick wall rose in front of him, as majestic as an ancient city wall.


The fire wave hurricane bombarded, and the wall was instantly cut into cracks by the terrifying airflow.

The edges of the densely packed cracks were quickly scorched black by the flames, and the tongue of flames desperately drilled into the cracks as if spiritually, and the countless stone thorns that followed bombarded the high wall indiscriminately. This high wall is almost unbearable.

Cold sweat broke out on Huang Tu's forehead: "How is it possible?"

He felt tremendous pressure, and the chakra in his body was frantically agitated, and high walls followed one after another, forming a five-meter-thick stone wall directly in front of him!



At the same time, the first high wall finally collapsed, and the hurricane and fire continued to come again after breaking through, but the power has been slightly reduced.

Namikaze Minato directly took out the last 'Huo Dun-Spiral Pill' and threw it out, supplemented by Feng Dun-Spiral Pill. Immediately, the wind and fire there was violent again, even fiercer and stronger than before.


Two high walls in a row were smashed to pieces.

Huang Tu didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he escaped from the spot with the instant body technique.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

With Namikaze Minato and the last straw, those high walls were finally completely broken through.

But Huang Tu had already run to one side and formed a seal: "Earth escape - the art of mountains and earth!"

The ground on both sides of Namikaze Minato suddenly went berserk, and in the shock, two huge semicircular stone **** rolled over at a terrifying speed.

Namikaze Minato didn't dodge or evade, and two huge wind escape-helix pills gushed out from his left and right hands at the same time.

"Wind escape - repeatedly bombing the big jade spiral pill!"

Namikaze Minato came up with a great name when he had no time to send, and then brazenly printed two spiral pills towards the huge semicircular soil **** that were rapidly approaching on the left and right.


The two huge semi-circular stone **** merged together without hindrance almost instantly, turning into a huge round stone ball!

But in the next moment, a spider web-like crack appeared on the surface of the stone ball.

"Nani?" Huangtu didn't have time to be happy, his face was already shocked.

Soon, there were more and more cracks on the surface of the stone ball, densely packed almost covering the entire stone ball!


As the wind howled, countless rocks of different sizes fell like meteors in all directions.

"Damn it!"

The loess roared loudly, and a huge rock hand spewed out from the ground again, covering the sky and covering the ground, violently hitting Namikaze Minato who was stagnant in the air.

"too slow."

Namikaze Minato showed a confident smile, "Flying Thunder God!"


The afterimage of Iwate passing by Namikaze Minato was heavily imprinted on the ground, and the ground made an overwhelmed cracking sound, and countless cracks spread wildly.

Where the two fought, the terrain was too severely damaged. I don't know how many ninjas were affected. At this time, they retreated frantically like desperately.


Namikaze Minato's figure flashed like lightning, approaching the loess crazily.

"Earth escape - petrification!"

Knowing that his speed was not as fast as Namikaze Minato, Huangtu immediately strengthened his defense, and at the same time stepped on the ground, countless rock thorns shot up into the sky around him crazily.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"


Countless broken stone thorns drift in the wind like paper boats ~www.readwn.com~ can't stop Namikaze Minato at all.

Finally, he got close to Huangtu, the two of them were very close, and Namikaze Minato had already rubbed out an ordinary spiral pill, which was printed **** Huangtu's heart.

"Don't underestimate me!" Huang Tu's gums were bleeding, "Tu Dun-Ant Hell!"

The ground at the foot of Namakaze Minato suddenly flowed like a swamp, and his figure sank slightly uncontrollably.

Namikaze Minato's eyes froze, and he accelerated the speed of the spiral pill.

However, it was still half a step late.

"Earth Dungeon - Earthquake Core!"


Namikaze Minato only felt the 'swamp land' under his feet suddenly lighten, and his whole body was swallowed in an instant.

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