Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Yahiko trio

After leaving the Third Combat Brigade, Feng Huo was still quite reluctant to part with him. He knew Nara Lulin, Yumekong, even Qiu Daodangbei who had been sent back to the village, and his dead companions here.

"It seems that you have left a lot of bonds here." Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

Feng Huo shrugged: "After all, we have fought together for such a long time, it would be strange to have no feelings."

Bo Feng Shuimen said: "This is a good thing. To establish a bond with your companions and realize the feelings worth cherishing, people will grow up slowly and become stronger."

When he came to the location of the mobile unit, Fenghuo saw many elite junin, with a fierce aura, giving people a very strong oppression.

This is the aura formed by fighting on the battlefield for too long. It is extremely rare for someone like Namikaze Minato to maintain a gentle temperament no matter how many fights he experiences.

"Fenghuo, the task of the mobile unit is very heavy. We must keep running on the battlefield to resist the most powerful attack of Iwain. When necessary, we need to act as a sharp blade to attack the most powerful defense of Iwain. Outside the battlefield, we are also responsible for cleaning up. Rock ninja outpost, perform dangerous missions..."

Namikaze Minato introduced the daily life of the mobile unit, and the more he heard the fire being sealed off, the more cold sweat grew on his forehead.

This mobile unit simply doesn't treat ninjas as human beings, they just go where there is danger, and die slowly, God is not blind.

Therefore, the death rate of mobile troops is far higher than that of ordinary combat brigades.

The arrival of Fenghuo, of course, also attracted the attention of other ninjas.

"Hey, what are you kidding, a child came to our army?"

"It's Uchiha sealing the fire, I heard that the Sangouyu Sharingan has been opened."

"But he's still too young. I don't dare to fight alongside him."

These people muttered softly behind their backs, staring at Fenghuo with great interest.

"Everyone come here!"

As the captain of the mobile unit, Minato Namakaze has both strength and beauty, and naturally has great prestige. As soon as he finished speaking, figures sprang up all around him. At first glance, there were more than twenty people.

"Let me introduce to you..."

Namikaze Minato introduced Fenghuo with a smile, "I hope everyone can take good care of him."

"Captain Minato is too polite."

"Yeah, if we don't take care of each other, we won't be able to survive on the battlefield."

Everyone was kind-hearted, and they didn't dare to disobey Namikaze Minato's intentions.

Feng Huo watched in admiration, and thought to himself that he was worthy of being the fourth generation of Hokage in the future. No one can match this leadership ability, and even Orochimaru can't match it.

Of course, Feng Huo didn't take these people's words to heart. After all, they said these words to save Feng Shuimen's face, not him.

"Captain Minato, which team should Fenghuo be placed in?" A ninja couldn't help asking.

"Ah, our team has just completed a three-person team, and there is no place left."

"Our group is too, haha, what a coincidence."

Namakaze Minato looked at these people with a smile, and without revealing anything, he smiled lightly and said, "Fenghuo follows me."

Everyone was startled and looked up and down at Fenghuo.

Someone couldn't help but say: "Captain, is this inappropriate?"

"Yes, his strength..."

It's not that he looks down on Fenghuo, but the tasks performed by Namakaze Minato are often the most arduous among the crowd, and if he follows with Fenghuo's strength, he may fall directly.

"Don't worry, Fenghuo is not as weak as you think." Namikaze Minato is full of confidence in Fenghuo.

In his opinion, with the talent of Fenghuo, as long as he can withstand the most severe test on the battlefield, he will definitely be able to make further progress.

That afternoon, Minato Namikaze set off with Fenghuo and several other teams.

They received news that Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja seemed to have ulterior secret contacts in the first and second battlefields.

The task of the mobile group where Minakame Minato is located is to intercept and kill these Iwanin and get specific information!

Of course, this may also be a trap, but no matter what, they must go through this.

"Brother Shuimen, how is it going on the first battlefield?" Feng Huo asked while hurrying.

He was in the third combat brigade before, except for fighting, he was fighting, and the limited information he got about the first battlefield was also rumors. Now he especially wants to know how Orochimaru is doing.

Are you having a bad day?

Can't sleep at night?

When eating and drinking, did Sand Shinobi jump out and ask him if he was surprised or not?

Feng Huo speculates on Orochimaru with his greatest malice.

Namikaze Shuimen said: "The situation on the first battlefield is a bit better than ours. After the disappearance of the three generations of Kazekage, Sand Hidden Village is united, but it lacks the most important thing! As long as the new Kazekage is not elected, the people there will The situation will not rot.”

Fenghuo was suddenly unhappy.

"This time, Iwanin and Sand Shinobi had a secret contact. I guess it might be that Sand Shinobi couldn't withstand the attack of Master Orochimaru, so I sought the alliance of Iwanin."

Namikaze Minato continued.

Feng Huo's expression dropped.

Namakaze Minato didn't see it, and then said: "So this mission is very important. Master Orochimaru must have sent someone to intercept and kill them. We must destroy their alliance."

Sealing the fire wanted to turn around and run away.

Unexpectedly, this is the first task of entering the mobile unit. Although it is for the village, he always feels as if he is helping Orochimaru, so unhappy!

It was rainy, and a few days later, a group of people arrived at a village and town. It was a unique architectural style of the Rain Country. It was cold and lonely. Everyone walked in, but no one was seen.

"Why is there no one in this village?"

"Is there an ambush?"

"Everyone pay attention!"

"Perception ninjas pay attention to their surroundings."

Everyone advanced in an orderly manner, and soon, they saw a few figures in hooded raincoats quietly stopping them in the rain ahead.

"An enemy?" Namikaze Minato's sky-blue pupils narrowed slightly, waved half his hand to make the companion behind him relax, and said with a smile, "So it's from the Akatsuki organization."

"There is no one in this village, don't you know why?"

The figures in front are Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan.

"Long time no see, Namikaze Minato, and Uchiha Hienho." Xiaonan took a step forward, and his tall figure became even more slender under the rain.

She introduced the two people next to her, and it was Yahiko who spoke before.

Yahiko said loudly: "This village was full of vitality before, and you could see countless people coming and going every day, but now, you have seen it, and all of this is thanks to you!"

"Why start a war in our country!"

Yahiko asked loudly.

"Sorry, we don't want to do this either." Namakaze Minato sighed, although Sand Ninja and Iwanin started the war, but he didn't want to refute Yahiko's words.

Xiao Nan said lightly: "Before you came, the few hundred people left in this village have all died."

"Nani?" Namikaze Minato's eyes froze, and he immediately guessed that it was Iwanin and Sand Ninja who did it. The purpose must be to prevent information from leaking!

But, it's too cruel.

Feng Huo didn't expect Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja to kill hundreds of civilians who had no power to resist in order to keep secret!

Damn it!

Yahiko looked at the anger on the faces of Namikaze Minato, Fenghuo, and other Konoha ninjas ~www.readwn.com~ and suddenly regained his composure, with a sneer of disdain on the corner of his mouth: "You think you are noble, you think these are all sand ninjas And Iwanin's fault? No, in my opinion, all of this is caused by you!"

Yahiko's voice was full of unspeakable anger: "It was your appearance that made Sand Ninja and Iwanin aware of it, and killed everyone. We could have saved them, but you killed them... "

Pain flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes, and he whispered: "Sorry, I don't want to do this either, but, the task..."

"Enough! The mission is just an excuse, the purpose is not to defeat them and obtain huge benefits!" Yahiko said angrily, "Please leave here!"

Namikaze Minato took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became firm: "Sorry, it still can't be done! We must stop Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja from forming an alliance. Tell me, where are they?"

"Let's ask this question again after we win." Nagato, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out.

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