Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 169: Weird chill

Without the slightest bit of precaution, and without the slightest bit of worry, this ice cave suddenly appeared in front of Feng Huo.

A blessed place?

The place where peerless masters sit and transform?

Rare treasure?

Fenghuo's mind opened wide uncontrollably, and then he woke up amid the screams of Chaolunwu.

Fenghuo checked again and found that the ice cave seemed to be purely natural, not man-made.

Then, there are many claw marks on the outside of the ice cave, which should be left by eagles.

‘Could it be that the snow eagle got into the ice hole and couldn’t get out? '


Chao Lunwu was flying in the air, flapping its wings as if it wanted to get into the ice cave, but every time it approached the ice cave, it refused to welcome it, and kept looking at Fenghuo, that posture clearly wanted Fenghuo to enter.

The corners of Feng Huo's mouth twitched, and he wanted to scold his mother, this snow eagle is so worthless!

"Really." Feng Huo grinned, "Shadow Clone Technique!"

Although it wasn't man-made, Fenghuo didn't dare to be careless. Of course, it was to let the shadow clone test the depth of the water first.

After half the time, the shadow clone in the ice cave dissipated, and along with the memories flooded into Fenghuo's brain.

"It seems interesting."

After confirming that there was no danger, the fire was sealed and immediately drilled into the ice cave.

The ice cave was only one meter in size, and he could only crawl forward. Soon, he passed through the long ice cave and came to a rather empty cave inside.

The cave is about the size of a basketball court. It is surrounded by ice walls and is extremely cold. In the center of the cave, there is a huge snake. Nearly one meter thick!

The scales of the snake were ferocious, about the size of a palm, with a bluish-white color, and the head of the snake was as big as a bear. Although it had been dead for a long time, it still had a fierce look!

Feng Huo slowly looked at the giant snake that had been dead for a long time, or the giant snake that had been frozen into an 'ice sculpture', squeaking in amazement.

‘Is this hole the snake’s lair? '

He turned around the ice snake, and saw a snow eagle behind that was frozen into an 'ice sculpture'.

It was his Super Rondo Snow Eagle!

Xue Ying still had a few wounds on his body, and his feathers were messy, Feng Huo's heart moved, and he quickly guessed what happened.

It should be that the Chao Lunwu brothers fought with other birds, but in the end they couldn't beat them, then ran away, and finally hid in this ice cave, and then this unlucky snow eagle was frozen here.

Feng Huo carefully observed the snow eagle ice sculpture, and found that its eagle beak seemed to have touched the giant snake 'ice sculpture' vaguely.

"Could it be..."

Feng Huo immediately greeted the shadow clone, and then asked the shadow clone to touch the giant snake 'ice sculpture'.


The moment the shadow clone touched the giant snake 'ice sculpture', a gust of white air that was visible to the naked eye burst out from the giant snake 'ice sculpture', instantly surrounding the shadow clone for a circle, and the next moment, the shadow clone had already turned into a ice sculpture!

Sealing the fire was a bit creepy, a wind blade shattered the ice sculpture, and at the same time, the shadow clone inside also shattered, turning into smoke and dissipating.

The memory penetrated into his body, Feng Huo shivered all over, the bone-piercing chill seemed to freeze even his soul!

Feng Huo immediately moved away from the giant snake 'Ice Sculpture', and then summoned the shadow clone again, asking him to rescue Xue Ying.

During the rescue process, Fenghuo found that even if he touched the snow eagle, the chill would still be transmitted along the snow eagle. Then, he used wind escape to break the connection between the snow eagle's 'ice sculpture' and the giant snake's 'ice sculpture'. open.

Leaving the giant snake 'Ice Sculpture', you can see the ice on Snow Eagle's body melting at an extremely fast speed.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Soon, the frisky snow eagle flew out of the ice water with flapping wings. In the splash of ice water, it flew around the corner of the cave with lingering fear, staring at the giant snake 'ice sculpture' in the center of the cave very disturbedly. .

"Is there anything wrong?"

Feng Huo thought that this snow eagle had been frozen for so long, and it would be frostbitten even if it didn't die, but seeing how it was alive and kicking, it seemed to be different from what he imagined.

"Could it be that although this cold air can freeze people, it won't harm the human body?"

Feng Huo called the flying Snow Eagle down and checked him, and found that the wound on its body was still very 'fresh', as if it had been injured just now.

Remembering that the shadow avatar was frozen and did not dissipate just now, Feng Huo understood something.

"It's interesting... wait!"

Feng Huo frowned suddenly, since the cold air can't hurt people, is this giant snake alive or dead?

If the giant snake is moved away, will it come back to life immediately?

Feng Huo leaned against the ground and looked at the bottom of the snake array, but unfortunately it was completely covered by the snake body, and there was nothing inside.

"When I learn sensory ninjutsu, I must see what's under here!"

Feng Huo knew that he couldn't stay here for too long, so he immediately decided to leave, but this place was weird, and he was a little worried, so when he left, he sealed the ice cave with a gossip seal to prevent those messy cats and dogs from getting in.


Brothers Cat and Dog screamed in dissatisfaction in the air.

It’s easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down~www.readwn.com~ Not to mention the steep snow peak with no roads, even Li Lianhua, who is relying on the eight-door armor, slipped several times after sealing the fire. When he successfully returned to the snow mountain behind On the mountainside, his calves were cramping.

At the same time, the two Chaolunwu brothers suddenly cried out in the sky, and the sharp cry of the eagle spread far away. Feng Huo heard something strange about the call, why was it full of provocation?

Then, two birds about the size of the Chao Lunwu brothers suddenly flew from the sky in the distance. These two birds had flat beaks, but their claws were extremely sharp, and there was a cold light in the ice and snow.


The big bird screamed sharply and was full of domineering arrogance. When it flew over, it had **** with the Chao Lunwu brothers. Eagle feathers flew in the sky and blood sprayed.

The Chaolunwu brothers were quickly defeated, and they flew towards Fenghuo screaming.

Naturally, Feng Huo couldn't just sit idly by, turn around and run away without saying a word.


The Chao Rondo Brothers were stunned.

Feng Huo is not blind, he has seen these two birds clearly, they are clearly descendants of those big birds on the top of the towering snow peak, if they were killed, wouldn't those big birds go crazy?

Besides, he opened the eight-door armor and climbed up and down, which exhausted his physical strength, so how could he have the energy to fight two birds?

After running out of the Daxue Mountain, the two birds called twice proudly and flew back.

"Hoo hoo... So, the two of you just fought with two birds, and in the end you couldn't fight and got into that ice hole?"

Feng Huo took out the beef jerky from the sealing scroll and gnawed it.


The Chaolun Dance Brothers hovered in the low sky, their voices were feeble, and they looked very decadent.

Fenghuo couldn't bear it, and waved them down.

Looking at the two snow eagles that were already half the size of a human, Feng Huo hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and began to give them the 'initiation'.

Well, it is to infuse your own chakra into their bodies.

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