Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 170: Chakra Infusion

Feng Huo himself could not predict the consequences of using Chakra to infuse the Chaolun Dance Brothers.

Perhaps as he expected, the Chakra Dance Brothers will completely "awaken" and become real ninja eagles, able to speak and use ninjutsu, and become larger in size. Of course, they may also cause irreparable damage to them.

This is a double sword!

However, whether it is a dragon or a worm, it depends on this one!

The cultivation of Fenghuo is very hard, and he will condense Chakra when he has the opportunity, but even so, the Chakra in his body is also at the ninja level. Carats are enough for them.

"Choo Choo Choo!"


The two brothers flapped their wings and screamed wildly. The white eagle feathers on their bodies stood on end, as if they were being continuously shocked by a hundred thousand volts of electric current.

The facts are similar, where the fire-sealed Chakra has passed, no matter on the surface or inside the body, the muscles, bones and membranes seem to have been reclaimed, **** and bloody.

Soon, the white eagle feathers of Chao Lunwu brothers were dyed blood red, and they were dying.

When Feng Huo saw that something was wrong, he was a little anxious, so he quickly treated them with the palm fairy technique, and when they recovered, he used chakra to infuse them again.

The two snow eagles really had a bad luck this time, they were tortured for a long time by sealing the fire, and finally they couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

And Fenghuo was also very tired, even in the icy and snowy field with tens of degrees below zero, he was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"Should be all right?"

The chakra that sealed the fire rolled back and forth a few times inside and out of their bodies, not even letting their little brother go!

This time, they either awakened to become dragons, or turned into useless eagles, um, the most thorough kind, even the little brother became a useless bird.

Feng Huo took out a blanket from the sealing scroll and laid it flat on the snow, and put two snow eagles on it. During this period, they puffed up from time to time, and their wings were as stiff as corpses. ease.

"Won't it turn into a plant bird?"

One day later, although Feng Huo was worried, he couldn't stay in the Snow Country all the time, so he took two snow eagles out of the Snow Mountain, and then took them out of the Snow Country.

But he knew that once Snow Eagle left the Snow Country, it would be even more difficult to recover due to the climate.

Approaching the border of the Snow Country, the two Snow Eagles finally came back to life, flapping their wings tremblingly, tossing around like pheasants without flying.


The two snow eagles screamed, looking at Fenghuo with strong anger and spirituality.

After waking up, the two Snow Eagles had a big appetite, as if they were reincarnated from starvation, and began to eat crazily. In the end, all the food that Fenghuo carried with him went into their stomachs, but it was not enough. The eagle brothers began to hunt nearby, snow rabbits, snow foxes, snow chickens, and finally even the ferocious snow wolf became their hunting targets.

And their size is getting bigger and bigger as they eat like crazy.

Seal the fire and wait for them to recover a bit, then fill them with Chakra again. This time, I don't know if their bodies have developed resistance or they have gotten used to it. Chakra has not caused any changes to their bodies.

When they came to the border of the Snow Country, the size of the Chao Rondo Brothers had already doubled in size compared to before!

It's time to say goodbye here.

"You guys go back, remember not to be stupid, those big birds are not so easy to deal with!" Feng Huo just said a few words, the Chao Lun Wu brothers had already spread their wings, and their huge figures rushed into the sky in an instant.

"Hey, I'm a little grumpy!"

Fenghuo directly used spiritism without saying a word.


The smoke dissipated, and Brother Chao Lunwu appeared there with a face, no, two faces in a daze.

Feng Huo squeezed their necks one by one, telling them what to say, before letting go.



The two snow eagles flapped their wings speechlessly, and they didn't spread their wings until Fenghuo left.

Konoha Camp, the second battlefield in the Land of Rain.

Nara Shikajiu held his forehead and was speechless.

"Haven't you come back yet?"

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly and shook his head: "Probably something has delayed it."

"This is a time of war, and his behavior can already be called treasonous behavior." Nara Shikahisa said viciously, "When he comes back, if I don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't let him go !"

"Hi hi."

Namikaze Minato didn't expect this to happen.

It has been more than a month since he came back from the country of birds, and Fenghuo still hasn't come back. If it wasn't for the absence of Huitu in the Yannin camp, he would really suspect that Huitu tricked his body into killing Fenghuo.

The Country of Birds is very close to the Country of Snow. Could it be that the fire has gone to the Country of Snow?

Namikaze Minato thought for a moment, then shifted his attention.

When he came back from the back of Iwanin and brought back the news of Huitu's death, Iwanin went crazy, regardless of whether it was raining or not, and directly launched a violent offensive against Konoha. On average, there would be a **** battle every three days , In the past month, whether it is Iwa Shinobi or Konoha, the casualties of the ninjas on both sides have been extremely great!

At the same time, Shikaku Nara, as the commander in chief, was under even greater pressure.

Especially the voices from inside the village always make him very irritable.

‘Now the Uchiha clan, Danzo~www.readwn.com~ and even the Hyuga clan are using me as an excuse to put pressure on Hokage-sama. If they don’t save some situations, they will be passive. '

Nara Shikahisa has a very high IQ. From the first and second battlefields of the Rain Country, there is no root ninja, Hyuga clan ninja, and Uchiha clan ninja, so you know how much the struggle in the village has reached!

If it weren't for internal fighting, even if Iwanin and Sand Ninja formed an alliance, they would only end up drinking hatred in front of Konoha.

When he was agitated, news suddenly came from outside that Feng Huo had returned.

"This guy is finally back." Nara Shikahisa immediately told him to roll over.

"I'm sorry, I went to the Snow Country because of the psychic beast." Feng Huo admitted his mistake with a good attitude.

"I probably guessed it, as long as you come back safely." Minato Namikaze asked, "How is Brother Chao Rondo?"

"Ah, this, it should be fine now, right?" Fenghuo didn't know what would happen to them after chakra infusion, so he could only look forward to it.

Seeing that their expressions were not very good, Feng Huo was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Why are you all so sad, did Huitu's death draw the third generation of Tuying out?"

"How is it possible? If the third Tsuchikage comes to the battlefield, it will be a decisive battle. Don't think too much." It did **** someone off."

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat: "Loess?"

"Ah, he and Huitu are senior brothers, and they have a very good relationship!" Nara Shikajiu held his forehead, "Now he is launching a war recklessly and frantically, if this continues, our medical treatment will not be able to keep up. "

Feng Huo suddenly had an ominous premonition, and the next moment, the premonition came true.

"Seal the fire, then you will enter the medical unit!"

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