Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Yahiko's death

"let's go!"

Yahiko put his hands on his hips, looking excitedly at Nagato, Konan, and the other Akatsuki members behind them.

Today is the specific meeting time confirmed with Hanzo, and Yahiko led the backbone of Akatsuki's organization all the way towards a valley area.

Xiao Nan followed all the way, but for some reason, the closer he got to the destination, the more uneasy he felt.

'Uchiha Fenghuo, this brat must have affected me, there will be no danger at all in this meeting! '

It seems that in order to confirm Xiaonan's conjecture, even the dark clouds above his head are rarely opened, and light golden rays of sunshine fall down.

At the meeting place, Hanzo had already arrived ahead of schedule with a large number of Urenin, and beside him stood a ninja from Konoha Root.

"When the people from the Akatsuki organization come in, you will be responsible for cutting off their retreat." Hanzo's voice came out from the disinfection mask, with a unique buzzing sound.

"Since this is Master Hanzo's request, of course we will obey!" A root ninja nodded in response.

Then their figures flashed and disappeared there.

Hanzo smiled: "Hahaha, after today, there will be no Akatsuki organization in the Land of Rain!"

"Master Hanzo, the ambush has been set." A confidant came up to report.

"Very good, be careful not to let people from the Akatsuki organization find out!" Hanzo was about to get rid of his serious problem, and he was in a very happy mood.

Half a day later, Yahiko, Nagato, Konan and others came to the valley.

The two sides meet and start officially!

"Are you the leader of the Akatsuki organization?" Hanzo looked at the young man with yellow hair in the head, with a slight murderous intent in his eyes, "What's your name!"

"I'm Yahiko, this is Nagato, Konan, the three of us are the leaders of the Akatsuki organization!"

That's what I said, but there is no surprise, among the three, Yahiko is the one who makes up his mind, and Hanzo is old and sophisticated, how could he not see it?

‘Kill Yahiko first! '

He made up his mind instantly.

With this decision, he thought of a good solution almost instantly.

You don't have to do it yourself to kill someone, right?

He looked at the purple-haired girl with a colder smile in his eyes.

Yahiko was unconscious, and Zigu told Hanzo some of his opinions on cooperation, as well as his opinions on negotiations with the three major kingdoms of fire, wind, and earth.

Obviously, he has worked hard, and every opinion he put forward is very targeted, but unfortunately, he played the piano to the cow.

Hanzo didn't listen carefully at all, he just nodded from time to time, without paying attention to it at all.

‘It’s really naive to really believe that I will cooperate with them, but your existence has affected my rule, so I’m sorry, I can only let you disappear completely! '

Because of Xiaonan's words of sealing the fire, his heart was more or less sensitive. When Hanzo's eyes fell on him with a half-human and ghostly look, a chill gushed out from the depths of his spine.

She looked at the ninjas behind Hanzo again, all with serious expressions, saying that they were here to negotiate, rather than going to the battlefield!

Xiaonan felt more and more that something was wrong.

Just as she was about to remind Yahiko and Nagato, the soil under her feet suddenly rippled, and then a hand jumped out from underneath and grabbed her ankle.

Xiao Nan screamed, but it was too late.

Yahiko and Nagato didn't react, and when they realized what happened, Konan had already been caught by Hanzo.

"Hehe, Yahiko, Nagato, you guys are so naive!"

"Hanzo, what are you doing, let Xiaonan go!" Yahiko shouted.

Nagato even started directly.

"Heh heh heh, she's still in my hands, are you really planning to fight me?" Hanzo was confident, and the ninjas behind him also walked around slowly, all of them looking gloomy and murderous.

"Damn it! Hanzo, you don't even want to cooperate with us, do you!" Yahiko asked excitedly.

He looked at Xiao Nan with a bit of guilt.

By now, everything is clear, Hanzo is actually trying to kill them through the so-called negotiations!

Xiaonan's previous suspicion was right, but he didn't believe it!

"Hanzo, what are you going to do to let Xiaonan go." Yahiko waved his hand to stop Nagato, revealing his eyes of reincarnation at this time, something big will definitely happen.

Hanzo smiled darkly: "Yahiko, it's a pity that the existence of the Akatsuki organization has threatened me, so you must die in front of me!"

Yahiko's eyes lit up: "As long as I die, you will let Xiao Nan go, that's right!"

Xiao Nan became anxious: "Yahiko, don't, don't believe his words!"

She is also full of remorse at this time, if she believes in Uchiha Fenghuo, things will never develop to this point.

‘There must be a battle between Akatsuki and Hanzo! '

Uchiha's words of sealing the fire are still vivid in his memory, but it's too late to say anything now!

"As a hostage, talking too much is very detrimental to your safety."

Hanzo's hands were slightly clenched, and Xiaonan's face suddenly turned pale.

"Stop!" Yahiko yelled, then took out a handful of kunai and threw it to Nagato, ordering, "Kill me!"

"Nani?" Nagato was stunned, shaking his head frantically, "No, absolutely not!"

"Do you want to watch Xiao Nan die in front of us?"

Yahiko gritted his teeth, he was full of guilt towards Xiao Nan now, if he could exchange his life for Xiao Nan, he would definitely be willing!

But the feelings of Nagato, Yahiko, and Xiaonan are the same, he doesn't want to lose any one of them, let alone getting to know Yahiko personally!

Hanzo sneered, and Urenin behind him was gradually encircling the Akatsuki group.

The root ninjas appeared in the way of the Akatsuki organization, completely blocking their way.

At this time, the Xiao organization is already catching a turtle in a urn.

"Hanzo, as a demigod of the ninja world, don't you feel blushing for using such a vile conspiracy!" Xiaonan wanted to provoke Hanzo and let him kill him directly~www.readwn.com~ In this way, Yahiko and Nagao The door is no problem.

But Hanzo is a hero, he doesn't care about some insults, he just wants Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, to die in front of his eyes, and then kill the Akatsuki organization.

The reason why he didn't order the attack directly was because he was worried that Yahiko would escape, otherwise there would be endless troubles!

"Yahiko, I'll give you another minute, if you don't die, she will die."

Hanzo exerted a little force on Xiaonan's neck, and the latter groaned in pain, and his face gradually turned blood red, which was caused by blocked blood vessels.


Yahiko let out a loud cry, and then quickly rushed towards him.

When Nagato reacted, Yahiko was already hugging him, and the kunai in his hand had already pierced into Yahiko's chest.

"How could it be?" Nagato's pupils widened, seeing Yahiko's blood flow to his hands along Kunai, he was completely panicked.

"No, no, Yahiko, you can't die!"

"Wake up!!" Nagato was on the verge of collapse, and strange black ripples appeared in his eyes.

Yahiko's hand slowly grabbed Nagato's shoulder: "Nagato, Nagato, protect Xiaonan."

Afterwards, Yahiko closed his eyes and completely lost his vitality.


Nagato ran away completely, his eyes turned into samsara, bursts of terrifying aura emanated from him, rising into the sky like wolf smoke.

Seeing Yahiko's death, Hanzo was about to pinch Xiaonan's neck, but when he saw Nagato's eyes, he suddenly felt ill.

"This, these eyes..."

Surprised, Xiaonan finally found a chance to use the paper clone to escape Hanzo's clutches.

Nagato put Yahiko down slowly, and looked at Hanzo without the slightest emotion in his eyes, with the thought of killing him indifferently.

His hands formed seals quickly, and a strange wave came from behind him.

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