Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 196: foggy


On the bank of the cliff, the Uchiha and Hyuga clan finally found the Mist Ninja who had infiltrated and ambushed here.

This is not surprising. Although the commander of the Kirinin, Mizumutsuki Sora and the deputy commander, Tsubaki, chose to hire Kakuto, they did not fully trust him. Therefore, this wave of Kirinin sent out is all civilian ninjas. Two, but it's not enough to meet Konoha's 'regular army'.

Anyway, for Minazuki Sora and Zao Tsubaki, if there is a date or not, if they can really cut off Konoha's supplies and destroy their supplies, they will naturally make a profit. If they are cheated, it will only be a loss of some civilian ninjas , no problem for the whole war.

An hour later, Uchiha and Hinata had cleaned up the group of Kirin.

Among Hyuga's group, a Sao Nian who was about the same age as Fenghuo was panting, and blood was still dripping from Kunai in his hand.

"Zhenzong, you did a good job!"

"Among the children of the separated family, your talent is the most outstanding!"

Listening to these compliments, Hyuga Shinmune slowly calmed down the tiredness on his face, his eyes sparkled.

After Hyuga Shinmune went to the battlefield, he was in charge of security, training and other tasks in the camp. Today was the first time he stabbed someone to death.

'It turns out that this is the feeling of killing! Not so good! Uchiha Fenghuo, you who have been on the battlefield for two years in the morning must be very proud, right? Hmph, wait for me, I will defeat you sooner or later! '

Looking back on the past, Hyuga Shinmune gritted his teeth in anger again.

That year at the Ninja Academy, he was severely crushed by Fenghuo. He was pressed against the ground and rubbed against the ground several times. When he graduated, he was put on the ground by Fenghuo. Finally, he was delayed for a full year before successfully graduating!

Now thinking about tea and not thinking about food, it hurts so much that it is difficult to fall asleep.

Afterwards, Shinmune Hyuga consciously started to do chores. The corpses of his companions were to be recovered and placed in the martyr's tomb in the village, and the corpses of Kirito Shinobu were also to be recovered, to see if he could get any information from them.

When everything was done, Uchiha, Hyuga and others left immediately.

Not long after they left, Qing appeared here with a pale face.

"They're all dead! It really is a trap, we shouldn't trust Kakuzu!"

He came here intending to rescue soldiers, but there was blood all over the ground in front of his eyes, so there was no need to say anything!

Seeing is believing, Ao has decided that all this is a trap set by Konoha and Kakuzu, and the hatred for Kakuzu suddenly soars in her heart.

But the most urgent thing is to get out of here first!

But, what about Minazukisho and clematis?

Without him, a perception ninja, as a 'navigator', it might not be easy for the two of them to leave behind Konoha.

Qing showed hesitation.

He didn't want to give up his companions, but who would spare their lives?

He thought carefully, thinking to himself: If they are alive, they will definitely come here to meet me, if they have an accident...

After pondering for a while, Qing decided to wait here for three days. If Mizunatsukisho and Tiexianhua didn't show up within three days, he would leave!

In fact, this decision is still a bit rash. If someone from the Hyuga clan sees it with supercilious eyes, it is easy to spot him!

But luckily, Qing was lucky, for three days here, no one passed by.

Of course, Mizunazukishuang and Iron Clematis did not appear either.

Qing sighed, no longer hesitated, and left quickly.

In fact, Shui Wu Yue Shuang originally had a chance to come here, but he was caught up by Feng Huo halfway, and after a lot of stalking, there was no future.

However, Minazuki Yoshiro is a spine-chilling ninja. When he almost exhausted his chakra and had no choice but to seal the fire, he chose to commit suicide in desperation. He used ice escape to freeze all his own blood and died instantly.

Feng Huo tried to move his body, but it was stiff, and with a little force, his hand fell off.

Feng Huo embarrassingly sealed the ice corpse in the scroll, and returned to the village.

When he returned to the village, he found out that Tiexianhua had also died!

After Uchiha Shisui brought Tiexianhua back, he followed Uchiha's tribe into the front line to fight, while Tiexianhua was imprisoned in Konoha Prison.

But two days later, Iron Flower committed suicide in prison.

Fenghuo is a little skeptical. Tiexianhua is a bone vein after all. Not to mention that Anbu will torture him to obtain information. His blood succession limit is just a treasure. greatly increased.

Such a 'baby bump', is there no one to guard it 24 hours a day? How could he just let him commit suicide so easily?

It's foggy.

Fenghuo contacted Hatake Sakumo to see Tie Xianhua's body, but was told that the body had been cremated!

Are you kidding me?

Even if he is dead, he can extract the blood, his cells, and his bones of Tiexianhua for research!


Fenghuo hehehe, he is now 100% sure that Tiexianhua's death is unusual.

'There are only Anbe and Nebu left in the village, either Sarutobi Hiruzen or Danzo! '

Of course, it is also possible that Orochimaru asked Danzo or Sarutobi Hiruzen to make a small move.

After all, it has been three or four days since Uchiha Shisui brought Tiexian Hana back to the village, which is enough time for Orochimaru to move around!

Feng Huo sighed, the current him is not qualified to get involved in these dirty things.

He took out the sealing scroll to take out the ice corpse of Mizuna Moonshuang, and handed it over to Anbu.

This ice corpse is of no use to him, but handing it in can get some merit, so why not do it?

As for whether the ice corpse was finally taken by Anbu for autopsy or by Danzo for cell transplantation, it has nothing to do with him.

After Qing Shunli returned to the Mist Ninja camp with the help of sensory ninjutsu, she immediately reported the incident.

"Rebel Ninja really can't believe it!" Minazuki Sora immediately said as the leader, "If it wasn't an emergency, I would have killed him myself!"

A few days later, Fenghuo received information about Jiaodu.

According to the intelligence, Jiaodu has already left the country of fire and entered a neighboring country, that is to say, this guy, he ran away!

"Hmph, it was really him who attracted the Kirin." Feng Huo was furious, "I should have killed him in the first place!"

Of course, Hatake Sakumo had to cut this knife, otherwise he really couldn't cut the dead corner.

However, if he was asked to do it again, he might still hire Kakuto.

"Ninja Sword Seven!"

Fenghuo has been paying attention to the front-line battles. Wu Ninja, Uchiha, and Hyuga have victories and losses, and they have come and gone, especially the Hyuga clan and Kaguya clan. Then life and death must be divided.

The situation of the battle was so tragic that it was unbearable to look at, and several clan members of the Hyuga Clan had already died!

They all fell during the fight with the Hui Ye clan.

Of course ~www.readwn.com~ The Kaguya clan did not fare well either, with heavy casualties.

The Minazuki Clan and the Uchiha Clan also fought violently.

Minazuki's ice escape subtly suppressed Uchiha's fire escape, but Uchiha still had Sharingan, comparing the two, he pressed Minazuki on the ground and rubbed them several times.

And with this battle after battle, the reputation of Shishen Zhishui gradually rose like a supernova.

"Uchiha Shisui, amazing!"

Feeling like sealing the fire, we chased and killed Tiexianhua together before. When Minazuki Shimo and Ao were together, he used Sharingan to copy Uchiha Shisui's improved Clone and Instantaneous Art, but it was unsuccessful.

I don't know if he installed any anti-theft software.

Of course, what Feng Huo cares most about is the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

After all, this is related to his uncle Dai's life and death!

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