Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 167: kill dust

Fenghuo is impatient, and the Long March is only half a step away. If the ashes still run away, Fenghuo will definitely be **** off!

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

Fenghuo threw a purple ball down again, the earth was ravaged by lightning, and countless trees were ignited by lightning in the crackling, and fireworks were everywhere.

"Not coming out?"

"Turtle, do you intend to stay in the soil for the rest of your life?"

"He also said that he is not a soil turtle, you are not a soil turtle, who is a soil turtle?"

"Come out and fight me for 300 rounds, bitch!"

"Turtle, tell me something, native."

Fenghuo separated into a shadow clone, searched separately and spat trash talk, but Huitu didn't know whether he had already left or couldn't make up his mind to come out, even though Fenghuo spat trash talk for half an hour, he remained indifferent.

Finally, Namikaze Minato appeared here.

"Brother Shuimen, you are finally here." Feng Huo was aggrieved, "That big soil turtle hid in the soil and refused to come out."

Namikaze Minato was startled, and after careful questioning, he looked at Fenghuo with a strange face, and said with a wry smile: "I really didn't expect that Huitu would end up like this."

Then Namikaze Minato used sensory ninjutsu to explore the ground, and soon found the traces left by Ashes.

Huitu was exhausted, sperm, bah, sleepy, and had no extra energy to deal with those traces when he left!

Following these traces, Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo searched, and soon found ash in the dense forest a hundred miles away.

Huitu just fell asleep and dreamed of his amiable, short and honest teacher, the Third Dokage, when he was woken up by a violent explosion. After waking up, his brain was groggy, his eyes were bloodshot, and his ears were even ringing in the ears. Congested, he couldn't even stand still, he just felt that the world in front of him was shaking from side to side, and seemed to be full of infinite malice towards him, but in fact, this was the decline in his body's immunity caused by his lack of sleep, and he couldn't even maintain his sense of balance up.


Namikaze Minato missed a shuriken and jumped lightly from a tree, "Shuriken Shadow Clone Art!"

The shuriken in his hand turned into tens of thousands instantly after throwing it out, shooting out like a machine gun.

Huitu subconsciously put his palms on the ground, and walls of earth rumbled up.

bang bang bang bang...

After the blow, the scene was covered by countless dust, and there was an uncomfortable dry cough from the dust, and he finally regained consciousness, feeling a chill in his heart.

"Namikaze Minato, you..." Huitu wanted to curse, but at this moment his ears kept buzzing, making him want to vomit.

Fenghuo was a step slower, but fortunately he caught up in time and came behind Namikaze Minato.

As the dust in front of him slowly dissipated, Ash's figure was finally exposed.

"Yo Yo Yo, Cheek Nao, here's a set of ground turtle fruit!" Feng Huo sang again, "Soil turtle ~ big soil turtle ~ frustrating, frustrating, what ingredients do you want to add..."

Huitu was furious, his eyes were even redder, and almost bloodshot: "Uchiha Fuhuo, you brat, I really should have killed you earlier, I am not reconciled, I hate it so much!!"

If it wasn't for him, how could Namikaze Minato have the time to sleep in to replenish his strength and energy? If it wasn't for him, how could he not even have time to sleep?

It's all thanks to him to come to this end.

Huitu's hatred for Fenghuo is really touching.

Feng Huo winked: "How much hate?"

"..." Huitu felt a tightness in his chest, and then spit out a mouthful of acid.

"Okay, the other party is a disciple of the third generation of Tukage, and he should be respected enough!" Namikaze Minato still respects him very much, because he chased and killed him for days and nights without sleep, from the land of rain to the land of birds. This is definitely an excellent ninja!

It's a pity that the two are in opposition, and only one of them can leave alive. Otherwise, holding hands and saluting to be good friends is not a problem at all.

When Huitu heard this, his whole body was vented again, but he still couldn't help asking: "Namikaze Minato, how did you kill twenty jounin!"

Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly, but he didn't intend to explain it to Huitu.

As a ninja, he wouldn't make any low-level mistakes. Even though Huitu is now at the end of his rope, what if reinforcements from Yan Ninja arrive?

So you can't delay.

"I'm on!"

Namikaze Minato came quickly with Kunai in his hand.

Fenghuo stood far away, afraid that Huitu would not be willing to drag him on his back before he died.

Huitu clasped his hands together, and the ground rumbled, but the momentum was completely different from before, especially as the earth shook, Huitu staggered back a few steps, which showed that he had really reached his limit.

"Alas, it's a pity that a generation of heroes has just fallen away!" Feng Huo felt compassionate, his eyes widened so that he wouldn't miss a single scene.

At this time, Huitu had exhausted both physical strength and energy to the limit, his ears were stuffed with tinnitus, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, he could not hear clearly, and after two minutes, he would be enraged by Namikaze Minato's bitterness.

A faint smell of blood slowly permeated the air.

"Dead? Could it be a shadow clone?" Feng Huo loved to do this, so he was very vigilant.

In particular, this is Huitu, a disciple of the third generation of Tsuchikage, whose status is equivalent to Konoha's Orochimaru, if you think about how difficult it is to kill Orochimaru, you can know the tension in Fenghuo's heart at this time.

Namikaze Minato stepped forward to check, and finally confirmed that this is Huitu's real body. In fact, he also lamented that Huitu was stronger than Huangtu in the first line, and Namikaze Minato might not be able to defeat him head-on, but now, Huitu

But the dead body lying alive in front of his eyes made him feel moved.

"It's really dead." Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief, and all the energy in his body seemed to be exhausted in an instant with this breath.

He slept for two days, but the quality of sleep was very poor. After waking up, he struggled with the dust for a long time and sang songs for a long time. He was very tired.

I didn't watch those singers who gave concerts in the previous life, and they were panting after singing for a few hours. He sang for a long time!

Feng Huo said that he was very tired.

Namikaze Minato put Huitu's body in the sealed scroll~www.readwn.com~ Then he found a quiet place nearby, planning to rest here for a day.

Sealing the fire fell asleep without saying a word.

Namikaze Minato had just slept for a long time, and was not too sleepy, so he lit a fire not far away, caught a rabbit and roasted it.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the gains and losses this time.

‘If the fire is not sealed and I meet the dust, I will run away as soon as possible. Although my life will not be in danger, I will not be able to kill them all. '

‘Thinking about it, even though I got into crisis several times after I met Fenghuo, in the end, I was never in danger, huh? Could it be that he is the son of the prophecy that the teacher said? '

"However, this time is really lucky."

Konoha, underground root headquarters.

Danzo stood in the dark, looking at a rain ninja in front of him.

"In other words, he agreed to my plan!"

That Yuren nodded and said, "Yes, but Lord Hanzo has one more request."

"Speak." Danzang said coldly.

"When the Akatsuki organization is wiped out, you Konoha must also send people!" Yu Ren said.

"No problem, I agree." Danzang finally showed a sneer, "Then next, we should plan how to wipe out the Akatsuki organization in one fell swoop!"

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