Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 200: anxiety

Thunder Shadow Country Yunyin Village, Thunder Shadow Office.

After reading the latest information sent back from Konoha Battlefield, Sandai Raikage turned around and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the white mist of clouds and mountains outside, lost in thought.

Today, Konoha is besieged by the three major powers, and Konoha is already stretched to the brim, so many ninjas in the village, including his son Ai and Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki, come to him every day to ask for a fight, hoping to send troops to fight. The country will directly destroy Konoha Hidden Village!

But as Lei Ying, there is only one thing he needs to consider, and that is the interests of the village!

Sending troops now, of course, can directly break through Konoha and destroy the country of fire, but what good will it do for Yunyin Village and even the country of thunder?

War is only a means, and the real purpose is only the interests of great powers!

The Land of Fire is the richest country in the ninja world. The four major countries and even other small countries are eyeing this vast and fertile land. At this time, Konoha, Sand Ninja, Iwa Ninja, and Mist Ninja will never retreat. At that time, The four hidden villages are bound to start disputes again to carve up the land of fire!

Even if they can resolve it peacefully in the end, Yunyin Village can only get a quarter of it!

But if Konoha defeats sand ninja, or even iwa ninja, the situation will be different.

Firstly, it can consume Konoha's strength, which can reduce the resistance for Yunyin Village's invasion, and secondly, those defeated hidden villages will withdraw, and Yunyin Village's benefits will naturally be maximized!

Of course, if Sand Ninja, Iwa Ninja, and Mist Ninja directly defeat Konoha, Yunyin Village will still be able to compete with snipe and clam for the fisherman's profit. No matter what, Yunyin Village will remain invincible.

Therefore, no matter how many people ask to fight, the three generations of Raikage are as stable as Mount Tai.

The country of fire.

In the Konoha camp, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the strange Sharingan in the mirror, and his heart was filled with excitement and grief.

"Qiu Shan, I didn't expect that your death would make my Sharingan evolve into a kaleidoscope..."

He really wanted to say loudly that he would rather not have the kaleidoscope but return to Qiushan, but he couldn't open his mouth for some reason.

"Qiu Shan, I will definitely not let you die in vain!" Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath, his eyes showed firmness.

Afterwards, he began to dig out the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope sharing sharing eyes.

Not to mention other pupil skills, Susano must master it!

at the same time.

Behind the Konoha camp, several ninjas were shuttling through the dense forest.

"Have you heard that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen started killing again on the battlefield, and it is said that they almost killed the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!"

"Those seven monsters are so ferocious. A friend of mine saw them with his own eyes. They even killed their own people!"

Although they said terrible things, they had a relaxed expression on their faces.

They were previously assigned the task of searching for the traces of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen behind the camp, and they trembled with fear, but when they heard the information about the seven people on the battlefield, the fear in their hearts disappeared immediately.

Since the Seven Ninja Swordsmen appeared on the battlefield, it is naturally impossible for them to be here.

Several people were chatting and laughing. Suddenly, a renunciation suddenly felt some pain in his throat. He was so confused that he wanted to turn his head, and he happened to meet the eyes of his companion next to him. From the horrified eyes of the other party, he saw his own head, taking off...

take off?

Nani? !

Before Shinobi had time to have other thoughts, his consciousness had dissipated.


The headless body jumped twice between the branches under inertia, and finally fell down lumberingly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Be careful!"

The remaining two ninjas were startled and angry, and hurriedly jumped to the headless corpse.

"It was cut by a steel wire!" A ninja checked and soon discovered the cause of death.

"Steel wire?" The other ninja twitched his eyebrows, as if thinking of something, "You're talking nonsense, right? Are you kidding me!"

He was about to question his companion, but he was shocked to find that the companion in front of him was staring blankly, as if, as if...

He touched him lightly, and the opponent instantly fell apart, and blood shot out from between the stumped limbs and broken arms.


The surviving ninja screamed and turned and ran.

But at some point, a steel wire lay behind him, right at his neck.

He turned around and ran, his body passed through the steel wire in an instant, and his head flew into the sky.

"Hey, Li Shuang Chuanwan, you pervert, do you have to be **** to be happy?" Black **** Lei Ya jumped out from behind a tree with Lei Daoya on his shoulder.

As he spoke, he directly raised the Thunder Saber Fang, "Lei Dun-Thunder Ball!"


He slashed down with a knife, and the thunder ball burst down, instantly electrifying several corpses, and the smell of burnt meat slowly dispersed.

"You're not much better, Black Pick Lei Ya, hahaha."

Behind Hei Leiya, six figures walked out slowly, some with expressionless faces, some with strange smiles, or some with gloomy coldness, each holding a strange-shaped blade in his hand, with impressive momentum, they were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"Then, the hunt begins!" Loquat Shizang waved the beheading sword, extremely excited.

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Huo came to his office early in the morning. For some reason last night, his eyelids kept twitching, and he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

When he came to the office, Feng Huo took out the "roster schedule" as usual. On it was the task schedule of the brats under him. After reading it, he calculated the time. At this time, there were six people who were still on the way to the task, of which three The people are Kai, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma.

Fenghuo's eyelids started to twitch wildly again.


The ominous feeling in Feng Huo's heart was getting stronger and stronger, he no longer hesitated, and immediately went to the Hokage Building to find Hatake Sakumo.

He came to Hokage Building, searched around but couldn't find Sakumo Hatake, just happened to pass by Anbu, he stopped to ask, but unfortunately he looked at him coldly and didn't answer him at all.

Helpless, he could only knock on Sarutobi Hiruzen's door.

It's been a while since I saw him, and the wrinkles on Sarutobi's face have deepened a lot.

"What are you looking for, seal the fire." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe, looking a little unhappy.

Feng Huo hurriedly asked: "Master Hokage, I want to find Master Shuo Mo, what about others?"

"Leaving the village." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said.

"Is there any news about the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!" Feng Huo's heart beat wildly.

Hatake Sakumo told him before that if the Seven Ninja Swordsmen really came to kill him, he would make a move. It is very likely that the reason for leaving the village at this time is because of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, nodded and said: "Yes, this is the latest information, how did you know?"

Feng Huo said frankly: "I couldn't sleep last night~www.readwn.com~I always felt that something bad happened."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "I know you are worried about the people under your command, seal the fire, don't worry, with Sakumo here, the Seven Rendezvous Swordsmen..."

He took a puff of his cigarette, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Konoha Baiya, can he really win against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly got up anxiously, pacing back and forth.

When Hatake Sakumo left, he wanted to send some Anbu to follow him, but Hatake Sakumo refused.

In Hatake Sakumo's words, with the strength of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, ordinary Anbu would not only be unable to help him, but would actually drag him down.

It didn't sound like much at the time, but now that I think about it, Hiruzaru Sarutobi became worried again. If Sakumo Hatake loses to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, with Anbe by his side at least he can delay the opponent so that Sakumo Hatake can return safely. Now, what should we do?

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