Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 156: deal with


Loess clasped his palms together, the earth roared, and the soil under the ground squeezed towards Namikaze Minato crazily like quicksand.



Huang Tu Fang's face showed surprise.

"As expected of Jiraiya's apprentice, it really isn't that easy to deal with!"

Huangtu turned his head and looked around, following his gaze, countless stone thorns drilled out of the broken ground again, densely packed.

And among the countless gray-black stone thorns, a golden flash of light quickly passed through like a ghost.

‘The speed of this guy simply surpasses the limit of human reaction! ’ Huang Tu was startled, ‘We must not let him continue to grow! '

Huang Tu's whole body chakra boiled, his hands danced like phantoms, and he completely transformed into a 'Tudun Fortress', and the violent Tudun ninjutsu poured crazily towards Namikaze Minato.

The earth screamed, and the dark clouds in the sky became lower and lower, and a trace of dampness permeated the entire plain.

It is going to rain.

The two sides on the battlefield were startled, and the movements in their hands slowed down, and then they retreated tacitly.

Soon, Konoha and Iwanin formed two fronts, crowded with people and hostile to each other.

The heavy rain in the Land of Rain can last as long as three days or as long as a few months. It is simply unreasonable. The two sides fought in the rain several times before, and each suffered heavy losses, especially the wounded ninjas. Being infected makes it more difficult to treat. After coming and going, the two sides gradually developed a tacit understanding. Once the heavy rain hits, the fighting will stop.

"Lord Huangtu is still fighting Konoha's ninja!"

"Who is that guy? So fast."

"Hmph, what's the use of being fast! Master Huang Tu will kill this guy soon!"

Konoha looked at the only fighting place in the plain.

"That's Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya-sama's disciple, so strong!"

"As expected of the legendary Sannin disciple!"

"It's too fast, I can't see his figure clearly."

Huang Tu also felt the changes in the field, and knew that if the delay continued, those injured ninjas would be in trouble if there was heavy rain.

‘It must be done quickly. '

Loess supported the ground with both hands, and countless rocks violently rose up, turning into a mass of black 'dark clouds', and smashing towards Namikaze Minato.

Then he quickly stepped on the rock, as if he was about to fight Namikaze Minato in close combat.

Namikaze Minato naturally didn't hesitate, with his reaction speed, the rocks all over the sky couldn't hit him at all, he dexterously flashed among the rocks, and quickly approached the loess.

"It's this time!" Huangtu's voice suddenly came from a rock above Namikaze Minato's head, "Tudun - the art of aggravating the rock!"


The rock was instantly blessed with terrifying weight, like a white dwarf star with extremely high density, under the action of gravity, it almost teleported to the top of Namikaze Minato's head!


Namikaze Minato's pupils suddenly dilated, this scene was too sudden, until the wind pressure caused by the rock was pressing on his head, Namikaze Minato didn't react.

"Flying Thunder God!"


The rock was crushed violently and fell heavily to the ground, like a meteorite falling, forming a huge circular crater.

"Damn, his reaction speed is terrible!"

Huang Tu gasped for breath, and looked at the figure on the edge of the circular pit in disbelief.

A trace of bright red blood slowly flowed from the golden hair.

Namikaze Minato's eyes were serious, and although he escaped smoothly just now, the wind pressure caused by the falling rock still injured his head a little.

"Minato, that's enough, come back!"

Nara Shikahisa's voice suddenly came from behind.

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, then looked at Huang Tu: "I look forward to fighting with you next time!"

"Me too!" Huang Tu clenched his fists and stepped back step by step.


The heavy rain came as soon as it was said, and when it came, it was the peak. It poured down, and soon, the whole world was covered with rain, and the rain splashed on the ground, forming a thick rain vapor, which seriously disturbed the sight of even the ninja.

The two sides were afraid of the other party's sneak attack, so they did not dare to stay, and quickly cleaned the battlefield and left.

"It's true of you, you actually made it with the loess like this!"

In the Konoha Ninja camp, Nara Shikahisa personally applied medicine to Namikaze Minato.

Nara's family has a medicine mountain, which is the largest herbal medicine supplier in the village. It is no worse than a medical ninja in dealing with some trauma.

Namikaze Minato smiled lightly: "I have almost figured out Huang Tu's strength, and I will definitely be able to defeat him in the next battle."

Shikahisa Nara shrugged: "You said the same thing before."

"Really?" Namikaze Minato changed the subject and said with a serious expression, "When I discovered the loess before, I saw something. Although I don't know what happened, I think you need to know."

"What's the matter?" Nara Shikahisa finished bandaging and washed his hands.

"It's about Masaichi Yoshida, captain of the Fourth Operational Battalion!"

At that time, Namikaze Minato, as the captain of the mobile unit, was "fighting fires" everywhere on the battlefield. Because the speed was too fast, many ninjas did not find out who rescued him even if they found themselves rescued.

It was at that time that he saw the scene where Yoshida Masaichi lured Huang Tu towards Fenghuo.

He was about to make a move at that time, but saw Yumekong use the insect wall technique to block the sight of Yoshida Masaichi, Huang Tu and others, and then escaped with a shadow clone, so he was slightly slowed down.

After that, when the people around Huangtu left, Minato Namikaze appeared to capture the thief and the king, but unfortunately the battle was unsuccessful in the end.

As Namikaze Minato detailed what he saw, Nara Shikahisa gradually narrowed his eyes: "In other words, Yoshida Masaichi is using Huang Tu's hand to kill Fenghuo!"

Namikaze Minato asked, "Who is this captain?"

"Ah, he was born in Genbu, and soon after he entered Anbu, he was highly valued by Mr. Hatake. He also made a lot of contributions in this war, but now it seems that he still hasn't got rid of Genbu's identity after all!"

Nara Shikahisa sighed slightly.

"What are you going to do about it?" Minato Namikaze asked with great interest.

"During the war, we must unite all forces. I plan to deal with the matter of Yoshida Shoichi after the war." Nara Shikahisa pondered, "As for the fire closure, let him join your mobile unit. With you here, I will deal with it after the war." I don’t think Yoshida Masaichi will be able to murder Fenghuo again.”

Namikaze Minato nodded noncommittally: "Since this is your decision, I will naturally obey."

Soon, the decision here was conveyed in the form of military orders~www.readwn.com~ A bit of disbelief flashed in Qianteng Baili's eyes.

The mobile unit is the "firefighting" unit on the battlefield. Wherever there are powerful rock ninjas, they will appear there. The general ninja can't stand this kind of high-intensity battle, let alone the special jnin who is sealing the fire.

Although he was dissatisfied with Fenghuo, he still had some doubts about such an appointment.

However, when the captain of the mobile unit, Namakaze Minato, appeared in person, he hesitated to let them go.

"Then, I'll take Fenghuo away." Namakaze Minato said to Chito Hyuri with a smile, "Thank you Captain Chito for taking care of him these days."

Chito Baisato was startled, looked at him in surprise and then at Fenghuo, only to realize that Fenghuo was actually taken care of by Namikaze Minato, no wonder Nara Shikaku also took special care of him.

However, Feng Huo next to him had a constipated expression on his face: What's the matter with the sight of being taken home by parents after kindergarten? !

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