Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 240: 0 puzzled

"Sneaker Snake Hand!"

Killing Sand Ninja who had no fighting intentions in front of him, Orochimaru looked at the battle around him, with a smile on his thin and white face, "It's finally over!"

He walked up the Jigeng Mountain step by step, the soil under his feet was already soaked in blood, and he could hear the sound of blood and soil squeezing when he stepped on it!

Although Fenghuo used Susano to break through the sand ninja line and also defeated the sand ninja's fighting spirit, but Konoha hit the entire front to Kikyo Mountain, and then killed and maimed the sand ninja, which still paid a lot of casualties !

But it's all worth it!

The overall situation has been decided, and there is no point in recreating killings. Orochimaru ordered all the living sand ninjas to be arrested. In the future, no matter whether they do experiments by themselves or ask Sand Hidden Village to redeem them with money, it will be a huge income!

Afterwards, Orochimaru personally led the people to walk towards the mountainside of Kikyo Mountain, searching the mountain while walking.

"Sure enough, he ran away!"

Orochimaru looked at the messy supplies all over the floor, and snorted coldly, "It's really decisive to choose to destroy the supplies before running away!"

"Master Orochimaru, many civilians have been found here!" A ninja reported.

"Civilians? Take them all back to the village as prisoners." Orochimaru said casually.


"Master Orochimaru, you have found the traces they left when they left!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, the question is coming, do you want to chase him down?

He looked at the messy ground all around, explaining that Sand Shinobi left in a hurry, and if he chased and killed him, he would definitely gain a lot!

As a commander, Orochimaru feels that he should hunt down, but he substituting himself into the role of Hokage unconsciously.

'Considering the series of 'compensation' issues with Sand Ninja Village after the war, it is a bit inappropriate to kill them all at this time. '

So Orochimaru decided not to hunt down.

As for those who have been captured by them, they must all be brought back to the village.

"Count the casualties!"

Orochimaru is ready to 'return to court'.

In the 43rd year of Konoha, Sand Ninja Village declared war on Konoha, and now in 46 years of Konoha, after three years, nearly ten thousand ninjas were killed and injured, and Konoha finally won the final victory!

Although Sand Hidden Village has not yet surrendered, it is only a matter of time.

From now on, Konoha can focus on Iwa Ninja and Mist Ninja!

And this battle is also a great shock to Yun Nin, I believe it will make Yun Nin, who is eyeing a tiger, not dare to invade easily.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru received the casualties of the entire Kikyo Mountain battle, and his mood suddenly sank.

Even if a strategy is added to the ninja fight, even if the sand ninja loses the fighting spirit in the end, the casualties on the frontal battlefield are still amazing. The surviving ninjas, except those who can no longer participate in the battle, even if they are all thrown into the rock ninja battlefield or the fog ninja battlefield, I am afraid Nor is it decisive.

By the time they evacuated Mount Kikyo, the chakras that had been shut off the fire had already fully recovered, and they had done eye exercises more than a dozen times, but their eyesight had not recovered.

Orochimaru looked at Fenghuo from a distance, his eyes radiated a strange light, it was a kind of gaze mixed with ambition, dream, longing, greed and many complex emotions, which made people feel chills down the spine.

Of course, everyone else was watching him too.

With Susano breaking the sand ninja front, destroying the sand ninja's fighting spirit in one fell swoop, the name of Fenghuo has spread to everyone's ears.

"That's Uchiha Fenghuo, really young, too young, he looks like a kid."

"Oh my god, that demon **** on the battlefield just now is really him?"

"Is it the pupil technique of Sharingan? No wonder it is so famous in the ninja world, it is so powerful!"

"Probably not, there are so many Uchiha people, I have never seen such a powerful pupil technique."

"It may be a forbidden technique developed by the second-generation Hokage-sama, which was passed on to him by Hokage-sama."

"That's right, it must be like this, just like Minato-sama's space-time ninjutsu!"

Listening to these words, Feng Huo didn't refute or explain, he didn't know so much that he didn't need to know, he knew so much that he didn't need to explain.

"Fenghuo, good boy, I really didn't misunderstand you!" Yuhi Zhenhong and Yamanaka Haiyi and others surrounded them. They were all wounded, but in this final battle, they all appeared on the battlefield to fight.

Namikaze Minato also walked over with a smile, with blood on his face, he was very desperate in the fight just now.

Fenghuo greeted them one by one, very polite, which relieved Xihi Zhenhong and others. They were really worried that Fenghuo would become arrogant and domineering after being so powerful and making such achievements, but obviously, it was them who thought

At this time Orochimaru also came over, with a gloomy face, and his eyes were as cold as knives, staring straight at Fenghuo: "Uchiha Fenghuo, it is undeniable that you are the biggest hero for defeating Sand Ninja in one go. But when you incarnated Susanoo, you killed many companions by mistake, you won’t deny this, right?”

Namikaze Minato and the others changed their expressions.

Makoto Yuhi hurriedly said: "Master Oshemaru, he didn't do it on purpose to seal the fire."

Kaiichi Yamanaka also stood up, "That's right, Oshemaru-sama, you have also seen how powerful that demon **** was just now, he sealed the fire..."

"That's why I said he was killed by mistake." Orochimaru interrupted him, and said with a blank face, "But even if it was a wrong kill, it can't erase this matter, Uchiha Fenghuo, you have to be prepared to deal with these ninjas Family preparations."

After speaking, Orochimaru turned and left.

Feng Huo didn't become angry from embarrassment, and lowered his head silently.

It was his fault that he got lost for a while when he activated the fourth form of Susanoo.

It is natural to bear the blame for yourself.

Whether the families of the ninjas who died at his hands hated him or forgave him, he would not escape.

Namikaze Minato suddenly came up and patted him on the shoulder lightly. The war was over, and his sky blue pupils were no longer murderous, as pure as the blue sky. "Don't worry, I'm here," he said.

"Haha, that's right, seal the fire, don't be burdened, I know you must have tried your best!" Yuhi Zhenhong also encouraged.

Feng Huo nodded slightly, but immediately thought of something.

Orochimaru deliberately ran over to say these words to himself~www.readwn.com~What does it mean?

Is he going to engage in public opinion and use public opinion to force himself like Danzo did with Hatake Sakumo?

No, no, Dashewan must be aware of his character, even if the villagers in the whole village scold him, Fenghuo won't care.

'Could it be that he wants to bring disaster to the east? '

Feng Huo glanced at Minato Namikaze who had been taking care of him on the battlefield, and even chose to stay by his side even when he was killing with Susanoo, and couldn't help frowning.

Is it for the position of Hokage again?

In his previous life, he was very clear about how powerful the medical trouble was. If Orochimaru encouraged those family members to give him to him, even Namikaze Minato made such a trouble...

Wait, still not right!

If Orochimaru really intended that, why did he tell him?

Sealing the fire is puzzling.

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