Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 239: end

"Call Fenfu quickly, only he can stop this demon god!"

"No! Fenfu can't control Shouhe at all. Once out of control, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Don't you want to watch this monster kill us all!"

"He must be stopped!"

Chiyo became a living dead, Ebino was chased and killed by Susano, and the elders who were in charge stood by the side with a gloomy face, looking at me and you from time to time, staring at each other, not daring to take it easy make decision.

Unleashing the Tailed Beast is cool for a while, but what about the consequences?

Once the Tailed Beast gets out of control, it will kill the enemy regardless of ourselves. I don't know how many sand ninjas will die tragically. If this matter is reported to the village, who will bear the responsibility?

It can only be the elders who give orders, and when the time comes, all of them will have to step down!

"Wait! With such a powerful demon elephant, Uchiha Fenghuo will definitely not be able to fight for a long time!"

"That's right, we just need to wait until he is exhausted, there is no need to release Shuhe at all!"

The group of elders talked more and more vigorously, pointing to the increasingly approaching Susano to inspire the words, the dung Uchiha Madara back then.

"Even Uchiha Madara is not invincible, let alone just a young Uchiha!"

"His pupil power and chakra can't last too long!"

Looking at the stubborn expressions on the faces of the elders, Luo Sha's heart sank. At this time, these elders actually pinned their hopes on Uchiha's lack of Chakra?

How absurd is this!

boom! !

At the foot of Mount Jigeng, Fenghuo blasted out a huge pothole with a copper hammer again, and the ground fissures around the hole stretched towards Mount Jigeng like a spider web, shaking the whole mountain to buzz.

Namikaze Minato stood on Susano's shoulders, and he could feel the power of Susano the most. Along the way, the sand ninjas around him were frightened and angry, and they didn't know how many ninjutsu poured on Susano, but look Fenghuo's expression, these ninjutsu seem to be not even itching!

As for the attack, it was even more perverted. Who can stop the two copper hammers falling? Ebino and Sand Ninja Anbu elites had no power to resist at all, only to be slaughtered.

However, looking at the blood overflowing from Fenghuo's eyes, Minato Namikaze realized something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped Fenghuo and asked him to turn off the kaleidoscope.

Fenghuo hesitated for a while, and he looked down. After a few hammers, the ground cracked, and there were cracks and holes everywhere. The mountains, rocks and trees were completely destroyed, and the dust and dust mixed with broken leaves and gravel filled the air like a layer of mist. , a tragic scene of extinction.

At this time, Hai Laozang didn't know where he was hiding, and he didn't show his head at all.

So Fenghuo immediately followed suit and closed the kaleidoscope, and Susano, who was as big as a mountain, quickly dissipated.

Losing their support, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato immediately fell from a high altitude.

Namikaze Minato grabbed Fenghuo whose cloudy eyes seemed to be blind, and quickly left with Fei Lei Shen.

Hai Laozang emerged from a huge crack in the ground, his face was covered with mud, and his body was covered with scars. His face was blue and white. Looking at the backs of Namikaze Minato and Feng Huo leaving, he was both angry and scared.

"Uchiha... seal the fire!"

Obviously he wanted to avenge his sister, but he didn't expect to be beaten into such a virtue. He looked around, saw the messy mountain forest, and his companions who had suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, Orochimaru stood behind the battlefield with an extremely serious expression.

He guessed yesterday that Sand Ninja would take revenge on Fenghuo, but he didn't expect that the ending would be like this.

But this is an extremely precious opportunity for him!

"This war is about to end!"

Susanoo's horror has cast a huge shadow in the hearts of all sand ninjas at this time, and this is the best time to defeat sand ninjas.

Orochimaru immediately sent an order to attack across the board, and at the same time sent people back to the temporary stronghold to summon all the ninjas who could participate in the battle to the battlefield, and swarmed towards Kikyo Mountain.

At this time, Namikaze Minato had left the battlefield with Fenghuo.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Minato Namakaze asked solemnly, "Will the pupil technique just now hurt Sharingan?"

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, the world in front of him seemed to be doubled, only by squinting could he see clearly.

Fenghuo knew that his eyesight had declined again. Susano in the fourth form was too powerful to move mountains and seas. Correspondingly, the consumption of pupil power and chakra was also extremely terrifying. Fenghuo was panting, and his mind All kinds of thoughts came in one after another.

For a while, I was terrified that my future would be a blind uncle, and for a while, I was worried that Uchiha Madara would attract the attention of Uchiha Madara after this war.

Namikaze Minato knocked his head hard, only to wake him up.

"Hiss, Brother Shuimen, it hurts." Feng Huo smiled wryly.

"Are your eyes really okay?" Namakaze Minato had already heard the sound of assembly from the battlefield, and with his intelligence, he quickly guessed that Orochimaru planned to complete his work in one battle, and was about to seal the fire at an angle. It seems that Yu Wei has completely captured the Bellflower Mountain.

"It's just a little uncomfortable, nothing else." Feng Huo knew that no one could help him, so it was useless to make others worry.

And once it reaches the ears of Orochimaru and Danzo, they may assign you crazy dangerous tasks and let you keep using the kaleidoscope until you go blind.

Seeing that Fenghuo didn't want to say more, Namikaze Minato sighed and let him rest here.

"The trapped beast is still fighting, brother Shuimen, you have to be careful."

Seeing Namikaze Minato leave, Fenghuo immediately began to do eye exercises seriously.

One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, one more time.

After doing it five times in a row, he sat down to restore Chakra after sealing the fire.

At the same time, at the foot of Kikyo Mountain, a large number of Konoha ninjas attacked frantically, and all kinds of ninjutsu were thrown towards Sand Ninja's head like fireworks.

Fenghuo completely shattered Sand Ninja's inner defense with Susano, and Orochimaru gathered all ninjas capable of fighting, and directly hit the battle line to the foot of Kikyo Mountain.

"My lord, we can't hold it any longer!"

Someone reported to Hai Laozang.

But at this time, Ebizo was covered in blood, his face was numb, and he was immersed in Susano's terror.

The other elders looked at each other~www.readwn.com~ all of them looked ugly.

"Oshemaru is such a despicable guy!"

"Retreat, if you continue to fight, all of us will die!"

"No! I don't agree! Once we retreat, all supplies on Mount Kikyo will belong to Konoha!"

"If we can't take it away, we will destroy it directly!"

"Destroy? Are you kidding me? These materials are obtained by gathering the resources of the entire village. Without these materials, we will not be able to fight this war at all!"

"The daimyo also made it clear that he can no longer support our supplies."

"At a time like this, shouldn't someone let Zhu Li come out?"

"Hmph, Uchiha's Sharingan can control tailed beasts, have you forgotten!"

"Oh, lost, we lost again."


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