Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Do something!

Konoha Village Hokage Office.

Danzo, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Koharu were sitting in silence in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, staring straight at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The specific information about the Battle of Kikyo Mountain has been passed to them in every detail.

It stands to reason that they should all be overjoyed at the victory of the Battle of Jigeng Mountain, but at this time there is no smile on their faces.

"Hizhan, what are you going to do about the Uchiha sealing fire?" Zhuanzuo Xiaochun said, his voice was hoarse, with a chill of impatience.

"Deal with it?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, "Isn't it very clear in the intelligence that it was Fenghuo who broke the sand ninja's line and destroyed the sand ninja's fighting spirit, shouldn't we reward him!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun was so angry that he slapped the table and stood up: "Ri Zhan, you know that's not what I said!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi twitched his eyebrows slightly, and remained silent.

The office fell silent.

With half the salary, Danzo slowly said: "Susano, hehe, I really didn't expect that after Uchiha Madara, there are still Uchiha people who can evolve Sharingan to this level."

"Uchiha Madara is Uchiha Madara, sealing fire is sealing fire, Danzo, I hope you can understand this." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"The blood of the Uchiha clan flows the same blood." Danzo sneered.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to refute, but Koharu interrupted him: "Hizan, Uchiha's existence of sealing fire has seriously affected the safety of the village! Isn't Uchiha Madara's lessons learned enough?"

Mito Menyan also chimed in: "If Uchiha Fuho, like his ancestors, uses Sharingan to control Kyuubi, the entire village will be destroyed by him! He has become a huge restless factor, ready to explode at any time, Hizhan, the current Uchiha seal fire is too dangerous!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of his pipe and fell silent.

In fact, he also had a similar worry in his heart.

Moreover, the relationship between Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato is so good, and Nine-tailed Jinchuriki Kushina is Namikaze Minato's girlfriend. For Fenghuo, it is really easy to get in touch with Kushina. Once Uchiha Feng Huo knew that Kushina was Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, would he be tempted?

Danzo saw the well-hidden worry in Sarutobi's brows and eyes, sneered in his heart, and said again: "Hi-Zan, have you read the information carefully? In the last battle, Uchiha Fuuhuo was a 'wrong kill' Quite a few companions, hehe, is it really just a mistaken killing?"

Sarutobi Hiru Zhanyan smoked even more fiercely.

"That's right, this matter must be investigated!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said seriously, "Let Orochimaru bring Uchiha back!"

"If possible, seal his Sharingan first, it's too dangerous." Mitomon Yan also suggested.

Danzo looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi expressionlessly, and said meaningfully: "Hizun, since you have decided to abdicate, you should listen to the opinions of the elders, shouldn't you?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen squinted his eyes, and finally said: "The war is not over yet, you are already suspicious of Fenghuo, are you going to cut off your limbs? Iwanin, Mistnin, and Yunnin who are eyeing you on the battlefield, can't you? Divert your attention?"

"Precisely because of this, we must control the Uchiha sealing fire!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said forcefully, "If you let the Uchiha sealing fire go, once something happens, the entire battle situation will be affected, Hiriza, this is not what you want to see screen!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking his pipe, and fell silent again.

"Then let's start the investigation from the 'wrongful killing', we must find out about this matter!" Danzo made a decision.

Seeing that he had almost finished speaking, he got up and said goodbye, and left with Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan.

"Danzo, you need to urge Hirazan more on this matter, Uchiha...this family is too dangerous." Zhuanzuo Xiaochun was still a little bit uneasy, "Hizahn is really, he can't even listen to our words!"

Danzang said with a smile: "Don't worry, this matter will definitely have a satisfactory result."

He touched his right eye, which was wrapped in a white bandage, and smiled expectantly.

In Sand Hidden Village, Country of Wind, the news of Jigeng Mountain's defeat came back, and the whole village was instantly lifeless, and a sad atmosphere spread rapidly.

Chiyo was beaten into the living dead, Ebizo was beaten to the ground, and a large number of sand ninjas and civilians were captured. The tragedy faced by Sand Hidden Village was far worse than the last ninja world war.

Even the great names from the Land of Winds wrote letters, complaining about their misfortunes, criticizing and cursing, and they were extremely angry.

You must know that Hidden Sand Village and the Nation of Winds are closely related, and Hidden Sands Village was defeated, and many war compensations were paid by the Nation of Winds!

As soon as the elders and advisors returned to the village, they shifted responsibility from each other and were unwilling to bear the responsibility for the defeat. For this reason, they immediately decided to elect the fourth Kazekage, and let the fourth Kazekage bear the responsibility for the defeat of the war!

This is not a good job, so the nobles of Sand Hidden Village retreated one after another, unwilling to run for Kazekage, and came and went, with the same blood succession limit as the third Kazekage, and at the same time, Luo Sha, who was very optimistic about Chiyo, entered the elders' advisors. line of sight.

"I see Luo Shaxing!"

"He has the magnetic escape, which is a powerful blood successor limit, and it is more than enough for him to be the fourth generation of Kazekage."

"With our assistance, Luo Sha will have no problems."

Under the united will of the elder advisory group, all the major forces in the village, as well as the names of the Kingdom of Wind, all admitted to this matter. A few days later, Luo Sha successfully succeeded the position of Feng Ying, and at the same time spread the matter to the public. The entire ninja world.

The Konoha Camp in the first battlefield of the Land of Rain.

Following the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, Orochimaru, after receiving the authorization of Sarutobi Hiruzen, sent some seriously injured ninjas back to the village, and some elite ninjas who were still able to fight were sent to the second battlefield~www.readwn.com~ As for the rest Those who were sent down remained in the camp.

Following the news of Luo Sha's succession, Orochimaru immediately sent two envoys to Sha Yin Village to discuss post-war compensation!

These two envoys, one in the front and the other in the other, are obviously Kaiichi Yamanaka and Fenghuo!

Originally, Minato Namikaze also planned to go, but unfortunately, the situation that was originally good for Konoha suddenly lost control, and the situation changed drastically. Minato Namikaze has been hastily recalled by Hiruzaru Sarutobi!

It turned out that under Konoha's operation, the results of the Battle of Kikyo Mountain had spread throughout the entire ninja world in the shortest possible time.

Wu Nin and Iwa Nin, both suspended their offensive and adopted a defensive strategy, but Yun Nin suddenly jumped out to make trouble at this time.

The third generation of Raikage concluded that Konoha had paid a very heavy price for defeating Sand Ninja, and showing off at this time was just a bluff, trying to delay time.

The third generation of Raikage killed decisively, and directly ordered Chen Bing's ninja vanguard troops at the border to enter the territory of the Land of Fire immediately!

Cloud ninja, officially declare war!

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