Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 223: No more chopping, dried persimmon ghost shark

For this intelligence gathering mission, there were only Namakaze Minato and Fenghuo. The two of them traveled lightly and set off secretly that night.

Bypassing the sand ninja camp, the two went out day and night. As they went deeper, they encountered more and more sand ninjas. Sometimes they could avoid them, but sometimes they could only fight hard. But if they killed them, the sand ninjas would surely Noticing, fortunately, the illusion of sealing the fire at this time is enough to make them forget what happened to them.

About half a month later, they arrived at their destination smoothly.

Jigeng Mountain is a big mountain, but it is not high, and the **** is relatively gentle. From a distance, people as small as ants can be seen walking around on it.

"There are so many people." The three gouyu in Feng Huo's eyes instantly turned into black and red pentagrams, and the slightly blurred picture gradually became clear. "It seems that many of them are ordinary people, and there are also many children."

Namikaze Minato said: "It should be Sand Ninja's logistics. Don't worry about these people. Let's check the outside defense first."

The two approached cautiously, and sure enough, they found many hidden stakes, and sand ninjas were lurking. They carefully recorded the positions of the hidden stakes, and then bypassed these hidden stakes and continued to lurk.

Going forward, they found that Sand Shinobi's defenses were getting tighter, and there was no gap for them to go deeper, so the two circled Kikyo Mountain to get familiar with the hidden piles around them.

This touch took several days.

At the same time, the Mist Ninja Battlefield in the Nation of Fire.

In the corner of the Mist Ninja camp, Ao's right eye has been successfully transplanted with white eyes, but he dare not disclose it yet, otherwise the Hyuga clan will kill him at all costs to get back white eyes.

So, he put on a blindfold.

"Qing, what happened to your eyes?" A companion asked curiously.

"It was rubbed during the battle before, and it will be cured soon." Qing changed the subject, "I heard that Mizukage-sama has arrived, is this true?"

"Hey, you heard that too?"

A few more mists came over from the side, and talked together curiously.

"I heard that kid is coming too!"

"Little devil? Do you mean not to kill that guy again?"

"Isn't it him! It's unreasonable to kill all the companions in the same period."

"However, Mizukage-sama seems to value him very much. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen have suffered heavy losses this time. Mizukage-sama intends to let him inherit a ninja sword!"

"Damn, how can this kind of person deserve to have a ninja knife!"

At this time, a little boy in his early 1.3 meters came over with a cold face: "Are you talking about me?"

Qing and the others looked back, isn't it just that the peach land will not be cut again?

"If you don't cut it, it's not polite to eavesdrop on someone else's speech!"

"It's too rude, if you don't cut it off, you should apologize to us!"

"Hmph, is it because you want me to apologize? It seems that the fighting on the battlefield has not eliminated your innocence!" Zai Buzhan sneered.

"Little devil, you are so arrogant!" Qing also couldn't stand it anymore.

Bu Zhan sneered again, turned and left disdainfully.

What a waste of time talking to these people.

Continue to move forward without chopping, and soon came to a remote tent, he went in directly, and saw a person sleeping soundly on a bed, beside the bed, there was a huge weapon wrapped in white cloth.

"Are you the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost?" Zai Buzhan squinted his eyes and looked at the weapon, "This is your Ninja Sword, Sharkis?"


The quilt was lifted, revealing a tall and strong man wrapped in white bandages, with long orange hair messily scattered behind his head.

"Little devil, who allowed you to come in!"

As if feeling the master's anger, the shark muscles beside the bed trembled slightly.

"Get out!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost said angrily.

"It's really violent, hehehe." Then he cut his hands and put them in his pockets, "But don't worry, I'm not interested in your shark muscles."

"What did you say?!" The watermelon mountain puffer ghost couldn't bear the arrogance of not cutting any more, so he grabbed the shark muscle at that time. In an instant, the shark muscle suddenly became bigger, bursting the white cloth, and a strange aura spread rapidly in the tent.

No longer aware of it, he asked proudly: "Tell me, the whereabouts of the beheading sword! I have taken a fancy to that ninja sword!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost narrowed his eyes slightly, but the anger in his chest slowly disappeared.

In the battle that day, he clearly remembered that that **** Loquat Shizang actually used him as a meat shield, causing him to almost die on the spot. Even if he escaped by relying on his shark muscles, his injuries were extremely serious, and his self-cultivation has not improved yet. Fast!

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost hates loquat ten possessions, so naturally it's a big deal!

He had already made up his mind that once Loquat Shizang appeared, he would kill him with his own hands!

However, I don't know if Loquat Juzang is guilty or something else, but he hasn't returned to the Mist Ninja camp since that battle.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost didn't intend to tell these things and never kill him again. He was one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and what kind of **** is this kid in front of him? Dare to speak like this in front of him, if not for the serious injury now, he would have gone over and swallowed him a long time ago!

"I'll say it again, get out!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost roared.

No longer cut his eyes and looked cold: "It seems that you still don't know your current situation."

He walked in slowly, took out a handful of kunai in his hand, and twirled it flexibly in his hand, "The injury is so serious, you shouldn't be able to do it anymore, right? Mizukage-sama won't blame me for dying here, huh Ha ha."

"Hey, hey, I can't let you kill him." A tall figure suddenly walked in from outside the tent. This person was dressed in navy blue, with a shark-like head and a mouth full of sharp teeth, which was daunting.

Feeling the aura behind him, Buzhan suddenly stiffened all over: "Who are you?"

"Ganshi Guishui is the confidant of Mr. Fugu Guishui." Qianshi Guishui looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Little ghost, get out, or I will kill you!"

Dried persimmon ghost shark has been carrying out various dark missions for Wuyin Village all these years, so his evil spirit is three points colder than that of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost!

A fierce light flashed in Buzhan's eyes~www.readwn.com~ and directly kicked the dried persimmon ghost with a roundabout kick.

Dried persimmon ghost smiled, and gently stretched out his hand to block the attack. And that kunai was automatically stopped by the shark muscle.

'What a fine knife. ’ Longing flashed in the eyes of the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Then he looked at Zabuzhan: "Little ghost, after two years of graduating from Ninja Academy, do you think you are someone special? You are still far behind!"

The dried persimmon ghost made a move in an instant, and directly pulled Zaibu upside down, and then smashed it out fiercely.


The earthquake rang, and if he didn't cut him off, he was smashed to pieces, and he didn't get up for half the salary.


Zai Buzhan staggered to stand up enduring the pain, his eyes were already bloodshot at some point, "I remember you, Ganshiguixie!"

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark turned his head slightly, his mouth showed ferocious sharp teeth, and said coldly: "Get lost!"

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