Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Ninja knife 7 people

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Stop the fire!"

Suddenly, a voice as clear as an oriole came from outside the office, as sweet as a clear spring dripping stones.


After sealing the fire and opening the door, it was indeed her.

Hong is also supplying the troops now, but he is in charge of supplying supplies on the Land of Rain battlefield, so he is not under the tent of sealing the fire. This is the first time the two have met these days.

The red eyes are red, tears are about to drip, very wronged and pitiful.

At this time, after Tsunade's training and the baptism of the battlefield, the baby fat on the red cheeks has gradually thinned out, and the greenness has faded away. The cute little girl has become a slim young girl.

Fenghuo invites Hong in. Although the two haven't seen each other for a long time, they don't see any estrangement, and they talk to each other...that doesn't exist.

The two talked about their respective situations, chatted about friends, looked forward to the future, and never mentioned the war, so as not to affect their emotions, but even so, half a day passed by in a flash.

"Fenghuo, I'm leaving this afternoon." Hong looked at Fenghuo very reluctantly.

"Afternoon?" Feng Huo was startled, and finally asked, "Is the battle in the Kingdom of Rain so tense?"

Red nodded, her red hair shaking slightly: "The two battlefields are constantly fighting. I heard that Sand Ninja and Iwanin have formed an alliance."

Fenghuo sighed, the current situation is very unfavorable to Konoha, it can even be said to be in danger.

Sand ninja and iwa ninja fought back frantically in the land of rain, and Mist ninja was not to be outdone and attacked frantically. Once cloud ninja invades at this time, Konoha may be destroyed in an instant.

Even knowing the direction of the plot, Fenghuo at this time is extremely anxious.

A person cannot step into the same river twice. If this river is compared to a long river of time, then the plot has not developed exactly the same as the original work?

Especially with the intervention of his 'outsider'!

After all, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest, eh? No, no, it should be a small loss and a thousand miles away. It seems wrong to think this way, Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile, and then comforted: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

He comforted Hong like this, but he couldn't comfort himself.

In the afternoon, Hong and her teammates escorted the supplies and left the village step by step.

Feng Huo sent her away at the entrance of the village, feeling a little depressed.

But soon, he had no time to think about it.

A piece of latest information was sent to him from Anbu.

Ninja Sword Seven, here we come!

In Wuyin Village, there are many Blood Successor Boundary Clans, among which the leading ones are of course the Bingdun of the Minazuki Clan and the Skeleton Vein of the Kaguya Clan. They are powerful and powerful, but even so, there is still an 'organization' in the Wuyin Village Being able to stand on an equal footing with these two powerful families, his reputation has spread throughout the entire ninja world.

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen..."

Feng Huo looked at the information in his hand, his face turned slightly pale.

According to intelligence, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen shined brilliantly as soon as they appeared on the battlefield, killing the Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan retreating steadily, with a notorious reputation.

Fenghuo couldn't sit still any longer, so he immediately went to Sakumo Hatake.

The latter also had a headache at this time.

"Lord Shuomao." Feng Huo respectfully said, "The Seven Ninja Swordsmen must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise they will do too much harm to us!"

Hatake Sakumo glanced at him, and suddenly got a little more thoughtful, and asked, "Really? Then tell me about the dangers of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

Feng Huo nodded, and said solemnly: "Although there are only seven Ninja Swordsmen, their combat power is extremely amazing. They have proved this on the battlefield before. Even Uchiha and Hinata can't compete with them! The key is that they only have Seven people, very flexible! As long as they are willing, they can completely cut off any supplies in the village and the front line, and they can also deal us a huge blow on the frontal battlefield. If they are left alone, the consequences will be very serious!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded: "You are right, these seven people together can play a great role. I have discussed it with Hokage-sama before."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "Master Shuo Mao, what is the result of the discussion?"

Hatake Sakumo showed a peaceful smile: "Let me deal with them!"

Konoha White Fang is about to make a move? !

Feng Huo was taken aback, then suddenly realized that he was as stupid as that pencil.

In the previous life, the Konoha Baiya in front of me had committed suicide early, so naturally he would not be seen in the third ninja world war, but now he is standing here, with such a tyrannical combat power, Sarutobi Hiri How could Zhan still allow the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to act recklessly on the battlefield?

"It's just that these seven people disappeared after appearing on the battlefield once. It will take some time to find them." Sakumo Hatake frowned.

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "Will they enter our rear? They sent people to destroy our supplies before."

Hatake Sakumo said: "It's hard to say, as you said, the mobility of these seven people is too flexible, and they can advance and retreat freely. Generally, ninjas will die when they encounter them. It is not easy to obtain accurate information about them."

Then he took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and said, "Decapitating the big knife, the big knife shark muscle, the long knife sewing needles, the blunt knife pocket cutting, the explosive knife spray, the thunder knife teeth, the double knife flounder...the power of these seven knives should not be underestimated. Ah~www.readwn.com~ Seal the fire, you have to pay more attention to supplies, if you really find them in the rear, let me know as soon as possible!"

Hatake Sakumo said solemnly.

"I see!" Feng Huo nodded.

Isn't it because of these seven people that he came back from the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain?

After Fenghuo went back, he took out the information about the ninjas under his command, and looked at Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu's three-person team, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

If these three people are separated, can they still meet the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

Also, because of Jiaodu's betrayal, he changed the supply route!

In the original book, Konoha never hired Kakuto, so changing the supply route should not have happened in the original book.

Fenghuo was a little restless, maybe, even if they didn't do anything, Kai and the others wouldn't encounter the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

However, thinking of the other brats, Fenghuo smiled wryly and shook his head.

If these brats meet Seven Ninja Swordsmen...

After all, he is his subordinate, after all, he is called his big brother, so there is no way to sit idly by.

At the same time, in the Konoha Camp on the frontline battlefield, in order to prevent the seven ninjas from cutting off their supplies from behind, Uchiha and Hyuga also sent a group of ninjas to be in charge of guarding and patrolling the rear. report.

And among these ninjas, one of them was Maite Dai!

As a ninja of ten thousand years, Maitedai ​​was responsible for the supply of the Rain Country's front, but after the invasion of the Mist Ninja, he was recruited into the battlefield by the Hyuga clan. Coincidentally, Maitedai ​​and Hyuga Shinmune happened to be in the same tent. The things they do are similar, mostly guarding, patrolling and so on.

It's just that Hyuga Shinmune is a Hyuga clan after all, and after accumulating for a period of time, he has gradually become active in the battlefield, while Matt Dai is still in charge of these trivial matters.

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