Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 168: deep in the snow mountain

Waking up from a deep sleep, Feng Huo yawned long and stretched again, only to feel that his exhaustion had been completely eliminated, and his physical strength and energy had returned to the best.

Of course, I'm just a little hungry.

"Brother Minato."

Feng Huo took out beef jerky from the seal scroll, and got up to find Namikaze Minato.

"Brother Minato?"

He was in a tree hole, and he walked out into a dense jungle. The warm sunlight poured down like a waterfall, and he felt lazy on his body.

Then he saw the writing left by Namikaze Minato outside the tree hole.

It turned out that Fenghuo had slept in a dark sleep since he slept, and Namikaze Minato waited for a whole day and night before he woke up, because he was worried about the situation on the battlefield, so he left behind a shadow clone and left.

But after sealing the fire, he didn't see the shadow clone, which only means that he slept for too long, and even the shadow clone couldn't keep him awake.

"Forget it, just go back early."

But in advance is to fill the stomach first.

Fenghuo ate some beef jerky as a base, and then the psychic super-round dance brothers planned to let them hunt for some food.

But unexpectedly, an accident happened.



The smoke dissipated, but there was only one snow eagle flapping its wings, chirping and rushing towards Fenghuo, seeming to be suing.

"Eh? Why is there only one?"

Then a faint smell of blood came to the nostrils.

This snow eagle was seriously injured!

The wound has not yet healed, and the white eagle feathers are very messy, as if it has just experienced a **** battle.


The second form of the chaotic round dance, or the third form, it was a grievance to see Fenghuo, and the tears were about to fall.

Feng Huo was convinced that Brother Chao Lunwu was in trouble, and the other Snow Eagle might have even been killed!

"How to do?"

Feng Huo used medical ninjutsu to heal the wound on Xue Ying's body, and gradually frowned.

If he left it alone, he was very worried that this Snow Eagle would be killed after returning home!

"It seems that we are going to visit the Snow Country."

As for the war in the Land of Rain, according to the current situation, there is indeed one more, not more, and one less. Though it's frustrating to think so.

But, who made the Chaolun Dance brothers his psychic beast?

Feng Huo sighed, spent half an hour filling his stomach, and immediately got up and ran towards the Land of Snow.

As for the snow eagle, it had already gone back after the wound was scarred.

He traveled alone this time, without the drag of a carriage, so his speed was naturally extremely fast, and he entered the border of the Snow Country in less than seven days.

The sky ahead was empty, with gusts of extremely cold air circling crazily, and the goose feather snow stretched for an unknown number of kilometers.

Fortunately, he still stored the coat made of snow wolf fur last time in his sealed scroll. After putting it on, he continued to move forward, heading straight for the snow-capped mountains in the northernmost part of the Snow Country.

Considering that he had offended several ninjas from Xueren Village in this country last time, Fenghuo has been avoiding those towns as a precaution.

Three days later, he crossed the Snow Country and came to the snow-capped mountains stretching for an unknown number of kilometers.


On the outskirts of the snow mountain, a rather petite Snow Eagle was circling and flying there. Seeing Fenghuo with its sharp eagle eyes, it flew down screaming excitedly.

Although it can't speak, it can already understand Fenghuo's words.

"Go to the place where your brother died and take revenge!"

Feng Huo wanted to know which desperate beast dared to kill his psychic beast.

Xue Ying screamed and spread its wings to fly, Feng Huo hurriedly followed.

The snow-capped mountain was difficult to navigate, and with the obstruction of some violent beasts living here, it took five days to seal the fire before finally arriving at the mountainside of a huge snow-capped mountain.

Chao Lunwu hovered in the air to guide the way for sealing the fire, but there are few people here, there is no road at all, and sealing the fire is very hard.

'If you can use the ice shield...'

Feng Huo's eyes lit up. The last time he came to Snow Country, he used Sharingan to copy several ice shield ninjutsu. This kind of ice shield ninjutsu is not the limit of blood succession, but if you want to use it, you must also use the nature of chakra. Variations involve snow and ice.

Fenghuo immediately separated out a shadow clone to cultivate the ice shield.

In less than half a day, a huge towering snow peak suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, like a knight's spear, piercing straight into the sky.

Moreover, he could still see many outrageously huge birds hovering around the top of this snow peak.

According to Fenghuo's visual inspection, the wingspan of these huge birds is at least fifteen meters!

"These birds don't seem to be snow eagles. Could it be that the Chaolunwu brothers were killed and maimed by them?"

If this is the case, with Fenghuo's combat strength at this time, I am afraid that there is no way to avenge Chao Lunwu.

However, Chao Lunwu was still flying ahead to lead the way, and seeing its anxious cry, it didn't sound like it was going to take revenge, but it seemed to be going to save people, no, it was to save the eagle.

‘Is that snow eagle not dead? '

Feng Huo carefully concealed his figure and moved forward. Looking up, he saw Chao Lun Wu flapping his wings, flying from the halfway up the snow peak where Feng Huo was located to the towering and sharp snow peak in front of him. Let Fenghuo follow.

Fenghuo was a little dumbfounded.

But the distance between the two snow peaks was tens of meters, and there was no road in between. The snow eagle could fly over, but he couldn't.

Eh, wait!

Looks like it can.

Open the Eight Gate Dunjia and enter Lilianhua, he can fly in the air for a short time!

There's just one problem, before he could fly up to fifteen or sixteen meters, but now...

Feng Huo visually checked his location, at least eight or nine hundred meters away from sea level!

'Fly' from here to the opposite Xuefeng...

Fenghuo is not sure.

"Is it possible to go around?"

Feng Huo's heart moved, and the shadow clone behind him slid down immediately, trying to see if he could pass, half an hour later, the shadow clone dissipated, and the memories sent back made him realize that it was not very peaceful down there, and there was a large group of snow wolves living there. The number is estimated to be in the thousands!

Fenghuo decided not to go down.

"Chirp~" Chao Lunwu screamed in front, as if urging.

Feng Huo's eyes gradually became firmer and he no longer hesitated.

"Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"


Feng Huo stomped heavily on his feet, and the snow several meters around instantly shattered and flowed downward frantically.

And he himself entered the Lianhua state, stepping on the air and galloping towards the snow peak ahead.

Feng Huo looked straight into the eyes, trying not to look into the abyss below.

The distance of tens of meters passed quickly, and Fenghuo arrived at this towering and steep snow peak smoothly.

"There's no way at all."

Fenghuo raised his head and looked up~www.readwn.com~ This snow peak is extremely rugged and steep, and many places are already frozen.

He tried to distribute the chakra on the soles of his feet by stepping on a tree, but his feet slipped within two steps.

He found that after Chakra came into contact with ice and snow, it would melt the ice and snow, so he couldn't get up by stepping on the tree.

"Chirp~" Chao Lunwu flapped his wings and flew up.

Feng Huo gritted his teeth. Climbing was impossible, so he simply used Li Lianhua to make his way. Anyway, he had tried it before when Huitu was chasing him, and it was no problem at all.


Fenghuo stepped on the air and flew upwards quickly.

The oncoming cold air was icy cold, and after a long time, he even felt that his eyeballs were frozen into glass balls, but at this time, the eight-door armor was opened, and the blood flow in Fenghuo's body accelerated, preventing the cold air from entering the body to a certain extent. body.

Finally, the Chao Lunwu was flying fifty meters above and stopped going up.

Feng Huo's teeth were already chattering from the cold, and he rushed up quickly with the last burst of courage. This place is extremely steep, and the foothold is only the size of two palms. Looking around, you can clearly see the snow-capped mountains behind you, which means that you can see all the small mountains.

Then, he looked up and saw a one-meter-square ice hole not far above his head!

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