Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Goodbye Rosa

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The yellow sand was flying, covering the sky and the sun, as if a dark yellow curtain covered the entire sky.

There is a dry and hot breath in the air, inhaling it into the lungs is like throwing sparks into a dry fire, which can go off at any time.

The vast and boundless Gobi sand sea is just like this. Compared with the Land of Fire, which has a mild climate and is full of trees, the Land of Winds is desperately harsh both in terms of weather and terrain.

Although it is not the first time Fenghuo has entered the Land of Winds, he still has a headache for such a harsh environment.

Fortunately, the ninjas were moving extremely fast. After more than half a month of trekking, Konoha's representative team led by Kaiichi Yamanaka and Fenghuo finally arrived at Hidden Sand Village smoothly.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar village in front of him, Fenghuo was so boring that he couldn't even raise his energy.

In fact, he didn't want to come at all, but it was an order given by Orochimaru after Sarutobi Hiruzane, and he couldn't disobey it.

‘Brother Minato will be sent to the north to stop Kumo Shinobi, right? I don't know what's going on now. '

"Everyone, welcome to Sand Hidden Village, I am Maji who is in charge of receiving you!"

A young man stood there with an indifferent face, looking at Feng Huo and the others expressionlessly.

Sand Hidden Village has officially announced its surrender to the Land of Fire after the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa was elected. Many sand ninjas still cannot accept such a cruel ending.

Ma Ji kept taking deep breaths to suppress the savage impulse in his heart, took Fenghuo and others into the village, arranged their accommodation, and then entertained them to eat and drink.

"I always feel that this ninja named Maki has bad intentions for us."

"That's right, the war has just ended, they won't poison us, will they?"

Konoha's ninjas muttered softly, speculating about Maji and the others maliciously.

Yamanaka Hai smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sand Shinobi has surrendered, so he won't attack us."

Then he turned his head and talked to Feng Huo: "I heard that Luo Sha of the Fourth Kazekage has the same blood succession limit as the third Kazekage. You have fought against him, what do you think of him?"

After sealing the fire, it seemed that he had just lost his mind, and said half-paid: "Luo Sha, it's not bad."

If he didn't rely on the kaleidoscope, he really wouldn't be Luo Sha's opponent. He turned on the kaleidoscope, hehe, ten Luo Shas might not be his opponent.

Feng Huo spoke without a word, and then remembered that Luo Sha was still Gaara's father, and sealed a shrine crane into the newborn Gaara, but Gaara was not born yet at this point in time.

After dinner, Fenghuo wanted to go out for a stroll, but after the defeat, Shayin Village was really depressed. Coupled with the hot weather and the sky full of yellow sand, Fenghuo went back to the house to sleep after walking less than 100 meters.

In Fengying's office, Hai Laozang has regained his energy and is discussing with Luo Sha and other elders the issue of post-war compensation.

"Konoha is not a good person, and even sent Uchiha to seal the fire, without any sincerity!"

"It's better not to say these words, in case Uchiha Fenghuo hears it, the consequences..."

"Why, does he still dare to use Susanoo in our village?"

"Master Chidai's enmity must not be forgotten, if he dares to behave wildly, hehe!"

Ebizo took a breath and said, "The issue of post-war compensation cannot be negotiated in a few days. It is impossible for Uchiha Fenghuo to stay here forever. Don't forget, Yunin has already started war against the Fire Nation!"

"Damn it, Yunin is so cunning! If they could declare war earlier, how could we be defeated by Orochimaru!"

Luo Sha was wearing a Fengying robe, and he was very impatient to see these elders still shifting the reason for the defeat to here and there, but he had just taken over Fengying and needed to rely on these people.

So he echoed and criticized Konoha's despicable and shameless deeds, and then said that he would be courteous to Uchiha for sealing the fire, but there is no need to be too humble.

In the end, Luo Sha concluded: "Yunnin declared war, and Konoha started a war on the third front again, so our negotiations can be appropriately tougher, and we can minimize losses as much as possible!"

When everyone heard that it made sense, they thought that even if there was a problem, you, the Kazekage, would be responsible for it anyway. They just followed suit, no problem, just do it!

The next day, Luo Sha personally received Haiyi Yamanaka and Feng Huo.

When we met again, Luo Sha was dressed in a Fengying robe, very sassy, ​​staring at Fenghuo with piercing eyes.

"We meet again, Uchiha Seal Fire!"

"Hehe." Feng Huo responded in a neutral tone.

Although Orochimaru sent him to Sand Hidden Village in the name of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and said that it was to oppress Sand Hidden Village, so that they would not be distracted in compensation, but it cannot be ruled out that he is suspected of killing people with a knife.

It's just that Fenghuo is not afraid at all. There is no powerful ninja beyond the shadow level in Shayin Village. With Susano, he can kill him seven times and seven times. Zhao Zilong has to kneel when he sees it.

Luo Sha's forehead showed a well of anger, he is Fengying now, but his attitude of sealing fire is not as good as before, it is simply too much!

Baby Luo Sha can't stand this grievance!

His eyeballs moved slightly ~www.readwn.com~ intending to have a small seizure to test their reaction.

But Yamanaka Kai stepped forward with a smile, blocked Luo Sha's view of Fenghuo, and said, "Master Kazekage, I think we can negotiate a little bit about the post-war compensation."

Helpless, Luo Sha could only put away his small calculations and said, "About this point, Maji will negotiate with you later. For the future of both of us, I hope that the amount of compensation can take into account the specific situation of our country. Please don't make too much noise." Speak."

Yamanaka Kaiichi smiled slightly, and said, "Of course, this is also what Hokage-sama entrusted to me."

"That's good."

The two talked about some unnutritious words, and they hated each other. Luo Sha asked Ma Ji to entertain them and negotiate post-war compensation.

When Yamanaka Haiyi and Feng Huo left, a woman with a big belly came in, it was Luo Sha's wife Jia Luluo.

"Luo Sha, how are you talking?"

"Maki is talking to them." Luo Sha came over to support Jia Luluo.

"Markey? He's so young, will he..."

"It is precisely because he is young that we let him talk. First, we can test the other party's bottom line. Second, even if the discussion fails, it will not affect the overall situation. After all, he is just an irrelevant person." Luo Sha smiled and said, "Of course, if we can negotiate, I will use him again."

Garura asked a few more questions, and suddenly said, "Have you thought about the name of the child? Our first child is called Temari, what about the second child?"

Luo Sha pondered, "Let's call him Kankuro."

Jia Luluo was dissatisfied: "To be honest, you started it casually, you didn't care at all!"

"Hey, Garura, I'm Kazekage right now, and I'm very busy with work. In this way, let you choose the name of the third child, okay?"

"Well, it's settled!"

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