Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 176: Namikaze Minato's Worries

The battle between Fenghuo and Kai is completely a confrontation of pure martial arts. You punch and kick each other, punching to the flesh, bang bang!

Soon, Feng Huo and Kai blushed and their necks were thick. They felt that each other's fists and feet were unbelievably hard. For the sake of face, they both insisted on not speaking.

This time, Kai was holding back his strength, and the blood of youth was surging in his chest. No matter how painful or sour, he could not dispel his firm belief in defeating Fenghuo.

"Konoha bad rock rise!"

Kai's forehead was full of veins, and he kicked out a hurricane that was visible to the naked eye, splitting the nearby grass.

Fenghuo didn't dodge or dodge, and he also kicked in a roundabout way, the kick that was round like a moon came first, and kicked Kai's side first.

"Ahhh!" Kai roared, his eyes were bloodshot, he kicked Bad Yansheng out, and Fenghuo stepped on the air with his other foot to keep his body balanced.

"It's not over yet!" Kai roared and rushed into the sky, faster and faster.

Feng Huo fell into a passive state and was suppressed by him for a while.

"In terms of physical skills, Kai seems to be a bit stronger than Fenghuo." Shiranui Genma, who was watching the battle next to him, muttered softly with a thousand copies in his mouth.

Ebisu clasped his hands tightly, and said, "That's not necessarily true, Captain Fenghuo must be showing mercy for the sake of his companions!"

He admires Fenghuo very much. As for Kai, he is the one at the end of the crane. Even if he has excellent physical skills, he must not be Fenghuo's opponent!

"That's right." Shiranui Xuanma squinted his eyes, his eyes could hardly keep up with their speed.

Ebisu couldn't see clearly, but just listening to the explosion sound from the field, the sound of fists touching flesh, made him excited.

In the air, in the contest with Kai, Feng Huo slightly suppressed Kai with his excellent combat experience. After all, he has been fighting on the battlefield for two years, so he didn't just come out of it.

‘However, Kai’s physical skills have improved really fast! No, it's not that he improved quickly, but that I didn't improve at all. '

Fighting on the battlefield in the past two years, although Feng Huo has consciously forged his body, at most he has to maintain the physical fitness to open the three doors, and if he wants to improve, he simply doesn't have the time.

As for Kai, except for escorting supplies, he spends the rest of his time practicing physical skills, with no distractions, coupled with Matt Dai's guidance, and some experience summed up by Fenghuo, the gap is naturally lowered by Kaiyue.

Feng Huo blinked twice, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: 'But I don't really want to compete with you in physical skills, hehe, breaking your hands and feet is my goal! '

In the blink of an eye from Feng Huo, a pair of three-gou jade writing sharing eyes was already in the sky like a moon, directly reflecting in the depths of Kai's pupils.


Kai opened the three doors at this time, and the chakras and qi and blood in his whole body were running quickly, but he was still confused by the Sangouyu Writing Wheel.


Feng Huo kicked Kai's ankle, showing no mercy at all. If the kick was real, Kai would have to lie in bed for three or four months!

But at this moment, a hand suddenly appeared out of thin air, and before sealing off the fire, it lightly landed on Kai's body, and then the air was suffocated, and that hand and Kai had disappeared there.

Flying Thor? !

Fenghuo's castration continued unabated, and he kicked the ground.


The grass clippings flew, the ground cracked, and the terrifying cracks stretched towards the surroundings densely like spider webs, and finally turned into dust with a bang.

Fenghuo looked up, and met Namikaze Minato's solemn gaze.

"Fenghuo, what are you doing!" Namikaze Minato was a little angry.

He had arrived early in the morning, secretly watching Fenghuo and Kai's duel, but he didn't expect Fenghuo to use Sharingan first, and then to attack mercilessly!

Namikaze Minato knew that if he didn't make a move, Kai's leg bones would definitely be broken by the seal fire. The injuries to the muscles and meridians could be healed with medical ninjutsu, but the bones needed months to heal!

Sealing the fire is not responding to the challenge of your companions, but...


Wait, could it be that Fenghuo has been on the battlefield for too long, and he is so violent that he can't control himself?

Indeed, many ninjas will change their minds after fighting on the battlefield for a long time, becoming indifferent, bloodthirsty, and even bloodthirsty. Minato Namikaze has encountered this situation many times. They seem to be fine on the surface, but they have psychological problems.

'Feng Huo is too young. After two years in the battlefield, his mind has most likely been changed. I didn't realize it until now, **** it! '

Namikaze Minato frowned deeper and deeper, blaming himself very much.

Of course, Feng Huo didn't know that Namikaze Minato's brain would be so big.

Of course, Feng Huo also admitted that after two years on the battlefield, his heart has indeed hardened a lot. If he hadn't enriched himself with more than twenty years of memories from his previous life, he might really be lost in the killing.

Kai was rescued by Namikaze Minato with Flying Raijin, his brain was hypoxic for a moment, and the eight gates of Dunjia also automatically closed.

"What happened just now? Hey, Minato-sama." Kai saw the person behind him clearly, and called out respectfully, then turned his head and stared at Fenghuo, "Damn it, you actually use Sharingan!"

Feng Huo smiled dryly, feeling aggrieved by being caught and raped in bed~www.readwn.com~ And he couldn't explain it, he couldn't tell Namikaze Minato that he broke Kai's leg for Kai's good, for Kai's sake Papa Matt, okay?

Speaking out has to be studied in slices.

Namikaze Minato frowned, canceled the duel forcefully, and then sent Kai and the others away.

Feng Huo watched Kai and the others leave, what a pity.

Namikaze Minato walked over.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, trying to slip away.

"Fenghuo, I can't pretend I didn't see what happened just now!" Namikaze Minato pretended to be relaxed, "How could you be so heavy handed in the sparring with your companions!"

Feng Huo followed good advice and immediately admitted his mistake. As for the truth, there is no way to tell.

Minato Namikaze saw that his attitude of admitting his mistake was so correct, and no matter in terms of movements, eyes, or other things, it was no different from before, so he couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be his own illusion?

He always felt that something was wrong.

Then he decided to go to Nara Shikahisa, not to let Fenghuo go on a killing mission for the time being, but to stay in the medical unit and save people!

In this case, I hope to bring him back to the right path.

Fenghuo is also in the medical team now, but from time to time Namikaze Minato will take him out on missions to fight everywhere on the battlefield, and after this incident, Fenghuo is completely pinned down in the medical team and cannot move.

Winter has passed and spring has come, and the new year has finally arrived.

The warmer weather has slightly dissipated the dark clouds above the Land of Rain, and a ray of sunlight mischievously drilled out of the clouds, bringing warmth that has not been seen for a long time to this devastated land.

The Akatsuki Organization and the Hanzo of Urenin Village have finally reached a preliminary cooperation intention. Of course, the specific cooperation agreement needs to be discussed and decided after the high-level leaders of the two parties meet in person!

And a group of ninjas from the roots of Konoha also quietly appeared on the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

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