Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 201: to meet

Sarutobi Hiruzhan stood there frowning, and Feng Huo was also preoccupied.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are finally here, will they meet Kai and the others like in the original book?

Matt Dai's ending, is it already...

Back in his office, he couldn't sit still after closing the fire.

He was originally the deputy captain of the supply unit, and he had a small amount of power in his hands, so he immediately arranged an **** mission for himself, and hurried out of the village.

After Fenghuo joined the supply team, there was a rectification process. All the brats had a clear division of labor, and the supply route that each three-person team took was clearly determined, so he didn't have to be a headless chicken, and went straight along Kai A group of people looking for a supply route to the past.

At this time, the news that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen appeared in the rear has also spread to the front line, but it is a pity that they are too busy to take care of themselves at this time.

Although Fugaku Uchiha opened the kaleidoscope, but it is not possible to master this terrifying pupil technique in a day or two, and the Minazuki clan is also a large number of people, it is impossible for him alone to compete against this powerful the noble family!

The Hyuga Clan was also stalked by the Kaguya Clan to death. The brothers Hyuga Hizuru and Nichisashi had survived several times, so how could they have any extra energy to deal with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Moreover, after the Seven Ninja Swordsmen left the Mist Ninja camp, Mizumutsukuku and Haytsubaki attacked again and again, delaying Konoha's large army on the front line and preventing them from dividing up.

"Although I don't like these seven guys very much, I can only do this at this time." Minazuki Sora looked at the ninjas fighting in front of him and sighed helplessly.

Zhao Qingkong behind him rubbed his hands, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he entered the battlefield with an instant body technique, causing huge damage in an instant.

Uchiha Fujigaku's Susano has almost improved, and he can summon four or five bones at this time. Don't underestimate these bones, it is more than enough to resist the boiling.

"Go to hell!"

Relying on his strong defense, Fuyue rushed into the hot boiling gas, and the fire escaped wildly, instantly igniting the surrounding area, and the flames blazed into the sky.

Zhao Qingkong sneered and closed his seal: "Boiling escape - art of clever mist!"

He sprayed out an acid mist, and all the vegetation, trees, and rocks in his path were corroded into liquid.

Uchiha Fugaku rushed in without dodging or evading, but in the next moment, his face changed drastically.


I saw Susano under this acid mist, like water pouring into boiling oil, squeaking and melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Uchiha Fugaku knew that he had underestimated the other party, so he hurriedly backed away from the acid mist.

"Hahaha, the Uchihas are nothing more than that." Zhao Qingkong continued to spit acid mist, and all the Uchihas who were covered were corroded into slag.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

More than a dozen Uchihas stood in a row, all spraying fireballs at the acid mist.


In the scorching flames, the acid mist was finally blown away, but Zhao Qingkong didn't care about it, and there was a mouthful of acid mist rushing up, so sour!

The dozen or so Uchihas couldn't stand the smell, and backed away again and again.

After Teru Aozora entered the arena, he cooperated with Minazuki's Hiroto, and quickly suppressed Uchiha, causing them to retreat steadily.

On the other side, Zao Tsubaki also entered the arena in person, leading Kaguya's clan to fight Hinata to death.

Both clans are Taijutsu families, Hinata has white eyes, he can see the flaws clearly, Kaguya has bone veins, attack and defense are integrated, this fight is not a matter of a short while.

"Dance of the Early Fern!"

On the battlefield, a member of the Huiye tribe was cornered by Hinata Rouquan, and instantly opened up at the cost of his life.

The terrifying white bones grew wildly, and the bone spurs pierced the ground. The Hyuga clansman had no place to stand, and was immediately tied into a meat skewer by the bone spurs.

The two died together!

As the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, Zao Tsubaki's strength is terrifying. The phalanges shot out from his fingertips, no matter the speed or strength, cannot be resisted by ordinary Hinata clan.

"Soft Fist - Bagua Thirty-two Palms!"

Hyuga Risai suddenly stood up and blocked Zaochun.

Zao Chun quickly approached: "Willow Dance!"

He swung his limbs, and his elbows, palms, knees, etc. violently shot out pale bone spurs, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Blind eyes!"

The veins in Hinata Hinata's eyes were exposed, he stared at Zaochun without blinking, and at the same time pushed the soft fist to sixty-four palms, but still couldn't resist, a few bone spurs brushed across his body, leaving a Road bloodstains.

"Back to the days!"

Hyuga Hyuzu was in a hurry and rushed up to intercept Zaochun.

"The two brats also want to stop me?" Zao Chun laughed.

His development of the bone meridian has already been superb, and ferocious bone spurs burst out of his body during his movements. Combined with his powerful physical skills, he hit Brother Hinata in just half a minute.

Thanks to other Hinata family members rushing to rescue them regardless of life and death, otherwise the two brothers would have died here today.

When the battle on the front line was in full swing, the battle finally broke out behind the Konoha Camp.

Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu looked at the strangely-shaped seven people on the opposite side stupidly, a little at a loss.

"Haha, it turned out to be three little ghosts. It's interesting." Loquat Shizang dragged the beheading knife, and the blade rubbed against the grass, making an unpleasant salsa sound.

Li Shouchuanwan suddenly laughed sharply: "Why don't I sew them together, three heads and six arms, hahahaha, it's really spectacular when you think about it!"

The needle of his long knife is as thin as a needle, but it is tough and sharp, and it is easy to sew the human body.

"It's better to just blow up to death." Murashi Jinhachi stroked his explosive knife spray, and there was a scroll on the blade, which was densely covered with detonating symbols.

These seven people were standing or sitting, laughing or angry, completely blocking the way forward for the three of Kai.

Ebisu's feet were already weak: "Nonsense, right?! They, could they be..."

The thousand books in Shiranui Genma's mouth also fell to the ground: "Kiritakure... Seven Ninja Swordsmen?! Are you kidding me!"

Kai clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and veins popped out on both sides of his cheeks: "Hurry up, I'll stop them!"

"Stop us? Hahaha!"

"What a good boy, he is worthy of Konoha's ninja, hehehehe."

"Being underestimated by a kid, you can still laugh?"

These seven people were chatting and laughing, making a lot of noise, but the pressure on the three of Kai was getting bigger and bigger.

Ebisu's thighs trembled, trembling, almost unable to stand still.

Not knowing whether Huo Xuanjian was older, he exhaled lightly, pretending to be relaxed and said: "These seven are monsters, it seems that we are going to die here today."

"Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth~www.readwn.com~open!"

Kai yelled, "You guys go!"

After the words fell, he had resolutely rushed towards the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"Hey, Kai, come back, how could you be their opponent?" Ebisu's teeth were chattering, and he was sweating, but he didn't follow Kai's words and escape.

On the opposite side, the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost suddenly jumped up, with shark muscles in its hands like an ancient beast, and slapped Kai fiercely.

"Don't underestimate my youth!"

Kai roared, "Whirlwind Konoha!"


Without any suspense, the thin Kai was violently blown away, drawing a deep mark on the ground and rolling twice before barely standing up.

"Damn it!" Kai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "The gap is too big."

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