Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Orange what mountain?

The day after Feng Huo and the others left the Konoha Camp in the Second Battlefield, they ran into Jiraiya by accident. Somewhat indecent. .

"Minato, Zhenhong, where are you going?" Zilai also asked casually, picking his nostrils.

"Teacher, we are going to the first battlefield to support Oshemaru-sama." Namikaze Minato replied.

"That's it." Zilai said without any doubt, "I just came out from there, and I'm going to visit the second battlefield, well, that's it."

Then he left abruptly.

"As expected of Master Ziraiya!"

"After all, it is the legendary Sannin, this momentum is really impressive."

The ninjas in Anbu murmured to each other, and each circle looked like a mystery boy.

The corners of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, and digging your nostrils can also dig out your momentum? Can you chase stars with a brain?

The group continued on the road, and arrived at the Konoha camp in the first battlefield two days later.

Orochimaru came out to greet him in person, with a slight indifferent smile on his golden vertical pupils.

"Minato, seal the fire, hehe, thank you very much for coming to reinforce, with you here, it will be easier to deal with sand ninja."

After not seeing each other for a while, Feng Huo noticed that Dashewan's temperament became more and more feminine, and when he squinted his eyes, it made people feel chills down the spine.

'Isn't this guy already a woman? '

Feng Huo then shook his head, "Oshemaru should have successfully reincarnated into a woman after betraying Konoha. '

"Master Orochimaru, this is what we should do." Namakaze Minato answered, "If there is anything we need to do, please just ask."

Orochimaru nodded slightly, his gaze had already fallen on Fenghuo's eyes.

'Um? Three Gouyu Sharingan? '

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes again, "Maintaining the three-god jade state will consume chakra, this guy...is he deliberately showing off in front of me?" '

'Hmph, but sooner or later it was my eyes! '

Orochimaru said a few more words calmly, and then arranged tents for Namikaze Minato and others.

As Sand Ninja's actions became more and more unscrupulous, Orochimaru had a premonition that the decisive battle was coming.

On this day, he summoned Yamanaka Kaiichi, Namikaze Minato, Yuhi Mako and others to discuss this matter.

Orochimaru never likes to talk nonsense, and he just dried the goods when he came up: "According to the intelligence, the sand ninjas have concentrated all their supplies near Kikyo Mountain, and their elite ninjas have also gathered nearby, and the day of the decisive battle is not far away."

Makoto Yuhi said: "We must not let the sand ninja gather!"

"That's right, if Sand Ninja gathers all their forces together, even if we can win, I'm afraid it will be a miserable victory!" Kaiichi Yamanaka pondered, "We can launch a surprise attack in advance, as long as we win Mount Kikyo, we will win this war !"

"But it is not easy to capture Kikyo Mountain." Yuhi Zhenhong frowned, "We don't even know the basic situation there."

Orochimaru smiled: "Haiyi's suggestion is very good, as long as we take Kikyo Mountain before Sand Shinobi is ready, the victory of this war will belong to us, but Zhenhong is right, we are currently on Kikyo Mountain Shan has too little information, so..."

Namikaze Minato suddenly stood up and interrupted Orochimaru: "Master Orochimaru, I am willing to go to Kikyo Mountain to collect information!"

Seeing him take the initiative to invite Ying, Orochimaru was overjoyed, but his face was still calm: "Minato, this task is very dangerous, are you sure?"

Namikaze Minato nodded firmly.

He decided to compete for the position of Hokage, but he was born as a commoner and did not have a prominent family background. His backer Jiraiya was also at the same time as Orochimaru, and he was very inconspicuous. Why should he compete with Orochimaru and Danzo?

There is only one way in front of Namikaze Minato, and that is to make great achievements on the battlefield!

"Since you have made your decision, then I agree!" Orochimaru smiled, "Do you need help?"

"Seal the fire." Bo Feng Shuimen said.

After seeing the horror of the kaleidoscope, Minato Namikaze trusted Fenghuo very much.

Unless Jigengshan has a tailed beast, no one can stop his combination with Fenghuo.

Yes, that's how confident you are.

Of course, Orochimaru had no reason to object, and said: "No problem, but this mission must not be discovered by sand ninja, otherwise the consequences will be very serious! You should understand this!"

Namikaze Minato nodded.

Yuhi Zhenhong was a little uneasy.

There are countless sand ninja gathered at Kikyo Mountain, but he dare not go deep!

Namikaze Minato has Flying Thunder God, even if found, he can escape smoothly, but what about Fenghuo?

Yuhi Zhenhong opened his mouth, but swallowed the words again.

Because he realized that this was a war, and in order to win, they had to bear any price!

After the meeting ended, Orochimaru left Namikaze Minato alone, and told him some things before letting him leave.

"Then, I'll just wait and see."

A smile gradually overflowed from the corner of Orochimaru's mouth.

When Namikaze Minato found Fenghuo, he found that the latter was doing strange movements, scraping his hands around the eye sockets.

"Fenghuo, what are you doing?" Namikaze Minato asked in surprise.

"Do eye exercises." Feng Huo said calmly.

Namikaze Minato's expression changed: "Eye exercises? Are you practicing Sharingan?"

"Brother Shuimen, I suddenly found out that you are the 6th in the village!" Feng Huo rubbed his eyes, feeling that his eyesight had recovered.

Namikaze Minato smiled and got down to business: "We have a new mission."


"Collect information on Mount Kikyo!" Minato Namikaze said solemnly.

"What mountain is orange?"

"Mountain Kikyo."

"What kind of mountain?"

"Mountain Kikyo!"

"What mountain is Kikyo?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes twitched: "Fenghuo, are your ears okay?"

Fenghuo looked at him speechlessly~www.readwn.com~ Kikyo-san, your uncle, in the original book, Konoha relied on Kikyo-san to defeat Sand Shinobi!

Let them collect information on Mount Kikyo...

He didn't even need to think about how dangerous that place was.

"Brother Shuimen, this mission should be very dangerous, right?" Feng Huo asked.

"Now the sand ninjas are planning a decisive battle. They have gathered all their supplies near Kikyo Mountain and gathered a lot of sand ninjas. We must collect enough information, and then before they are ready, we will raid Kikyo Mountain and completely wipe out the sand ninjas. beat!"

Namikaze Minato's sky-blue pupils seemed to be glowing, "If this war ends with our victory, the entire battlefield will be tilted to our side!"

Feng Huo thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, when will we leave?"

Since it is collecting information, of course there is no need to fight, otherwise if they are discovered, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of sand ninja. Once they speed up at that time, the consequences will be serious.

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